Part Two
Halal Product Process Article 21 (1) location, place, and tools required PPH separated by location, place, and tools slaughter, processing, storage, packaging, distribution, sales, and product presentation is not kosher. (2) The location, place , and tools PPH referred to in paragraph (1) shall: a. maintained cleanliness and hygiene; b. free of unclean; and c. free from material not kosher. (3) Further provisions concerning the location, place, and tools PPH as referred to in paragraph (1) Government Regulation. Article 22 (1) Business communities are not separate location, place, and tools PPH as referred to in Article 21 paragraph (1) and (2) subject to administrative sanctions in the form of: a. written warning; or b. administrative fines. (2) Further provisions on the procedure for the imposition of administrative sanctions stipulated in the Regulation. CHAPTER IV BUSINESS BUSINESS Article 23 Business communities are entitled to: a. information, education, and socialization of JPH system; b. coaching in producing Halal products; and c. services to obtain Halal Certification fast, efficient, affordable, and non-discriminatory. Article 24 Business communities applying for Halal Certificate shall: a. provide correct information, clear, and honest; b. separate location, place and means of slaughtering, processing, storage, packaging, distribution, sales, and presentation between halal and non-halal products; c. have Halal Supervisor; and d. report changes in the composition of the material to BPJPH. Article 25 Business communities have gained the Halal Certificate shall: a. Labels include Halal against products have got Halal certificate; b. keep halal products have gained the Halal Certificate; c. separate location, place and slaughtering, processing tools, storage, packaging, distribution, sales, and presentation between Halal and kosher products; d. update if the validity of the Halal Certificate Halal Certificate expires; and e. report changes in the composition of the material to BPJPH. Article 26 (1) Business communities that produce products from materials derived from materials that are forbidden as referred to in Article 18 and Article 20 are excluded from applying for Halal Certificate. (2) business communities as referred to in paragraph ( 1) shall include information on the product is not kosher. Article 27 (1) Business communities that do not perform the obligations referred to in Article 25, subject to administrative sanctions in the form of: a. written warning; b. administrative fines; or c. Halal Certificate revocation. (2) Business Actors perform the obligations referred to in Article 26 paragraph (2) are subject to administrative sanctions in the form of: a. verbal warning; b. written warning; or c. administrative fines. (3) Further provisions on the procedure for the imposition of administrative sanctions stipulated in the Regulation. Article 28 (1) Halal Supervisor referred to in Article 24 letter c on duty: a. The company oversees PPH; b. determine the corrective and preventive action; c. coordinate PPH; and d. Halal Auditor accompany LPH at the time of examination. (2) Halal Supervisor must meet the following requirements: a. Muslim; and b. lots of insight and understanding about halal law. (3) The supervisor Halal determined by the leadership of the company and reported to BPJPH. (4) Further provisions regarding Halal Supervisor stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister.