Biografi dan Album baru Umbra Mortis [Indonesian power metal]Akbarmaya翻訳 - Biografi dan Album baru Umbra Mortis [Indonesian power metal]Akbarmaya英語言う方法

Biografi dan Album baru Umbra Morti

Biografi dan Album baru Umbra Mortis [Indonesian power metal]
Akbarmayat 21/07/2013 0
Album baru Umbra Mortis [Indonesian power metal]
REVIEW - Kali ini area-frontal akan membahas soal album baru dan juga sejarah dari band power metal kawakan Indonesia UMBRA MORTIS.

Umbramortis terbentuk dari sebuah komunitas kecil yang mempunyai mimpi besar ingin menjadi sebuah musisi dunia yang diperhitungkan. Umbramortis dengan bangga berani mengusung scene Black Metal pada tahun pertengahan Juli 1992. Umbramortis yang pada saat itu ingin memperkenalkan scene Black Metal di Indonesia dikarenakan belum banyak dari musisi metal di tanah air yang mengusung scene itu. Banyak band luar negri yang menjadi referensi Umbramortis pada saat itu antara lain: MAYHEM, BURZUM, DARKTHRONE, dan masih banyak lagi. Dengan keyakinan maka Umbramortis terbentuk dengan formasi awal yaitu:


Dengan line up diatas pada pertengahan April 1996 “ UMBRA MORTIS ” meluncurkan album pertama dengan tittle “ ALAM ARWAH KEMATIAN “ dengan label “RK MUSIC STUDIO”. Setelah sukses dengan album pertamanya Umbramortis banyak mengikuti beberapa event didalam maupun luar kota.

Umbramortis semakin memantapkan kedudukanya sebagai sebuah band dengan diantaranya selalu eksis di setiap project metal seperti tersebut di bawah ini:

1. Kompilasi “ BLASTING “ pada Februari 1998 dengan tittle “ UMBRA MORTIS “
dibawah label BMS RECORDS

2 . Januari 2000 kembali Umbra Mortis mengikuti kompilasi

dengan tittle “ SATU PURNAMA PUNCAK KEABADIAN “ dibawah label


3 . April 2004 Umbra Mortis mengikuti Kompilasi “ Metalik Klinik 6 “ dibawah label
“Musica Records“ dengan tittle yang sama.

Seperti halnya dalam mencari inspirasi dalam bermusik, Umbramortis tidak akan mau hanya terjebak di salah satu ide saja. Dari kematangan pencarian karakter dengan berawal dari proses perjalanan panjang personil2nya dalam bermusik dan berkarya

Umbramortis akhirnya mendapatkan sebuah nilai lebih dari proses itu.

Sungguh terjadi pergolakan hebat dalam diri Umbramortis ketika tercetus sebuah ide Brillian yang saat itu muncul, ibarat seperti diumpamakan menemukan jalur yang sangat tepat dalam bermusik dan berkarya.

Tanpa ragu dan bimbang Umbramortis memutuskan untuk membuat konsep baru sebuah band yang mengubah konsep dalam bermusik dengan mengusung scene POWER METAL. Secara otomatis pula hal itu mendorong Umbramortis untuk segera menghasilkan karyanya dalam bentuk sebuah Album.

Ada beberapa pergantian formasi personil pula mengikuti perubahan scen musik metal yang diusung. Antara lain:


Tanpa berhenti bergerak Umbramortis kembali menggebrak kancah metal dengan meluncurkan kembali karya besarnya di album kedua pada bulan April 2005 Umbra Mortis “ DARKNESS VICTORY “ dibawah label “ BIZZARE RECORDS “

Beberapa event-event besar yang diramaikan Umbramortis:

1. Tahun 2006 Umbramortis mencadaskan dalam kompilasi
" Metalik Klinik 8 " di bawah label MUSICA Record.

2 .November 2005 Kompilasi “ INDONESIAN UNDER GROUND “

dibawah label “ EDLEWEISS RECORDS “ dengan tittle “QUEEN OF THE DAMNED “

3. Maret 2006 kembali Umbra Mortis ikut dalam kompilasi
“ ARMY OF BLACK WALLY “ dengan title “BLACK WIDOW” di bawah label


