Yth, Pak FahmiTerima kasih informasinya, dan maaf saya masih di futong翻訳 - Yth, Pak FahmiTerima kasih informasinya, dan maaf saya masih di futong英語言う方法

Yth, Pak FahmiTerima kasih informas

Yth, Pak Fahmi
Terima kasih informasinya, dan maaf saya masih di futong.
Namun dalam kesempatan ini saya coba sharing informasi sbb;
1. Engine oil level jika mengacu pada smr unit transmit pada saat ganti oli engine.
2. Hyd oil overheat, jika melihat serial no unit prosesnya adalah permulaan harvesting sehingga banyak serangga dan daun yag menempel pada net luar, dan biasanya jika engine dimatikan akan turun/lepas serangga dan daun.
Namun karena belum melihat berapa lamanya waktu overheat maka masih perlu didiskusikan lagi.
Dan mengenai 2 caution diatas mohon pencerahannya berapa lama waktu caution tersebut dan dianggap bahwa customer tidak melakukan maintenance dengan baik.

Demikian dan terima kasih

EdyYth, Pak Fahmi
Terima kasih informasinya, dan maaf saya masih di futong.
Namun dalam kesempatan ini saya coba sharing informasi sbb;
1. Engine oil level jika mengacu pada smr unit transmit pada saat ganti oli engine.
2. Hyd oil overheat, jika melihat serial no unit prosesnya adalah permulaan harvesting sehingga banyak serangga dan daun yag menempel pada net luar, dan biasanya jika engine dimatikan akan turun/lepas serangga dan daun.
Namun karena belum melihat berapa lamanya waktu overheat maka masih perlu didiskusikan lagi.
Dan mengenai 2 caution diatas mohon pencerahannya berapa lama waktu caution tersebut dan dianggap bahwa customer tidak melakukan maintenance dengan baik.

Demikian dan terima kasih

EdyYth, Pak Fahmi
Terima kasih informasinya, dan maaf saya masih di futong.
Namun dalam kesempatan ini saya coba sharing informasi sbb;
1. Engine oil level jika mengacu pada smr unit transmit pada saat ganti oli engine.
2. Hyd oil overheat, jika melihat serial no unit prosesnya adalah permulaan harvesting sehingga banyak serangga dan daun yag menempel pada net luar, dan biasanya jika engine dimatikan akan turun/lepas serangga dan daun.
Namun karena belum melihat berapa lamanya waktu overheat maka masih perlu didiskusikan lagi.
Dan mengenai 2 caution diatas mohon pencerahannya berapa lama waktu caution tersebut dan dianggap bahwa customer tidak melakukan maintenance dengan baik.

