Dear Bu Diah, Selamat pagi, Salam kenal Bu Diah. Saya Sari dari team s翻訳 - Dear Bu Diah, Selamat pagi, Salam kenal Bu Diah. Saya Sari dari team s英語言う方法

Dear Bu Diah, Selamat pagi, Salam k

Dear Bu Diah,

Selamat pagi,

Salam kenal Bu Diah. Saya Sari dari team software PT. Sato label Indonesia.
Kemarin saya dapat info dari Bu Elsa, kalau ibu membutuhkan Software WMS untuk kantor ibu.
Bisa ibu ceritakan terlebih dahulu kebutuhan ibu untuk system di WMS nantinya?

Mohon infonya supaya kami bisa memberikan solusi atas kebutuhan ibu.
Terima kasih.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Dear Helen, Bu Good morning, Salam kenal Bu Diah. My Cider from the team PT. Sato label software Indonesia.Yesterday I can Bu info from Elsa, if the mother of WMS Software for your Office needs a mother.Can mother tell me first needs mum to WMS system later? Please infonya so we can offer solutions to needs of the mother. Thank you.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Dear Mrs. Diah, Good morning, Greetings Bu Diah. My PT Sari of team software. Sato label Indonesia. Yesterday I could info from Mrs. Elsa, if she needed a WMS Software for office mom. Can a mother first told the mother needs to WMS system in the future? We are the info so that we can provide solutions to the needs of the mother. Thank you.

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