Minggu pagi

Minggu pagi" kembali ke nuansa folk

Minggu pagi" kembali ke nuansa folk yang menenangkan pikiran. Lagu ini diciptakan oleh Abah Donny untuk Rhiannon, putri sulungnya. Di lagu ini, pendengar bisa mendengarkan Vokal yang sederhana dengan harmoni berbagai instrument musik yang baik, dan Lirik yang manis membuat lagu ini seperti menjadi sebuah kesatuan yang utuh. "Sebagai tanda cintanya, pada Bunga dan Rumput, dia santuni sepenuh hati" Sebuah penggalan lirik yang menjadi doa untuk anaknya agar dapat mencintai alam sekitarnya.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Sunday morning "back to the feel of folk that quiet the mind. The song was written by Abanob Donny to his eldest daughter, Rhiannon. In this song, the listener can listen to simple Vocal harmony with various musical instruments are good, and the sweet Lyrics make this song like into a unified whole. "As a sign of his love, in the flower and grass, he santuni a vengeance" A partial lyrics which becomes a prayer for his son to be able to love the natural surroundings.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Sunday morning "back to the feel of folk that soothes the mind. The song was composed by Abah Donny for Rhiannon, his eldest daughter. In this song, the listener can listen to the vocal harmonies are simple with a good variety of musical instruments, and sweet lyrics make this song like being a unified whole. "As a token of his love, the flowers and grass, he santuni wholeheartedly" A fragment of lyrics that became a prayer for her son to be able to love the natural surroundings.
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