Jasa pengujian dan analisa parameter fisikal
seperti kekuatan, keringkihan, konduktivitas
elektriksitas dan radioaktivitas dari material
seperti metal, plastik, tekstil, kayu,kaca,
beton, dan material lainnya. Termasuk
didalamnya pengujian daya tarik, kekerasan,
impact resistance, ketahanan fatique, serta
efek temperatur tinggi.
Testing and analysis services of physical parameterslike power, keringkihan, conductivityelektriksitas and the radioactivity of the materialsuch as metal, plastic, textile, wood, glass,concrete, and other materials. Includinginside testing charms, violence,impact resistance, durability, and fatiquethe effects of high temperatures.

Testing and analysis of physical parameters
such as strength, frailty, conductivity
generate electrical and radioactivity of materials
such as metal, plastic, textile, wood, glass,
concrete, and other materials. Included
therein attractiveness testing, hardness,
impact resistance, fatigue resistance, as well as
the effects of high temperatures.