Dari sinilah cikal bakal lahirnya musisi-musisi top di kancah permusik翻訳 - Dari sinilah cikal bakal lahirnya musisi-musisi top di kancah permusik英語言う方法

Dari sinilah cikal bakal lahirnya m

Dari sinilah cikal bakal lahirnya musisi-musisi top di kancah permusikan Indonesia. Pay saat itu telah bergabung bersama Slank mengisi posisi gitar, Ronald pun turut mengawaki Fargat 727 yang kemudian tergabung bersama Gigi, Rockers Andy Liany yang namanya mulai naik daun serta Once yang kelak menjadi vokalis Dewa 19 berbagi posisi vocal. Sebuah formasi band yang cukup menjanjikan dan tak lepas dari kejelian Deddy Dores yang bertidak sebagai Supervisor dari Fargat 727. Tapi sayang album “seribu angan” hanya sebuah mini album saja dan tak berlanjut dengan album selanjutnya.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
From this led to the birth of the top musicians in the entertainment scene Indonesia. Pay then it has joined Slank guitar fill the position, no matter the final hardness, Ronald Fargat 727 which then joined together with teeth, Rockers Andy Liany whose name starts rising and Once became the vocalist of Dewa 19 share the position of the vocal. A formation the band is promising and cannot off the Dores Deddy bertidak sharp as Supervisor of Fargat 727. But unfortunately the album "a thousand thinking" just a mini album and not continued with the next album.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
This is where the birth of the forerunner of the top musicians in the musical arena Indonesia. Pay by then had joined Slank fill the position of the guitar, Ronald also participated manning Fargat 727 then joined together with Gigi, Rockers Andy Liany whose names began to rise and, later, the vocalist Once Dewa 19 sharing vocal position. A band formation are quite promising and could not be separated from the foresight Deddy Dores which acts as Supervisor of Fargat 727. But unfortunately the album "a thousand dreams" just a mini-album only and not continue with the next album.
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