Suci, suci, suciTuhan mahakuasaDikau kami puji di pagi yang teduhSuci,翻訳 - Suci, suci, suciTuhan mahakuasaDikau kami puji di pagi yang teduhSuci,英語言う方法

Suci, suci, suciTuhan mahakuasaDika

Suci, suci, suci
Tuhan mahakuasa
Dikau kami puji di pagi yang teduh
Suci, suci, suci
Murah dan perkasa
Allah Tritunggal agung nama-Mu

Segala pujian bagi-Mu
Segenap nafas muliakan-Mu
Surga bumi kan berseru
Kuduslah Tuhan nama-Mu

Suci, suci, suci
Kaum kudus tersungkur
Di depan tahta-Mu memberi mahkota-Nya
Segenap malaikat
Sujud menyembah-Mu
Tuhan, yang ada selama-lamanya
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Holy, Holy, Holy God Almighty

Ee we praise in the morning shade
Sacred, sacred, Holy and mighty Cheap

great triune God thy name

all praise Thy
All thy
exalt the breath of heaven on Earth is the Holy Lord's cry

Holy, Holy, Holy Holy Clan

slumped in front of the throne of thy gave the Crown to his Angel

All bow down thy
God, who is ever
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Holy, holy, holy
God almighty
we praise Thee in the morning shade
Holy, holy, holy
and mighty Cheap
Triune God exalted thy name All praise be yours All the breath glorify Thy Heaven right earth cry out thy name Holy Lord Holy, holy , holy holy tribe fell down in front of the throne of thy give his crown All the angels bow down thy God, that is for ever

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