Jasa konstruksi menyeluruh di bidang sipil
transportasi antara lain jalan bebas
hambatan, jalan raya, jalan, jalan kereta api,
landasan pacu pesawat, jembatan, jalan
layang, terowongan dan jalan bawah tanah,
dimana tanggungjawab atas keberhasilan
penyelesaian proyek atas nama pengguna
jasa (klien), termasuk didalamnya
pengorganisasian pembiayaan dan desain,
undangan tender, dan pelaksanaan
manajemen termasuk fungsi-fungsi kontrol.
Comprehensive construction services in the field of civiltransportation between other Freewaybarriers, highway, road, railroad,the runway the aircraft, bridges, roadskites, tunnel and underpass,where the responsibility for the success ofcompletion of the project on behalf of the userServices (client), includingorganizing and financing design,the tender invitation, and implementationmanagement including control functions.

Construction services overall in the field of civil
transport among others freeway
barrier, highways, roads, railways,
runways aircraft, bridges, road
overpasses, tunnels and underground street,
where the responsibility for the successful
completion of the project on behalf of users
of services (clients) , including
organizing the financing and design,
invitation to tender, and the implementation
of management including control functions.