Setelah mengikuti beberapa Event dan kompilasi “ Shisido Yutaka “( Sang Guitaris) memutuskan untuk kembali ke Negara asalnya (Tokyo Japan). Dikarenakan hal itu maka kosongnya posisi guitar dalam tubuh Umbra Mortis akhirnya pada Januari 2006 Umbra Mortis merekrut “ Willy Damien “ untuk menggantikan posisi “ shisido Yutaka “ sebagai penggantinya, tanpa berhenti bergerak pada bulan Agustus 2006 kembali ikut dalam Kompilasi “ METALIK KLINIK 8 “ dengan tittle “ NYCTOPHOBIA “ di bawah label “ MUSICA RECORDS “.

Setelah selesai proses rekaman pada pertengahan Desember 2007 Elvin Zaenal mengundurkan diri karena kesibukannya, maka dengan kosongnya posisi pada Vocal Bass maka Umbra Mortis merekrut Erick untuk mengisi kekosongan pada tubuh Umbra Mortis.

Sekian waktu berlalu dengan tanpa berhenti berkarya sudah sangat wajar adanya sebuah band mengalami beberapa revolusi yang signifikan dalam menjalani sebuah perkembangan. Hal itu tidak lain dan tidak bukan dengan disertai sebuah innovasi-innovasi pergerakan yang akhirnya tiba pada sebuah titik terang. Hal itu adalah dengan secara ketidaksengajaannya pertemuan antara Ukay ( Sang Guitaris) dengan Koko yang merupakan teman lama dahulu waktu Ukay menuntut ilmu di Jogjakarta pada tahun 1999, di sebuah Event Metal besar di Bulungan Jakarta. Berawal dari pertemuan itu, berlanjutlah dengan Jams Session antara mereka. Maka diputuskanlah bahwa formasi Umbramortis terbaru kembali di tetapkan:


Dengan formasi tersebut Umbramortis siap untuk menggebrak kembali kancah metal di dunia dan tanah air secara khususnya dengan membuat single terbaru dengan vocal yang terbaru dan music yang lebih variatif dan lebih cepat.

