JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Signature Tower Jakarta yang merupakan proyek ba翻訳 - JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Signature Tower Jakarta yang merupakan proyek ba英語言う方法

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Signature Tow

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Signature Tower Jakarta yang merupakan proyek bakal calon gedung tertinggi di Indonesia akan terus berlanjut seiring proses sidang Tim Ahli Bangunan Gedung (TABG) Arsitektur dan Perkotaan atau TPAK yang memasuki tahap final.

Dengan demikian, proyek yang dirancang Smallwood, Reynolds, Stewart, Stewart and Associates Inc. (SRSSA), ini tidak dibatalkan sebagaimana rumor yang beredar di kalangan pecinta pencakar langit.

Managing Director Pandega Desain Weharima sebagai mitra lokal SRSSA, Prasetyoadi, memastikan hal tersebut kepada Kompas.com, di Jakarta, Ahad (21/6/2015).

"Sampai saat ini tidak dibatalkan, masih jalan terus proses perencanaannya. Sekarang sudah masuk tahap final sidang TPAK. Tinggal dua kali review (kajian) lagi," ujar Prasetyoadi yang akrab disapa Tiyok.

Tiyok menjelaskan, kajian yang belum lolos penilaian adalah mengenai air tanah tambahan karena ada syarat recharge yang harus dipenuhi serta struktur tanah di lokasi pengembangan CBD Sudirman.

"Kajian tanah untuk mengetahui apakah tanahnya cukup porous (berpori sehingga mudah menyerap air secara langsung), atau perlu dibuat rekayasa khusus. Hal ini dibuat untuk mengurangi dampak luapan air hujan," buka Tiyok.

Sementara kajian mengenai arsitektur, aspek perencanaan kota, aksesibilitas pejalan kaki, sarana penyelamatan kebakaran, dan lalu lintas sudah dilewati.

Jika semua syarat terpenuhi dan izin proses perencanaannya diterbitkan, kata Tiyok, proyek akan dilanjutkan dengan piling test (uji tiang pancang) dan seremoni pelatakan batu pertama (ground breaking).


Masih menurut Tiyok, sejatinya proyek sebesar Signature Tower Jakarta, membutuhkan waktu panjang dalam proses perencanaan dan perizinannya. Terlebih nomenklatur berubah, saat Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta menggabungkan Dinas Tata Ruang dan Dinas Pengawasan dan Penertiban Bangunan (P2B) jadi satu.

"Perubahan tersebut meembuat proses perencanaan dan perizinan menjadi lebih rumit, dan lama. Karena loket dijadikan satu, dipisahkan dengan dinas teknis terkait. Akibatnya pengambilan keputusan jadi lebih panjang," ungkap Tiyok.

Dia menambahkan, selain Signature Tower Jakarta, ada banyak proyek skala raksasa lainnya yang juga tertunda karena perubahan ini. Yang ditangani Pandega Desain Weharima saja ada 10 proyek tertunda.

"Mestinya dengan aturan dan penggabungan ini, proses perencanaan dan perizinan bisa langsung jadi dan transparan," tandas Tiyok.

Untuk diketahui, proyek Signature Tower Jakarta merupakan properti multifungsi yang dikembangkan PT Grahamas Adisentosa (Artha Graha Group). Ketinggiannya menjulang 638 meter dan mencakup 111 lantai. Di dalam bangunan ini, akan terdapat apartemen, perkantoran, hotel, dan juga pusat belanja.

Jika Signature Tower Jakarta terbangun, akan menempati posisi tertinggi ke-75 di dunia. Klasemen ini mengacu pada data terkini Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH), yang mencakup proyek masa depan, dalam perencanaan, tahap konstruksi, dan sudah terbangun alias beroperasi.

