Bagian KeduaProses Produk HalalPasal 21(1) Lokasi, tempat, dan alat PP翻訳 - Bagian KeduaProses Produk HalalPasal 21(1) Lokasi, tempat, dan alat PP英語言う方法

Bagian KeduaProses Produk HalalPasa

Bagian Kedua
Proses Produk Halal

Pasal 21
(1) Lokasi, tempat, dan alat PPH wajib dipisahkan dengan lokasi, tempat, dan alat penyembelihan, pengolahan, penyimpanan, pengemasan, pendistribusian, penjualan, dan penyajian Produk tidak halal.
(2) Lokasi, tempat, dan alat PPH sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) wajib:
a. dijaga kebersihan dan higienitasnya;
b. bebas dari najis; dan
c. bebas dari Bahan tidak halal.
(3) Ketentuan lebih lanjut mengenai lokasi, tempat, dan alat PPH sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah.

Pasal 22
(1) Pelaku Usaha yang tidak memisahkan lokasi, tempat, dan alat PPH sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 21 ayat (1) dan ayat (2) dikenai sanksi administratif berupa:
a. peringatan tertulis; atau
b. denda administratif.
(2) Ketentuan lebih lanjut mengenai tata cara pengenaan sanksi administratif diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri.

Pasal 23
Pelaku Usaha berhak memperoleh:
a. informasi, edukasi, dan sosialisasi mengenai sistem JPH;
b. pembinaan dalam memproduksi Produk Halal; dan
c. pelayanan untuk mendapatkan Sertifikat Halal secara cepat, efisien, biaya terjangkau, dan tidak diskriminatif.

Pasal 24
Pelaku Usaha yang mengajukan permohonan Sertifikat Halal wajib:
a. memberikan informasi secara benar, jelas, dan jujur;
b. memisahkan lokasi, tempat dan alat penyembelihan, pengolahan, penyimpanan, pengemasan, pendistribusian, penjualan, dan penyajian antara Produk Halal dan tidak halal;
c. memiliki Penyelia Halal; dan
d. melaporkan perubahan komposisi Bahan kepada BPJPH.

Pasal 25
Pelaku Usaha yang telah memperoleh Sertifikat Halal wajib:
a. mencantumkan Label Halal terhadap Produk yang telah mendapat Sertifikat Halal;
b. menjaga kehalalan Produk yang telah memperoleh Sertifikat Halal;
c. memisahkan lokasi, tempat dan penyembelihan, alat pengolahan, penyimpanan, pengemasan, pendistribusian, penjualan, dan penyajian antara Produk Halal dan tidak halal;
d. memperbarui Sertifikat Halal jika masa berlaku Sertifikat Halal berakhir; dan
e. melaporkan perubahan komposisi Bahan kepada BPJPH.

Pasal 26
(1) Pelaku Usaha yang memproduksi Produk dari Bahan yang berasal dari Bahan yang diharamkan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 18 dan Pasal 20 dikecualikan dari mengajukan permohonan Sertifikat Halal.
(2) Pelaku Usaha sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) wajib mencantumkan keterangan tidak halal pada Produk.
Pasal 27
(1) Pelaku Usaha yang tidak melakukan kewajiban sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 25 dikenai sanksi administratif berupa:
a. peringatan tertulis;
b. denda administratif; atau
c. pencabutan Sertifikat Halal.
(2) Pelaku Usaha yang tidak melakukan kewajiban sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 26 ayat (2) dikenai sanksi administratif berupa:
a. teguran lisan;
b. peringatan tertulis; atau
c. denda administratif.
(3) Ketentuan lebih lanjut mengenai tata cara pengenaan sanksi administratif diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri.

