Setiap tenaga kesehatan yang akan menjalankan pekerjaannya wajib memil翻訳 - Setiap tenaga kesehatan yang akan menjalankan pekerjaannya wajib memil英語言う方法

Setiap tenaga kesehatan yang akan m

Setiap tenaga kesehatan yang akan menjalankan pekerjaannya wajib memiliki Surat Tanda Registrasi (STR). Registrasi tenaga kesehatan diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 46 Tahun 2013 tentang Registrasi Tenaga Kesehatan. Registrasi adalah pencatatan resmi terhadap tenaga kesehatan yang telah memiliki sertifikat kompetensi dan telah mempunyai kualifikasi tertentu lainnya serta diakui secara hukum untuk menjalankan praktik dan/ataupekerjaan keprofesiannya. STR adalah bukti tertulis yang diberikan oleh menteri kepada tenaga kesehatan yang telah diregistrasi. Untuk mendapatkan STR, tenaga kesehatan harus memiliki 48 Profil Kesehatan Indonesia Tahun 2014 ijazah dan sertifikat kompetensi. STR berlaku selama lima tahun dan dapat diperpanjang setiap lima tahun.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Any health workers who will run her work required to have the license plate registration (STR). Health worker registration set forth in the regulation of the Minister of health the number 46 2013 of health worker Registration. Registration is the formal registration against health workers who have had the certificate of competency and had certain other qualifications as well as legally recognized to run practices and/ataupekerjaan keprofesiannya. STR is written evidence given by Minister told health workers that have been registered. To get the STR, health workers should have a Health profile of Indonesia 48 2014 diplomas and certificates of competence. STR is valid for five years and can be renewed every five years.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Every health worker who will carry out the work required to have a Certificate of Registration (STR). Registration regulated health professionals in the Ministry of Health Regulation No. 46 Year 2013 on registration of Health Workers. Registration is the official record of health workers who already have a certificate of competence and other qualifications and legally established to carry out the practice and / ataupekerjaan keprofesiannya. STR is written evidence given by the minister for health workers who have been registered. To get the STR, health workers must have 48 Indonesia Health Profile 2014 diploma and certificate of competence. STR is valid for five years and can be renewed every five years.
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