Melihat penampilan Iriana, mengingatkan kita pada gaya busana almarhumah Tien Soeharto di masa lalu. Sontak, opini publik pun bergulir, ada yang bernada mendukung, ada pula yang menganggap busana Iriana cenderung terlalu sederhana dan kampungan untuk sekelas ibu negara.
""Kebaya Ibu Iriana itu tidak kampungan. Kebaya beliau adalah gaya berbusana kebaya tradisional yang sesuai aturan leluhur yang dibuat dengan nilai serta filosofi mendalam,"" tegas Iwet Ramadhan, Penyiar Radio, Presenter, Penulis, dan Pengamat Busana Tradisional Indonesia.
See the appearance of Iriana, reminiscent of his late Tien Suharto's fashion style in the past. A sudden, public opinion any scrolling, there are pitched in support, some are considered fashion Iriana tend to be too simple and tacky for a classmate's mother country."" It is not the mother of Kebaya Iriana tacky. He is dressed in the style of kebaya kebaya traditional ancestral rules created with the values and philosophy of the deep, "" assertive Iwet Ramadan, Radio announcer, Presenter, author, and Fashion Observers Traditionally Indonesia.

Iriana appearance, reminiscent of the late Tien Soeharto fashion style in the past. Suddenly, the public opinion was passed, there were pitched supportive, some are considered fashion Iriana tends to be too simple and unsophisticated for the class of the mother country.
"" Mom Iriana Kebaya was not tacky. He kebaya is a traditional kebaya dress style rule matches ancestors made with profound values and philosophy, "" said Iwet Ramadan, Radio Announcer, Presenter, Author and Clothing Traditional Indonesian Observer.