Harakah Ahrar as-Syam Islamiyah adalah salah satu kelompok milisi Suri翻訳 - Harakah Ahrar as-Syam Islamiyah adalah salah satu kelompok milisi Suri英語言う方法

Harakah Ahrar as-Syam Islamiyah ada

Harakah Ahrar as-Syam Islamiyah adalah salah satu kelompok milisi Suriah yang didirikan oleh Abu Khalid as-Suri. Harakah Ahrar as-Syam Islamiyah atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Ahrar Syam dibentuk ketika Perang Sipil di Suriah meletus. Kelompok ini memiliki hubungan yang kuat dengan kelompok milisi Islam Sunni Al Qaeda secara ideologis, bukan secara struktural.Dalam pergerakannya di Suriah, Ahrar Syam bahkan bekerja sama secara langsung dengan cabang Al Qaeda wilayah Syam, Front Nushrah. Harakah Ahrar Syam bersama kelompok oposisi lain yang menentang Pemerintahan Bashar Assad di Suriah seperti Liwa tauhid, Liwa al-Haq, Brigade Suqur as-Syam, Anshar Syam, Jaysh Islam dan Tentara Islam Kurdi membentuk sebuah koalisi yang bernama Jabhah Islamiyah dimana Ahrar Syam menjadi salah satu faksi terkuatnya. Jabhah Islamiyah memiliki setidaknya 45.000 kekuatan dari 7 faksi tersebut. Jabhah Islamiyah didirikan pada 20 November 2013 dengan mengangkat Abu Issa as-Syeikh sebagai pemimpin umum, Kepala Deputi Syuro Abu Amr Zeidan dari Liwa Tauhid, Kepala bidang politik Hassan Aboud dari Ahrar Syam, Komandan Operasi Militer, Muhammad bin Abdullah Zahran Aloush dari Jaish Islam dan Abu ratib dari Liwa al-Haq sebagai Sekjen Jabhah Islamiyah. Dalam sebuah pertemuan yang dirancang Ahrar Syam di Wilayah Ram Ramdan, Provinsi Idlib pada 9 September 2014 disebuah tempat rahasia bawah tanah yang biasa digunakan para petinggi Ahrar Syam untuk melakukan pertemuan. Pada pertemuan tersebut ada puluhan mujahid Ahrar Syam termasuk petingginya Hassan Aboud, yang kemudian terjadi ledakan dan menewaskan puluhan orang didalamnya. Pada awalya diduga tewasnya para mujahidin disebabkan oleh ledakan tersebut, namun investigasi lebih lanjut ternyata menunjukkan bahwa mereka tidak tewas karena ledakan, tubuh bagian luar tidak banyak terdapat luka namun banyak mengeluarkan cairan dari mata dan mulut, sesak nafas dan tubuh membiru. Menurut dokter yang menyelidiki kesyahidan (in syaa Allah) para petinggi Ahrar Syam tersebut, dinyatakan bahwa kematiannya disebabkan oleh bahan kimia, bukan ledakan.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Harakah as-Sham Islamiyah Ahrar was one of the militia groups Syria founded by Abu Khalid Al-Suri. Harakah as-Sham Ahrar Islamiyah or better known as the Ahrar Sham was formed when the civil war erupted in Syria. This group has a strong relationship with the militia groups Sunni Islamist Al Qaeda ideologically, not structurally. In its movement in Syria, Ahrar Sham even cooperate directly with Al Qaeda branch area of Sham, Front Nushrah. Harakah Ahrar Sham along with other opposition groups who oppose the Government of Bashar Assad in Syria such as Liwa tawheed, Liwa al-Haq, Al-Suqur Brigade sham, Sham, Jaysh Ansar Islam and the Islamic Kurdish Soldiers formed a coalition called Jabhah Islamiyah where Ahrar Sham became one of the terkuatnya faction. Jabhah Islamiyah had at least 45,000 power from 7 factions. Jabhah Islamiyah was founded on November 20, 2013 by raising us-Abu Issa Mohammed as leader of public Advisory Deputy Chief, Abu Amr Zeidan from the Liwa of unity, the political head of Hassan Aboud of Ahrar Sham, Commander of the military operation, Mohammed bin Abdullah Zahran Aloush from Abu Islam and Jaish JI from Liwa al-Haq as Secretary-general Jabhah Islamiyah. In a meeting designed Ahrar Sham in the region, the province of Idlib Ramdan Ram on September 9, 2014 in an underground secret places which are usually the top brass Ahrar Sham to conduct meetings. At the meeting there are dozens of mujahid Ahrar Sham including petingginya Hassan Aboud, who later happened an explosion and killing dozens of people inside. At awalya death of the Mujahideen is suspected to be caused by the explosion, but further investigation it turns out that shows that they are not killed because of explosions, body exterior, there is not a lot of injuries but a lot of discharge from the eyes and mouth, shortness of breath and body turn blue. According to the doctor who investigated the martyrdom (in syaa Allah) the officers of the Ahrar Sham, stated that his death was caused by the chemicals, not an explosion.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Harakat Ahrar al-Sham Islamiyah is one of the Syrian militia group founded by Abu Khalid al-Suri. Harakat Ahrar al-Sham Islamiyah or better known as Ahrar Sham was formed when the Civil War erupted in Syria. The group has a strong relationship with a Sunni Muslim militant group al Qaeda ideologically and not be struktural.Dalam movement in Syria, Ahrar Sham even cooperate directly with Al Qaeda branch of Syam territory, Front Nushrah. Harakat Ahrar Sham alongside opposition groups Also against government of Bashar Assad in Syria such as Liwa Tawheed, Liwa al-Haq, Brigade Suqur base as-Sham, Ansar Sham, Jaysh Islam and the Islamic Army of Kurds to form a coalition called jabhah Islamiyah where Ahrar Sham become one the strongest faction. Jabhah Islamiyah has a strength of at least 45,000 7 factions. Jabhah Islamiyah established on 20 November 2013 by lifting the Abu Issa al-Sheikh as general superior, Deputy Head of the Shura Abu Amr Zeidan of Liwa Tawhid, head of the political field Hassan Aboud of Ahrar Sham, Commander of Military Operations, Mohammed bin Abdullah Zahran Aloush of Jaish Islam and Abu Ratib of Liwa al-Haq as Secretary General jabhah Islamiyah. In a meeting designed Ahrar Sham Territory Ram Ramdan, Idlib province on 9 September 2014 in a place underground secret used Ahrar Sham officials to conduct meetings. At the meeting there were dozens of fighters, including top brass Ahrar Sham Hassan Aboud, then there was an explosion and killing dozens of people in it. On the death of the Mujahideen allegedly awalya caused by the explosion, but further investigation turned out to show that they were not killed by the blast, outside of the body are not many injuries, but a lot of discharge from the eyes and mouth, shortness of breath and turned blue. According to doctors who investigate martyrdom (in syaa Allah) officials of the Ahrar Sham, stated that the death was caused by a chemical, not an explosion.
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