KJ1: Hai, bisakah kamu menceritakan sejarah awal terbentuknya band kal翻訳 - KJ1: Hai, bisakah kamu menceritakan sejarah awal terbentuknya band kal英語言う方法

KJ1: Hai, bisakah kamu menceritakan

KJ1: Hai, bisakah kamu menceritakan sejarah awal terbentuknya band kalian hingga sekarang?

Anis : “Children of Gaza didirikan oleh Anis (ex Log Guns) pada tgl 01 january, 2010. rencana untuk mendirikan band ini sebenarnya sudah ada sejak awal 2009, hanya saja belum bisa terlaksana saat itu disebabkan kesibukannya dengan Log Guns ( Log Zhelebour Production). Pembunuhan, penindasan, pemerkosaan hak asasi yang terus terjadi terhadap “children of gaza” di gaza (Palestina) membuatnya berinisiatif untuk melakukan sesuatu dengan cara menyuarakan atas apa-apa yang menimpa mereka melalui latunan lagu yang secara garis besar biasa kita sebut "metal". Dan ia pun memadukannya dengan nuansa musik dari Timur Tengah. Meski begitu, kami tidak hanya berbicara tentang “Gaza”, namun juga hal-hal lainnya yang menurut kami perlu kami teriakkan”.

KJ2: Bagaimana respon orang-orang dengan mini album/album/demo band Kamu?

Anis : “Sejauh ini tanggapan dari metalhead sungguh luar biasa .kami juga turut berterima kasih terhadap support dari rekan-rekan serta Event Organizer yang telah mengundang kami”

KJ3: Band apa yang paling berpengaruh bagi Kalian dalam bermain musik?

Anis : “Untuk Children Of Gaza sendiri secara global tidak ada tetapi secara personal dari Freddy Mercury,Ronnie James Dio dan Sebastian Bach
KJ4: Apa rencana kedepan kalian bersama band?

Anis : “Untuk 2 bulan ini kami akan tracking album perdana, doakan saja semoga cepat selesai”

KJ5: Apakah lagu-lagu yang kalian buat menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia.

Anis: “Beberapa menggunakan bahasa inggris dan untuk bahasa digunakan bisa kita gunakan di beberapa lagu di album perdana atau album selanjutnya”

KJ6: Apa yang kalian ceritakan dalam lirik-lirik yang kalian buat?

Anis : “Terinspirasi Pembunuhan, penindasan, pemerkosaan hak asasi yang terus terjadi di gaza (Palestina).kami mewakili mereka untuk menyuarakan itu kepada dunia tentang apa-apa yang terjadi disana dengan untaian nada dan sya'ir yang telah kami rancang sehingga lebih tajam dari pedang.kami ada berlandaskan cinta terhadap palestina dan anak-anak kecil ,

KJ7: Mengapa kalian semua suka memainkan musik Folk metal?

Anis : “Berlatar dari saya berasal Yaman sejak kecil sudah mendengarkan Folk Metal, kami telah lewati kesulitan menyatukan visi masing-masing personil. Di children of gaza folk (middle eastern) memiliki peranan tersendiri bagi kami.

KJ8: Kapan pertama kali kamu menjadi fans band metal?

Anis : “Saya pribadi menjadi fans metal ketika kelas 4 SD ketika mendengarkan Metallica-One (album : And Justice For All).Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan lagu Nothing Else Matters dari The Black Album,lagu super balada dan melodius dengan petikan gitar,rhythm,dan guitar solo Kirk Hammet yang harmonis.Lagu itu seakan mewakili warna musik Metallica yang tidak hanya mengandalkan musik Thrash-nya yang cepat dan agresif.

KJ9: Apa yang Kamu katakan kepada orang-orang yang bertanya mengapa Kamu memainkan musik bergaya barat?

Anis : “Tahun 2009 terpikirkan memainkan musik bergaya barat dan musik gaya barat memiliki Taste tersendiri di telinga pendengarnya.

KJ10: Apakah para istri dan kekasih para personil kalian mendukung apa yang kalian kerjakan?

