Wahyu menuturkan, personel yang disiagakan untuk melakukan pengawasan dan penjagaan yakni dari juru pelihara dan petugas keamanan situs. Juru pelihara akan berkonsentrasi khusus di kebersihan situs, lalu petugas keamanan memastikan tidak ada tangan-tangan jahil yang melakukan perusakan, misalnya mencoret-coret situs.
Sebab, imbuhnya, bukan tidak mungkin selama liburan nanti akan ada aksi vandalisme. Seperti yang beberapa waktu lalu terjadi, Pojok Beteng Kulon dicoret-coret.
Revelation speaks, the personnel was alerted to conduct supervision and care of IE from the interpreter and security officers keep the site. Keep the interpreter will concentrate specifically on the cleanliness of the site, then the security officer made sure none of the hands of the ignorant who did the tampering, such as scratching on the site.The reason, he added, it is not impossible for a vacation later there will be action on vandalism. As some time ago happened, Beteng Kulon dicoret-coret.

Wahyu said, personnel are alerted to the supervision and custody of the interpreter and maintain site security officer. Interpreters will maintain a special focus on the cleanliness of the site, and security guards make sure no ignorant hands were vandalized, such as scribbling the site. Therefore, he added, it is not impossible for the holidays will be no vandalism. As some time ago happened, Corner Beteng Kulon was often painted.