Problem] To provide a coal-fired power generation plant that not only 翻訳 - Problem] To provide a coal-fired power generation plant that not only 日本語言う方法

Problem] To provide a coal-fired po

Problem] To provide a coal-fired power generation plant that not only recovers latent heat condensation from dry exhaust gas generated by drying facilities that dry coal in advance, but also is configured so that the amount of steam that flows in the final stage of a steam turbine does not materially differ from design values. [Solution] A coal-fired power generation plant comprising an indirect heat dryer (1) that has a heat medium flow channel in a housing and that indirectly heats coal brought into the housing using steam fed to the heat medium flow channel, thus drying the coal; a coal-firing boiler (3) that burns coal to generate steam; and a steam turbine (6) that generates power using the steam from the boiler (3). The boiler feedwater for the coal-firing boiler (3) is waste-heated using the extracted steam extracted from the steam turbine (6). The coal-fired power generation plant is provided with a system for using a portion of the extracted steam as the heating steam of the indirect heat dryer (1); a condenser (5) of the steam turbine (6); a wet scrubber (11) provided with a dry exhaust gas path from the indirect heat dryer (1); and heat recovery and heat exchange devices (22) (24) that perform heat exchange between the circulation water of the wet scrubber (11) and the condensation water of the condenser (5), wherein the condensation water that recovered the heat from the dry exhaust gas through the heat recovery and heat exchange devices (22) (24) is used to waste-heat the boiler feedwater.
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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
問題] 石炭火力発電プラント潜熱蓄熱乾燥炭を事前に乾燥施設によって生成される凝縮乾燥排気ガスから回復するだけでなくもが構成されているので、蒸気タービンの最終段階に流れる蒸気の量は著しく異ならない設計値を提供するために。[解決策]石炭火力発電プラント、間接加熱乾燥機 (1) 住宅熱中型の流れチャネルを持っていると直接蒸気石炭; 従って乾燥熱中型の流れチャネルに供給を使用して住宅に持って来られる石炭を熱することを含むスチーム; 生成する石炭を燃焼石炭燃焼ボイラー (3)電力を生成する蒸気タービン (6)、蒸気ボイラー (3) から。石炭 3 廃棄物を発生させるボイラ用ボイラー給水は蒸気タービン (6) から抽出された抽出の蒸気を使用して加熱されます。間接加熱乾燥機 (1); の暖房蒸気として抽出された蒸気の部分を使用するため、石炭火力発電所は、システムに付属します。蒸気タービン (6); のコンデンサー (5)間接加熱乾燥機 (1); から乾燥排気ガス パスで提供されるぬれたスクラバー (11)・熱回収・熱交換器 (22) (24) ぬれたスクラバー (11) の循環水と前記熱回収熱回収と熱交換器 (22) (24) を通じて乾燥排気ガスから凝縮水の廃棄物熱に使用されるコンデンサー (5) の凝縮水の熱交換を実行するボイラー給水。
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
Problem] To provide a coal-fired power generation plant that not only recovers latent heat condensation from dry exhaust gas generated by drying facilities that dry coal in advance, but also is configured so that the amount of steam that flows in the final stage of a steam turbine does not materially differ from design values. [Solution] A coal-fired power generation plant comprising an indirect heat dryer (1) that has a heat medium flow channel in a housing and that indirectly heats coal brought into the housing using steam fed to the heat medium flow channel, thus drying the coal; a coal-firing boiler (3) that burns coal to generate steam; and a steam turbine (6) that generates power using the steam from the boiler (3). The boiler feedwater for the coal-firing boiler (3) is waste-heated using the extracted steam extracted from the steam turbine (6). The coal-fired power generation plant is provided with a system for using a portion of the extracted steam as the heating steam of the indirect heat dryer (1); a condenser (5) of the steam turbine (6); a wet scrubber (11) provided with a dry exhaust gas path from the indirect heat dryer (1); and heat recovery and heat exchange devices (22) (24) that perform heat exchange between the circulation water of the wet scrubber (11) and the condensation water of the condenser (5), wherein the condensation water that recovered the heat from the dry exhaust gas through the heat recovery and heat exchange devices (22) (24) is used to waste-heat the boiler feedwater.
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