Bakal gedung terjangkung di dunia nantinya ditempati oleh X-Seed 4000 di Tokyo, Jepang. Proyek multifungsi ini dirancang dengan ketinggian 4.000 meter dan berisi 800 lantai.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Jakarta, KOMPAS.com-Signature of the Jakarta Tower which is the tallest building project of prospective candidates in Indonesia will continue as the process the Council expert team Building (TABG) Architecture and urban or TPAK who entered the final stage. Thus, the project designed Smallwood, Reynolds, Stewart, Stewart and Associates Inc. (SRSSA), this is not cancelled as rumors are circulating among lovers of skyscrapers.Managing Director of Pandega Design Weharima as SRSSA, Prasetyoadi local partners, ensuring the Kompas.com, Jakarta, Saturday (21/6/2015)."Up to this point is not cancelled, it is still the road keeps on planning process. Now the final phase have entered the Council of TPAK. Stay two times review (the review) again, "said Prasetyoadi familiar Tiyok is addressed.Tiyok explains, studies that have yet to qualify for assessment is about additional groundwater recharge terms because there must be met and the structure of the soil at the site of the Sudirman CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT development."The study of the soil to see if the soil is sufficiently porous (porous so easily absorb water directly), or need to be made a special engineering. It is made to reduce the impact of the rain water overflow, "go to Tiyok.While the study of architecture, town planning aspects, accessibility pedestrian, means of rescue fire, and traffic already impassable. If all the terms are met and permissions process planning is published, said Tiyok, the project will be continued with piling test (test powerboats) and pelatakan ceremony, the first stone (ground breaking).DelayedStill according to the Tiyok, essentially the project of the Signature Tower Jakarta, long time in the planning process and its permissions. What nomenclature changed, when provincial Government of DKI Jakarta combines Office Space and Office supervision and Curbing building (P2B) so one."These changes meembuat process of planning and licensing becomes more complicated, and long. Since the Foundation of the counter one, separated by the related technical service. As a result of decision making so much longer, "says Tiyok.He added, in addition to the Signature Tower Jakarta, there are many other giant-scale project which was also delayed because of this change. Handled Design Pandega Weharima course there are 10 pending projects."It should be with rules and this merger, licensing and planning process can directly and so transparent," demolished Tiyok.Just FYI, the project's Signature Tower Jakarta is a multifunctional properties developed PT Grahamas Adisentosa (Artha Graha Group). Height towering 638 metres and includes 110 floors. Inside the building, there will be apartments, offices, hotels, and shopping centers also.If the Signature Tower Jakarta woke up, will occupy the highest positions 75th in the world. Standings of the current data refers to the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH), which includes future projects, in the planning, construction, and awakens the alias operate. Would the world's terjangkung building was later occupied by the X-Seed 4000 in Tokyo, Japan. This multifunctional project designed with an altitude of 4,000 meters and contains half a floor.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Signature Tower Jakarta which is the tallest building the project candidates in Indonesia will continue as the hearing process Expert Team Building (TABG) Architecture and Urban or LFPR are entering the final stage. Accordingly, projects designed Smallwood, Reynolds , Stewart, Stewart and Associates Inc. (SRSSA), is not canceled, as rumors circulated among lovers of skyscrapers. Managing Director Pandega Design SRSSA Weharima as a local partner, Prasetyoadi, make sure it is to Kompas.com, in Jakarta, Sunday (21/06/2015). " Until now not canceled, still go on the planning process. Now it has entered the final stages of the trial LFPR. Stayed twice review (assessment) again, "said Prasetyoadi familiarly called Tiyok. Tiyok explained, studies that have not passed the assessment is on ground water extra because there is a requirement recharge that must be met as well as the structure of the soil at the location of the development of the CBD Sudirman. "Study of the soil to determine whether the soil is quite porous (porous so it easily absorbs water directly), or need to be created specialized engineering. It is made ​​to reduce the impact of flood water rain , "open Tiyok. While the study of architecture, aspects of town planning, pedestrian accessibility, means of fire rescue, and the traffic has passed. If all conditions are met and permits the planning process was published, said Tiyok, the project will continue with peeling test (test mast stake) and the ceremonial first stone pelatakan (ground breaking). Pending Still according Tiyok, a true project for Signature Tower Jakarta, takes a long time in the planning and licensing process. Moreover nomenclature change, when the Government of Jakarta combines the Department of Spatial Planning and the Department of Building Supervision and Controlling (P2B) into one. "The change meembuat planning and licensing becomes more complicated and long. Because the counter into one, separated by a relevant technical offices . As a result, the decision-making becoming longer, "said Tiyok. He added that in addition to the Signature Tower Jakarta, there are many other giant-scale project was also delayed due to this change. Handled Pandega Design Weharima alone there are 10 projects pending. "It should be the rule and this merger, the process of planning and licensing can directly be transparent," said Tiyok. To note, the project Signature Tower Jakarta is a property multifunction developed by PT Grahamas Adisentosa (Artha Graha Group). Towering height 638 meters and covers 111 floors. Inside this building, there will be apartments, offices, hotels, and shopping centers. If the Signature Tower Jakarta awakened, will occupy the highest position of 75th in the world. Standings refers to the latest data of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH), which includes a future project, in the planning, construction, and has awakened the alias operate. Will building the world's tallest later occupied by X-Seed 4000 in Tokyo, Japan. Multifunctional project was designed with a height of 4,000 meters and contains 800 floors.

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