Anis : ”Istri mungkin segera menyusul (hahahaha), baik kekasih maupun keluarga sangat
mendukung selama dalam jalur yang positif”

KJ11: Apakah hal-hal yang terbaik dan terburuk tentang komunitas di kota kalian?

Anis : “ Terbaik karena komunitas merupakan wadah bagi musisi muda mengekspresikan kreatifitas.Terburuk : Mungkin hanya beberapa komunitas yang pada awalnya menjadi wadah sharing pada akhirnya menbeda-bedakan genre”.

KJ12: Rencana apa yang kalian buat bersama band untuk kedepannya?

Anis : “ Bicara ekspektasi kita hanya menargetkan barometer sukses karena sampai saat ini kita masih independent baik dalam penggarapan album,merchandise dan sebagainya”.

KJ13: Di acara apa kalian merasakan, itu stage yang berkesan?

Anis : “BANDUNG BERISIK 2012, sungguh berkesan dengan atmosfer yang gila dan kita sungguh bangga performance di event yang digagas oleh komunitas musik metal tertua di Indonesia yaitu Ujungberung Rebels, Homeless Crew.

KJ14: Ada pesan untuk kawan kawan?

Anis : “Bermain musik dari jiwa, selalu mencoba dan berjuang”

KJ15: OK, terima kasih banyak

Anis : “Terima kasih kembali bro.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
KJ1: Hi, can you tell the early history of the formation of the band you guys up to now?Anis: "the Children of Gaza was founded by Anis (ex Log Guns) on the date 01 january, 2010. plans to set up the band actually has been around since the beginning of 2009, just have not been able to be implemented by that time due to busy with Guns Log (Log Zhelebour Production). Murder, rape, suppression of human rights that continue to happen to "the children of gaza" in gaza (Palestine) initiative to make it do something by way of voicing over anything that befalls them through latunan song that generally we call "metal". And combine that with the feel of music from the Middle East. However, we are not just talking about "Gaza", but also other things that we think we need to teriakkan ".KJ2 response: how people with mini album/album/demo band you?Anis: "so far the response from the metalhead truly unbelievable. We also thank against the support of colleagues as well as the Event Organizer has invited us"KJ3: what are the most influential Band for you guys in playing music?Anis: "For the Children Of Gaza itself globally but nothing personally from the Freddy Mercury, Ronnie James Dio and Sebastian Bach.KJ4: what you guys with the band's future plans?Anis: "For two months we will be tracking the debut album, just pray may the fast finish"KJ5: are the songs which you create using the language of the United Kingdom and Indonesia.Anis: "some use English and for the language used can we use in some of the songs on the debut album or the next album"KJ6: what you guys tell me in lyrics that you guys make?Anis: "inspired murder, oppression, rape the rights continue to occur in gaza (Palestine). we represent them to voice it out to the world about anything that happened there with the string tone and sya'ir that we have designed so sharper than swords. we have based on the love of Palestine and little kids,KJ7: why are you guys all like to play the music of Folk metal?Anis: "I am originally from Yemen Origin since childhood been listening to Folk Metal, we've passed the difficulty unifying vision of their respective personnel. On the children of gaza folk (middle eastern) has its own role to us.KJ8: when you first become fans of metal bands?Anis: "I personally became fans of metal when the 4th grade when listening to Metallica-One (album: And Justice For All). Who is not familiar with the song Nothing Else Matters from The Black Album, the song super ballads and melodic passages with rhythm guitar, solo guitar, and Kirk Hammett in harmony. The song seems to represent the music of Metallica who not only relying on his Thrash music that is fast and aggressive.KJ9: what do you say to people who ask why You play the Western-style music?Anis: "in 2009 thought playing music Western-style and Western-style music has its own Taste in the ears of listeners.KJ10: is the wife and the lover of the personnel you guys support what are you working on?Anis: "wife might soon follow (hahahaha), both lovers and family very support for a positive path "KJ11: do things the best and worst about the community in the town of you guys?Anis: the best "because the Community Association for young musicians to express creativity. Worst: perhaps only a few communities initially being container sharing menbeda-not to be confused in the end genre ".KJ12: plan what you guys create together a band for the future?Anis: "talk of expectations we only target the barometer of success because until now we are still independent both in designing albums, merchandise and so on".KJ13: In the event of what you guys feel, it was a memorable stage?Anis: "BANDUNG NOISY 2012, truly memorable with a crazy atmosphere and we are really proud of their performance at the event was initiated by the oldest metal music community in Indonesia namely Ujungberung Rebels, Homeless Crew.KJ14: there is a message for the fella the fella?Anis: "playing music from the soul, always try and fight"KJ15: OK, thank you very muchAnis: "Thanks again bro.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