Biografi dan Album baru Umbra Mortis
Wuiiih cukup panjang juga Biografi band legend ini, berikut sedikit chit chat admin area-frontal dengan dedengkot dari UMBRA MORTIS , kang Ukay Mortis :
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Biography and New Album Umbra Mortis [English power metal]Akbarmayat 21/07/2013 0New album Umbra Mortis [English power metal]Review-frontal area-this time will discuss the question of a new album and also the history of a seasoned power metal band Indonesia UMBRA MORTIS. Umbramortis formed from a small community that had a big dream to want to be a musician in the world that counts. Umbramortis proudly brings the bold Black Metal scene in mid-July 1992. Umbramortis who want to introduce the Black Metal scene in Indonesia because not many metal musicians in the land of water which brings the scene it. Many foreign bands that become reference Umbramortis at that time, among others: MAYHEM, BURZUM, DARKTHRONE, and much more. With confidence then the initial formation formed Umbramortis, namely: 1 UKAY MORTIS: GUITAR/LEAD 2 FUAD ZIBRIL: BASS/VOCALS3 DANTON: VOCALS4 MUCHSIN: DRUMSWith the above line up in mid-April 1996 "UMBRA MORTIS" launched the first album with the tittle "nature SPIRITS of death" with the label "MUSIC STUDIO" RK. After success with her first album Umbramortis a lot of following some events in and outside the city. Umbramortis stabilizing kedudukanya as a band with whom always exist in every project the metal such as below: 1. Compilation of "BLASTING" in February 1998 with the tittle "UMBRA MORTIS" BMS RECORDS label2. January 2000 return Umbra Mortis follow compilation "NEO HELIST PART 1 & 2with the tittle "one FULL PEAK of IMMORTALITY" label "ESP RECORDS", 3. April 2004 Umbra Mortis follow Compilation "Metallic Clinic 6" label "Musica Records" with the same tittle.As is the case in finding inspiration in music, Umbramortis will not want to just get stuck on one idea only. From the maturity of the characters with the search starting from the process of personil2nya the long journey in the music and work Umbramortis finally get a better value from the process. Really great upheaval within Umbramortis when it erupted a Brillian idea then emerging, like such as being a very precise lines found in the music and work. Without hesitation and wavering Umbramortis decided to create a new concept of a band that changed the concept in music with carrying the POWER METAL scene. It also automatically push Umbramortis to immediately produce the work in the form of an Album. There are several turn of the formation personnel also follows the changes in metal music carried scen. Among other things: 1. UKAY MORTIS: GUITAR 2. SISHIDO YUTAKA: GUITAR3. ELVIN ZAENAL: BASS/VOCALS4. The AMBON MORTIS: DRUMSWithout stopping the move Umbramortis back to rock metal scene by launching back major work on a second album in April 2005 Umbra Mortis "DARKNESS VICTORY" under the label "BIZZARE RECORDS" Some major events: Umbramortis diramaikan 1.2006 Umbramortis mencadaskan in the compilation "Metallic Clinic 8" under the label MUSICA Record.2. November 2005 Compilation "INDONESIAN UNDER GROUND" under the label "EDLEWEISS RECORDS" with the tittle "QUEEN OF THE DAMNED" 3. return March 2006 Umbra Mortis participated in compilation "ARMY OF BLACK WALLY" with the title "BLACK WIDOW" under the label"INVIO LABLE RECORDS". After following some of the Event and the compilation "Shisido Yutaka" (The Guitarist) decided to return to his home country (Tokyo Japan). Because it was so empty guitar position in the body of Umbra Mortis is finally in January 2006 Umbra Mortis recruiting "Willy Damien" shisido "position to replace Yutaka" as his successor, without stopping the move in August 2006 again participated in the compilation of the "METALLIC CLINIC 8" with the tittle "NYCTOPHOBIA" under the label "MUSICA RECORDS". After finishing the recording process in mid-December 2007 Elvin Zaenal resigned because of his strenuous, then with the empty position on Bass Vocals then the Umbra Mortis recruit Erick to fill the void on the body of Umbra Mortis. The time passed by without stopping work have been very reasonable in the presence of a band experienced some significant revolution in undergoing a development. It is none other than with an innovation-innovation movement which finally arrived at a point of light. It is with in ketidaksengajaannya meeting between the Ukay (The Guitarist) and Koko who was a longtime friend of olden time Ukay study in Jogjakarta in 1999, in a large Metal Event in Bulungan, Jakarta. Starting from that meeting, berlanjutlah with Jams Session between them. Then diputuskanlah that Umbramortis latest formation back in the set: 1. KOKO: VOCALS 2. UKAY MORTIS: GUITAR3. WILLY DAMIEN: GUITAR4. ERICK: BASS5. BULI MORTIS: DRUMSWith the formation of Umbramortis ready to push back the metal scene in the world and the homeland in particular by creating a new single with the latest music and vocals are more varied and faster. Biography and New Album Umbra MortisWuiiih is long enough also this legend band Biography, here a little chit chat admin area-frontal with members of UMBRA MORTIS, kang Ukay Mortis:
