PT MNC Kapital Indonesia Tbk (Perseroan) merupakan entitas anak dari P翻訳 - PT MNC Kapital Indonesia Tbk (Perseroan) merupakan entitas anak dari P英語言う方法

PT MNC Kapital Indonesia Tbk (Perse

PT MNC Kapital Indonesia Tbk (Perseroan) merupakan entitas anak dari PT MNC Investama (dahulu PT Bhakti Investama Tbk) yang mengelola investasi strategis pada sektor jasa keuangan. [butuh rujukan]

Perseroan pada awalnya berfokus pada bidang bisnis Investment Banking dan Perantara Pedagang Efek. Dalam perkembangannya, lini usaha Perseroan terus tumbuh dan semakin terdiversifikasi yaitu mencakup sekuritas, asset management, pembiayaan, asuransi jiwa dan asuransi umum.

Perseroan meraih status sebagai perusahaan publik pada tahun 2001 menyusul keberhasilan Penawaran Umum Saham Perdana (Initial Public Offering/IPO) yang menghasilkan dana sebesar Rp62,5 miliar. Saham Perseroan sejak saat itu diperdagangkan di Bursa Efek Jakarta dan Bursa Efek Surabaya, yang kemudian bergabung menjadi Bursa Efek Indonesia.

Pada tahun 2003, Perseroan melakukan upaya restrukturisasi yang menjadikan Perseroan sebagai perusahaan induk yang membawahi tiga entitas anak, yaitu PT Bhakti Asset Management, PT Bhakti Finance dan PT Bhakti Securities. Seiring dengan proses rebranding di MNC Group, pada akhir tahun 2010 ketiga entitas anak tersebut berubah nama berturut-turut menjadi PT MNC Asset Management, PT MNC Finance dan PT MNC Securities. Ketiga entitas anak tersebut masing-masing memiliki fokus kegiatan usaha yang spesifik, dimana PT MNC Asset Management berkiprah di bidang Manajer Investasi, PT MNC Finance bergerak di bidang jasa pembiayaan konsumen, sedangkan PT MNC Securities berfokus pada bidang perdagangan efek dan kegiatan pasar modal.

Pada 5 November 2010, Perseroan mulai mengembangkan lini bisnis asuransi melalui akuisisi 99,9% saham PT UOB Life-Sun Assurance yang bergerak di bidang asuransi jiwa. Perusahaan hasil akuisisi itu kemudian diganti namanya menjadi PT MNC Life Assurance. Setahun kemudian, tepatnya pada tanggal 20 Desember 2011, Perseroan melakukan akuisisi atas 99,9% saham sebuah perusahaan asuransi yang bergerak di bidang asuransi umum, yaitu PT Jamindo General Insurance (Jamindo), yang namanya kemudian diubah menjadi PT MNC Asuransi Indonesia.

Dalam rangka memantapkan posisi Perseroan sebagai induk perusahaan yang membawahi entitas anak di bidang jasa keuangan denganbrand MNC dan untuk memperkuat integrasi antar entitas anak dan induk, serta perusahaan-perusahaan lain yang bernaung didalam MNC Group, pada tanggal 7 November 2012 Perseroan bergantinama menjadi PT MNC Kapital Indonesia Tbk, sesuai dengan hasil Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS). Perubahan nama tersebut memperoleh persetujuan dari Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia pada tanggal 7 Desember 2012, sebagaimana tertuang pada Surat Keputusan No.AHU62954.AH.01.02. Tahun 2012.

