Kenapa informasi ini saya terima setelah saya kirim email pak, seharus翻訳 - Kenapa informasi ini saya terima setelah saya kirim email pak, seharus英語言う方法

Kenapa informasi ini saya terima se

Kenapa informasi ini saya terima setelah saya kirim email pak, seharusnya Bapak bisa kabari saya sebelumnya,
Dan saya bisa informasikan hal ini ke buyer.
Pak yanto sendiri yang buat janji sebelum lilburan lebaran system sudah selesai dan dapat diinstal di Ricky.
Setelah lebaran tanggal berapa pak Yanto mau install..
Butuh berapa lama lagi program tersebut selesai.
ソース言語: -
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Why is this information I received after I sent an email pak, supposed Father could inform me before,And I can inform this to the buyer.Mr. yanto alone who made the promise before the lebaran lilburan system is complete and can be installed in Ricky.After the Idul fitri holiday dates how to install Yanto. Pack.Need how much longer the program finished.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Why do I receive this information after I send emails pack, should Mr could let me know before,
and I can inform this to the buyer.
Pak Yanto alone make an appointment before lilburan Eid system has been completed and can be installed in Ricky.
After Eid on how the pack Yanto want to install ..
It took how long the program is completed.
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