KJ1: Hi, can you tell the early history of the formation of the band you up to now? Anis: "Children of Gaza was founded by Anis (ex Log Guns) on June 01 january, 2010. The plan to set up this band has actually been around since the beginning of 2009, only can not be done at the time due to his work with Guns Log (Log Zhelebour Production). Murder, oppression, rape rights that continue to occur to the "children of Gaza" in Gaza (Palestine) has taken the initiative to do something by way of voice over anything that happened to them through latunan song that outlines what we call "metal". And he also combine them with the nuances of the music of the Middle East. However, we're not just talking about "Gaza", but also other things that we think we need to shout. "KJ2: How is the response of people with mini-albums / album / demo band You? Anis:" So far the response from metalhead remarkable .we also grateful for support from peers and event organizer who has invited us "KJ3: What is the most influential band for the guys in playing music? Anis:" To Children Of Gaza itself globally nothing but personally of Freddy Mercury, Ronnie James Dio and Sebastian Bach. KJ4: What are the future plans you with the band? Anis: "For two months we will be tracking their debut album, pray just hope quickly finished" KJ5: Are the songs you create using English and Indonesian. Anis: "Some use the English language and to the language used could be used in some of the songs on their debut album or the next album" KJ6: What do you tell in the lyrics that you make? Anis: "Inspired Murder, oppression, rape rights that continue to occur in Gaza (Palestine) .we represent them to speak to the world about what is happening there with a string tone and sya'ir we have designed so that a sharper-than pedang.kami exist based on love against Palestinian and small children, KJ7: Why do you all like to play Folk metal? Anis: "Set of mine originated in Yemen since childhood have been listening Folk Metal, we have passed difficulty unifying vision of each personnel. In children of gaza folk (middle eastern) has its own role for us. KJ8: When did you first become fans of the metal band? Anis: "I am personally a fan of metal when the 4th grade when listening to Metallica-One (album: And Justice For All ) ..who are not familiar with the song Nothing Else Matters of The Black Album, super ballads and melodic song with guitar, rhythm, and Kirk Hammett guitar solo that harmonis.Lagu it seems to represent the color of Metallica's music that does not just rely on its music Thrash fast and aggressive. KJ9: What do you say to people who ask why you play music western-style? Anis: "In 2009 the thought of playing music western-style music and the western style has a Taste of its own in the listener's ear. KJ10: Are wives and beloved of the personnel you support what you are doing? Anis: "The wife may soon follow (hahahaha), both lover and family are very supportive for the positive track" KJ11: Are things that are the best and worst of the communities in your city? Anis: "The best for the community is a place for young musicians to express kreatifitas.Terburuk: Probably only a few communities initially be means of sharing in the end menbeda differentiated genre". KJ12: Plan what you do with the band for the future? Anis: "Talk expectations we target only barometer of success because until now we are still independent in both the cultivation of the album, merchandise and so on. "KJ13: In the event of what you feel, the stage is impressive? Anis:" BANDUNG NOISY 2012, really impressed with the crazy atmosphere and we are really proud of the performance at the event was initiated by the community of metal music of the oldest in Indonesia, namely Ujungberung Rebels, Homeless Crew. KJ14: There is a message for his friends? Anis: "Playing music from the soul, always try and fight" KJ15: OK, thank you very much Anis: "Thank you bro.

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