Sebagai komitmen Perseroan untuk melengkapi jasa layanan keuangan dan memperkuat sinergi yang telah terbentuk, pada awal tahun 2014 Perseroan membeli 25% saham Bank ICB Bumiputera dari ICB Financial Group Holding AG dan publik. Akuisisi saham Bank ICB Bumiputera merupakan langkah strategis Perseroan dalam mewujudkan visi Perseroan untuk menjadi "The Most Integrated Financial Supermarket in Indonesia."
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
PT MNC Capital Indonesia Tbk (the company) is the entity of PT MNC Investama (formerly PT Bhakti Investama Tbk) managing strategic investment in the financial services sector. [need reference]The company is initially focusing on Business Investment Banking and Securities Brokerage. In the process, the company's business lines continued to grow and increasingly diversified that include securities, financing, asset management, life insurance and general insurance.The company has earned its status as a public company in 2001 following the success of initial public offering shares of Prime (Initial Public Offering/IPO) that generates funds amounting to Rp62,5 billion. The company's stock has since traded on the Jakarta Stock Exchange and Surabaya stock exchange, which was later merged into Indonesia stock exchange.In 2003, the company undertook a restructuring effort that made the company as the holding company that owns three child entities, namely PT Bhakti Asset Management, PT Bhakti Finance and PT Bhakti Securities. Along with the rebranding process in MNC Group, at the end of the third year 2010 the child entity changed its name to PT MNC consecutive Asset Management, PT MNC Finance and PT MNC Securities. The third entity of the children each have their specific business activities focus, where PT MNC engaged in the field of Asset Management Investment Manager, PT MNC Finance in the field of consumer finance services, while PT MNC Securities focuses on the fields of securities trading and capital market activities.On November 5, 2010, the company began developing a line of insurance business through the acquisition of 99.9% shares of PT UOB Life Assurance-Sun that moves in the field of life insurance. Company acquisition results was later renamed PT MNC Life Assurance. A year later, exactly on December 20, 2011, the company made acquisitions over 99.9% of shares of an insurance company that is engaged in the General insurance, namely PT Jamindo General Insurance (Jamindo), whose name was later changed to PT MNC Insurance Indonesia.In order to solidify the company's position as the parent company that oversees the child entities in the field of financial services denganbrand MNC and to strengthen integration between the parent and child entities as well as other companies that take shelter in MNC Group, on November 7, 2012, the company bergantinama to PT MNC Capital Indonesia Tbk, in accordance with the results of the general meeting of shareholders (GMS). The name change to gain approval from the Ministry of Justice and human rights on 7 December 2012, as stated in decision letter No. AHU62954. AH. at 01. The year 2012.As the company's commitment to complete the financial services and strengthen the synergy that has developed, beginning in 2014, the company buys 25% stake in ICB Bank Bumiputera of ICB Financial Group Holding AG and the public. ICB Bank Bumiputera stake acquisition was a strategic step in realizing the company's vision to be "The Most Integrated Financial Supermarkets in Indonesia."
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
PT MNC Capital Indonesia Tbk (the Company) is a subsidiary of PT MNC Investama (formerly PT Bhakti Investama Tbk) which manages strategic investments in the financial services sector. [Need citation needed] The company initially focused on the business areas of Investment Banking and Broker Dealer. During its development, the Company's business lines continued to grow and become more diversified in terms of including securities, asset management, finance, life insurance and general insurance. The company gained status as a public company in 2001 following the success of the IPO (Initial Public Offering / IPO) that produce funds amounting Rp62,5 billion. Company shares since then traded in the Jakarta Stock Exchange and Surabaya Stock Exchange, which later merged into the Indonesia Stock Exchange. In 2003, the Company's restructuring efforts that makes the Company as a holding company that oversees three subsidiaries, namely PT Bhakti Asset Management, PT Bhakti Finance and PT Bhakti Securities. Along with the rebranding process in the MNC Group, in late 2010 the three subsidiaries successively changed its name to PT MNC Asset Management, PT MNC Finance and PT MNC Securities. The third subsidiaries each have a specific focus of business activities, which the PT MNC Asset Management working on the Investment Manager, PT MNC Finance is engaged in consumer financing services, while PT MNC Securities focuses on the areas of securities trading and capital market activities. In 5 November 2010, the Company began to develop the insurance business through the acquisition of 99.9% of PT UOB-Sun Life Assurance engaged in life insurance. Company acquisition results were later renamed PT MNC Life Assurance. A year later, on December 20, 2011, the Company acquired a 99.9% stake on an insurance company engaged in general insurance, namely PT Jamindo General Insurance (Jamindo), whose name was later changed to PT MNC Asuransi Indonesia. In order solidify the Company's position as a holding company that oversees subsidiaries in financial services denganbrand MNC and to strengthen integration between the subsidiaries and the parent, as well as other companies who take shelter in the MNC Group, on 7 November 2012, the company bergantinama into PT MNC Capital Indonesia Tbk , according to the results of the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM). The name change received approval from the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights on 7 December 2012, as stated in the Decree No.AHU62954.AH.01.02. 2012. As the Company's commitment to complete the financial services and strengthen the synergies that have been formed, at the beginning of 2014 the Company purchased a 25% stake in Bank ICB Bumiputera of ICB Financial Group Holdings AG and the public. Bank ICB Bumiputera share acquisition is a strategic step in realizing the Company's vision of the Company to be "The Most Integrated Financial Supermarket in Indonesia."

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