Pasal 28
(1) Penyelia Halal sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 24 huruf c bertugas:
a. mengawasi PPH di perusahaan;
b. menentukan tindakan perbaikan dan pencegahan;
c. mengoordinasikan PPH; dan
d. mendampingi Auditor Halal LPH pada saat pemeriksaan.
(2) Penyelia Halal harus memenuhi persyaratan:
a. beragama Islam; dan
b. memiliki wawasan luas dan memahami syariat tentang kehalalan.
(3) Penyelia Halal ditetapkan oleh pimpinan perusahaan dan dilaporkan kepada BPJPH.
(4) Ketentuan lebih lanjut mengenai Penyelia Halal diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri.
ソース言語: インドネシア語
ターゲット言語: 英語
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The Second PartThe Process Of Halal ProductsChapter 21(1) location, site, and the tools required are separated by PPH location, place, and slaughtering, processing, storage, packaging, distribution, sale, and the presentation of the products are not halal.(2) the location, venue, and PPH as mentioned on paragraph (1) shall:a. taken care of cleanliness and higienitasnya;b. free of unclean; andc. free from Material not halal.(3) further Provisions regarding the location, venue, and PPH as mentioned on paragraph (1) are set forth in a government regulation.Section 22(1) the perpetrator Attempts that do not separate locations, places, and INCOME TAX as stipulated in article 21, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) are the administrative sanction in the form of:a. a written warning; orb. administrative fines.(2) further Provisions concerning the imposition of an administrative sanction procedures regulated in the Ministerial Regulation.CHAPTER IVBUSINESSMENArticle 23Businessmen are entitled to obtain:a. information, education, and dissemination of JPH system;b. coaching in producing Halal Products; andc. services to get the Halal certificate in a timely, cost-efficient, affordable, and not discriminatory.Article 24Businessmen who apply for a Halal certificate is obliged to:a. provide information correctly, clearly, and honestly;b. separate venues, places and means of slaughtering, processing, storage, packaging, distribution, sales and presentation between Halal and kosher Products are not;c. have a Kosher Supervisor; andd. reporting changes the composition of the Material to BPJPH.Article 25Businessmen who have obtained Halal certificate is obliged to:a. lists the Halal Label to products that have been certified Halal;b. keep the halal products have obtained Halal certificate;c. separate location, venue and slaughtering, processing, storage, packaging, distribution, sales and presentation between Halal and kosher Products are not;d. update the Halal certificate if valid Halal certificate expires; ande. reporting changes the composition of the Material to BPJPH.Article 26(1) Principal businesses that manufacture products from Material coming from prohibited Substances referred to in Article 18 and article 20 are exempt from applying for a certificate of lawful.(2) Principal Business referred to in subsection (1) shall include a description of the Products is not permissible.Article 27(1) the perpetrator Attempts that do not perform the obligations as stipulated in article 25 are administrative sanction in the form of:a. a written warning;b. administrative fines; orc. removal of Halal certificate.(2) Business Actors who do not perform the obligations as stipulated in article 26, paragraph (2) are the administrative sanction in the form of:a. oral reprimand;b. written warning; orc. administrative fines.(3) further Provisions concerning the imposition of an administrative sanction procedures regulated in the Ministerial Regulation.Article 28(1) the supervisor of Halal as stipulated in article 24 the letter c on duty:a. supervise the PPH in the company;b. determine the corrective actions and prevention;c. co-ordinate PPH; andd. accompanying Auditor upon examination LPH Halal.(2) a Kosher Supervisor must meet the requirements:a. the Islamic religion; andb. has extensive insight and understanding about halal religious law.(3) the supervisor of a company is defined by the Halal and reported to BPJPH.(4) provision of more about Kosher Supervisor is set in a regulation of the Minister.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Part Two
Halal Product Process Article 21 (1) location, place, and tools required PPH separated by location, place, and tools slaughter, processing, storage, packaging, distribution, sales, and product presentation is not kosher. (2) The location, place , and tools PPH referred to in paragraph (1) shall: a. maintained cleanliness and hygiene; b. free of unclean; and c. free from material not kosher. (3) Further provisions concerning the location, place, and tools PPH as referred to in paragraph (1) Government Regulation. Article 22 (1) Business communities are not separate location, place, and tools PPH as referred to in Article 21 paragraph (1) and (2) subject to administrative sanctions in the form of: a. written warning; or b. administrative fines. (2) Further provisions on the procedure for the imposition of administrative sanctions stipulated in the Regulation. CHAPTER IV BUSINESS BUSINESS Article 23 Business communities are entitled to: a. information, education, and socialization of JPH system; b. coaching in producing Halal products; and c. services to obtain Halal Certification fast, efficient, affordable, and non-discriminatory. Article 24 Business communities applying for Halal Certificate shall: a. provide correct information, clear, and honest; b. separate location, place and means of slaughtering, processing, storage, packaging, distribution, sales, and presentation between halal and non-halal products; c. have Halal Supervisor; and d. report changes in the composition of the material to BPJPH. Article 25 Business communities have gained the Halal Certificate shall: a. Labels include Halal against products have got Halal certificate; b. keep halal products have gained the Halal Certificate; c. separate location, place and slaughtering, processing tools, storage, packaging, distribution, sales, and presentation between Halal and kosher products; d. update if the validity of the Halal Certificate Halal Certificate expires; and e. report changes in the composition of the material to BPJPH. Article 26 (1) Business communities that produce products from materials derived from materials that are forbidden as referred to in Article 18 and Article 20 are excluded from applying for Halal Certificate. (2) business communities as referred to in paragraph ( 1) shall include information on the product is not kosher. Article 27 (1) Business communities that do not perform the obligations referred to in Article 25, subject to administrative sanctions in the form of: a. written warning; b. administrative fines; or c. Halal Certificate revocation. (2) Business Actors perform the obligations referred to in Article 26 paragraph (2) are subject to administrative sanctions in the form of: a. verbal warning; b. written warning; or c. administrative fines. (3) Further provisions on the procedure for the imposition of administrative sanctions stipulated in the Regulation. Article 28 (1) Halal Supervisor referred to in Article 24 letter c on duty: a. The company oversees PPH; b. determine the corrective and preventive action; c. coordinate PPH; and d. Halal Auditor accompany LPH at the time of examination. (2) Halal Supervisor must meet the following requirements: a. Muslim; and b. lots of insight and understanding about halal law. (3) The supervisor Halal determined by the leadership of the company and reported to BPJPH. (4) Further provisions regarding Halal Supervisor stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister.

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