Demikian dan terima kasih

ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Designation, Mr. FahmiThanks for the information, and sorry I was at futong.But in this occasion I tried sharing information are as follows;1. Engine oil level if refers to the smr unit transmits at a time when oil change engine.2. Hyd oil overheat, if viewed the no series unit process is the beginning of harvesting so many insects and leaves attached to the net beyond yag, and usually if the engine is turned off will go down/off insects and leaves.However, because haven't seen how long time overheat then still need to be discussed again.And regarding the above caution please enlightenment 2 How long it took the caution and considered that the customer does not perform maintenance properly.And thank youGreetings,EdyYth, Mr. FahmiThanks for the information, and sorry I was at futong.But in this occasion I tried sharing information are as follows;1. Engine oil level if refers to the smr unit transmits at a time when oil change engine.2. Hyd oil overheat, if viewed the no series unit process is the beginning of harvesting so many insects and leaves attached to the net beyond yag, and usually if the engine is turned off will go down/off insects and leaves.However, because haven't seen how long time overheat then still need to be discussed again.And regarding the above caution please enlightenment 2 How long it took the caution and considered that the customer does not perform maintenance properly.And thank youGreetings,EdyYth, Mr. FahmiThanks for the information, and sorry I was at futong.But in this occasion I tried sharing information are as follows;1. Engine oil level if refers to the smr unit transmits at a time when oil change engine.2. Hyd oil overheat, if viewed the no series unit process is the beginning of harvesting so many insects and leaves attached to the net beyond yag, and usually if the engine is turned off will go down/off insects and leaves.However, because haven't seen how long time overheat then still need to be discussed again.And regarding the above caution please enlightenment 2 How long it took the caution and considered that the customer does not perform maintenance properly.And thank youGreetings,Edy
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Dear, Mr. Fahmi
Thank you for the information, and I am still in futong sorry.
But on this occasion I am trying to share information as follows;
1. Engine oil level when referring to smr unit transmits the current engine oil change.
2. Hyd oil overheat, if you see the serial no is the beginning of the harvesting process unit so many insects and leaf yag net attached to the outside, and usually if the engine will shut down / off insects and leaves.
However, because not see how the length of time overheat it still needs to be discussed again .
And about 2 caution above please enlightenment how long the caution and considered that the customer does not perform well maintenance. Similarly, and thanks Regards, EdyYth, Mr. Fahmi Thank you for the information, and I am still in futong sorry. But on this occasion I try sharing information as follows; 1. Engine oil level when referring to smr unit transmits the current engine oil change. 1. Engine oil level when referring to smr unit transmits the current engine oil change. 2. Hyd oil overheat, if you see the serial no is the beginning of the harvesting process unit so many insects and leaf yag net attached to the outside, and usually if the engine will shut down / off insects and leaves. However, because not see how the length of time overheat it still needs to be discussed again . And about 2 caution above please enlightenment how long the caution and considered that the customer does not perform well maintenance. Similarly, and thanks Regards, EdyYth, Mr. Fahmi Thank you for the information, and I am still in futong sorry. But on this occasion I try sharing information as follows; 1. Engine oil level when referring to smr unit transmits the current engine oil change. 1. Engine oil level when referring to smr unit transmits the current engine oil change. 2. Hyd oil overheat, if you see the serial no is the beginning of the harvesting process unit so many insects and leaf yag net attached to the outside, and usually if the engine will shut down / off insects and leaves. However, because not see how the length of time overheat it still needs to be discussed again . And about 2 caution above please enlightenment how long the caution and considered that the customer does not perform well maintenance. Similarly, and thanks Regards, EdyYth, Mr. Fahmi Thank you for the information, and I am still in futong sorry. But on this occasion I try sharing information as follows; 1. Engine oil level when referring to smr unit transmits the current engine oil change. However, because not see how the length of time overheat it still needed to be discussed again. And about 2 caution above please enlightenment how long the caution and considered that the customer does not perform well maintenance. Similarly, and thanks Regards, EdyYth, Mr. Fahmi Thank you for the information, and sorry I was still in futong. But on this occasion I am trying to share information as follows; 1. Engine oil level when referring to smr unit transmits the current engine oil change. However, because not see how the length of time overheat it still needed to be discussed again. And about 2 caution above please enlightenment how long the caution and considered that the customer does not perform well maintenance. Similarly, and thanks Regards, EdyYth, Mr. Fahmi Thank you for the information, and sorry I was still in futong. But on this occasion I am trying to share information as follows; 1. Engine oil level when referring to smr unit transmits the current engine oil change.

2. Hyd oil overheat, if you see the serial no is the beginning of the harvesting process unit so many insects and leaf yag net attached to the outside, and usually if the engine will shut down / off insects and leaves.
However, because not see how the length of time it is still necessary to overheat discussed again.
And about 2 caution above please enlightenment how long the caution and considered that the customer does not perform well maintenance. Similarly, and thanks Regards, EdyYth, Mr. Fahmi Thank you for the information, and I am still in futong sorry. But on this occasion I try to share information as follows; 1. Engine oil level when referring to smr unit transmits the current engine oil change. 2. Hyd oil overheat, if you see the serial no is the beginning of the harvesting process unit so many insects and leaf yag net attached to the outside, and usually if the engine will shut down / off insects and leaves. However, because not see how the length of time overheat it still needs to be discussed again .

And about 2 caution above please enlightenment how long the caution and considered that the customer does not perform well maintenance. Similarly, and thanks Regards, Edy

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