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Biography and new album Umbra Mortis [Indonesian power metal]
Akbarmayat 21/07/2013 0
new album Umbra Mortis [Indonesian power metal]
REVIEW - This time-frontal area will discuss the new album and also the history of the power metal band seasoned Indonesia umbra mortis . Umbramortis formed from a small community that has a big dream world wants to be a musician to be reckoned. Umbramortis proudly carries the bold black metal scene in mid-July 1992. Umbramortis which at that time wanted to introduce the Black Metal scene in Indonesia because there is a lot of metal musicians in the country that carries the scene. Many foreign band that references Umbramortis at that time, among others: MAYHEM, Burzum, Darkthrone, and much more. With confidence then Umbramortis formed with initial formation, namely: 1 ukay mortis: GUITAR / LEAD 2 Fuad ZIBRIL: BASS / VOCAL 3 Danton: VOCAL 4 Muchsin: DRUMS with the line up above the mid-April 1996 "umbra mortis" launched the first album with the tittle " NATURAL DEATH spirits "with the label" RK MUSIC STUDIO ". After the success of her first album Umbramortis many follow several events inside and outside the city. Umbramortis has established kedudukanya as a band with them always exist in every project metal as described below: 1. Compilation "BLASTING" in February 1998 with the tittle "umbra mortis" under the BMS label RECORDS 2. Umbra Mortis back in January 2000 following the compilation "NEO HELIST PART 1 & 2 with tittle" ONE PURNAMA PEAK ETERNITY "under the label" ESP RECORDS ", 3. Umbra Mortis April 2004 following the compilation "Metallic Clinic 6" under the label "Musica Records" with the same tittle. As in search of inspiration in music, Umbramortis will not just stuck on one idea only. Of maturity search character with the beginning of the long journey personil2nya in music and works Umbramortis finally get more value out of the process. It happens great upheaval within Umbramortis when sparked an idea Brillian that when it appears, is very like likened to find a path that is appropriate in music and work. Without hesitation and wavering Umbramortis decided to create a new concept of a band that changed concepts in music and brought the scene POWER METAL. Automatically also it encourages Umbramortis to immediately produce his work in the form of an album. There were several changes of personnel formations also follow changes in metal music scen carried. Among others: 1. Ukay mortis: GUITAR 2 .SISHIDO Yutaka: GUITAR 3 .ELVIN ZAENAL: BASS / VOCAL 4. AMBON mortis: DRUMS Without stops moving Umbramortis again kicked the metal scene with the relaunch of his great work on the second album in April 2005 Umbra Mortis "DARKNESS VICTORY" under the label "Bizzare RECORDS" Several major events are enlivened Umbramortis: 1. 2006 Umbramortis mencadaskan in the compilation "Metallic Clinic 8" under the label MUSICA Record. 2 .November 2005 Compilation "INDONESIAN UNDER GROUND" under the label "EDLEWEISS RECORDS" with tittle "QUEEN OF THE DAMNED" 3. March 2006 back Umbra Mortis participated in the compilation "ARMY OF BLACK WALLY" with the title "Black Widow" under the label "INVIO lable RECORDS". After attending several events and the compilation "Shisido Yutaka" (The Guitaris) decided to return to their country of origin ( Tokyo Japan). Due to it, the empty position of the guitar body Umbra Mortis finally in January 2006 Umbra Mortis recruit "Willy Damien" to replace "Shisido Yutaka" as his successor, without stopping moving in August 2006 returned to participate in the compilation "METALLIC CLINIC 8" with tittle "NYCTOPHOBIA" under the label "MUSICA RECORDS". Once completed the recording process in mid December 2007 Elvin Zaenal resign because of his work, then the empty position on Vocal Bass then Umbra Mortis recruit Erick to fill the vacancy on the body Umbra Mortis. So much time has passed by without stop working is very reasonable for a band experienced some significant revolution in undergoing a development. It was no other than with innovation-innovation accompanied by a movement which finally arrived at a point of light. It is to be ketidaksengajaannya meeting between Ukay (Sang Guitaris) with Koko who was a long time ago when Ukay studying in Yogyakarta in 1999, in a big Metal event in Bulungan, Jakarta. Starting from the meeting, berlanjutlah with Jams Session between them. It was decided that the latest Umbramortis formation back in the set: 1. KOKO: VOCAL 2 .UKAY mortis: GUITAR 3. WILLY DAMIEN: GUITAR 4. ERICK: BASS 5. AMBON mortis: DRUMS With these formations Umbramortis ready to hit back in the arena of metal in the world and the country in particular by creating a new single with vocals latest and music are more varied and faster. Biography and new album Umbra Mortis Wuiiih long enough also Biography band This legend, here a little chit-chat admin area of the frontal with dedengkot umbra mortis, kang Ukay Mortis:

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