Dear Bp. Yanto,
Selamat pagi Pak Yanto,
sebelumnya perkenankan kami mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1436 H, mohon maaf lahir dan batin untuk segenap Pimpinan, Staf dan Karyawan PT. SATONAGATOMI.
Menindaklanjuti hasil pertemuan kami dengan Bp. Teguh, Bp. Agung dan Bp. Bambang dari tim PT. SATONAGATOMI yang dilaksanakan di PT. Marimas Semarang, diharapkan WMS dapat selesai bulan Juli ini.
Maka dari itu kami ingin menanyakan apakah WMS sudah bisa selesai akhir bulan Juli ini?
kemudian bisakah kami diberikan schedule untuk langkah berkutnya?
sebagai informasi saat ini kami sedang mempersiapkan untuk instal barcode scanner dan WMS pada Client-PC di WH-2 (sementara kita uji coba pada WH-2 dulu) serta instal WMS pada PPIC (untuk print label dari jadwal produksi). Untuk itu apabila kami menemui kesulitan dalam penginstalan tersebut, kami berharap tim dari PT. SATONAGATOMI dapat membantu atau mungkin kami bisa mendapat semacam Manual User untuk penginstalan barcode scanner maupun sistem WMS.
Dear Mr. Yanto,Good morning Mr. Yanto,before we allow congratulate Idul Fitri 1 I.e. 1427 H, sorry to all the inner born and Leadership, staff and Employees of PT SATONAGATOMI.Follow up on the results of our meeting with BP. Bp firm, great and Mr. Bambang from the team of PT SATONAGATOMI held in Semarang, PT Marimas expected WMS can be completed this July.Therefore we would like to ask whether the WMS can already completed late this July?then can we schedule the next step for granted?current information as we are preparing to install barcode scanner and the WMS on Client-PC in WH-2 (while we test on WH-2 first) as well as install WMS on PPIC (to print labels from the production schedule). For it when we meet difficulties in the installation, we wish the team of PT SATONAGATOMI can help or maybe we can get some sort of User Manual for installation of the barcode scanner system or WMS.

Dear Mr. Yanto, Yanto Mr. Good morning, before let us say Happy Eid Fitr 1st Shawwal 1436 H, apologize and unseen for all leadership, staff and employees of PT. SATONAGATOMI. Following the results of our meeting with Mr.. Teguh, Bp. General and Bp. Bambang from the team of PT. SATONAGATOMI conducted at PT. Marimas Semarang, WMS is expected to be completed this July. That is why we want to ask if the WMS has to be completed late this July? then we could be given a schedule for measures berkutnya? as information currently we are preparing to install a barcode scanner and WMS on Client-PC in WH-2 (while we test the WH-2 first) and install the WMS on PPIC (to print labels from the production schedule). For that when we encounter difficulties in the installation, we expect the team of PT. SATONAGATOMI can help or maybe we can get some kind of User's Manual for the installation of a barcode scanner or a WMS system.