Awal perkenalan saya dengan band folk-rock asal Bandung ini adalah ket翻訳 - Awal perkenalan saya dengan band folk-rock asal Bandung ini adalah ket英語言う方法

Awal perkenalan saya dengan band fo

Awal perkenalan saya dengan band folk-rock asal Bandung ini adalah ketika saya datang ke sebuah acara di Fisip Unpad pada tahun 2012. Saya masih ingat mereka membawakan lagu Time They’re Changin’ milik Bob Dylan. Lagu rakyat amerika itu dibawakan dengan enerjik tanpa cacat. Malah menurut saya mereka membawakan lagu itu dengan nyaris sempurna. Walaupun saat itu mereka bukanlah headline utama dari acara tersebut. Jujur, awalnya saya underestimate dengan band ini, wajah-wajahnya yang “cukup tua” dan terlihat malas membuat saya berpikir bahwa mereka sepertinya mereka bukan band yang serius. Namun, anggapan awal saya itu ternyata salah dan wajib dicatat juga oleh kalian agar tidak menganggap mereka adalah band folk kacangan.

Tak terasa perkenalan saya yang sudah berlangsung tiga tahun ini menghasilkan suatu rasa penasaran untuk mendengarkan anak-anak dari buah pemikiran mereka. Tepat pada Sabtu (28/3) kemarin band yang terdiri dari Galih Nugraha (vokal dan gitar), Abah Donny (rhytm gitar), Bagan (drum), Galant (bass),Rasus Ono (tin whistle), Yadi (gitar & mandolin) dan Yogi (perkusi) ini memecahkan rasa penasaran saya dengan melahirkan anak mereka yang pertama bernama Anak Sungai.

Anak sulung Deugalih & Folks ini dibungkus dengan artwork kolase yang lucu karya Resatio dan diantarkan dengan cinta pada toko-toko kaset oleh Demajors. Jika kalian coba mendengarkannya dengan seksama, 10 lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh Galih dkk dalam Anak Sungai ini memiliki dua tema utama yaitu alam dan anak-anak. Mungkin suasana yang paling tepat untuk mendengarkan lagu-lagu mereka adalah ketika duduk santai di taman atau menikmati angin pagi di hamparan sawah dekat rumah nenek. Berikut adalah review lagu-lagu Deugalih & Folks :
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The early introduction of the I-rock folk band from Bandung this is when I come to an event in [2] and served in 2012. I still remember those rendition of Time they're Changin ' Bob Dylan. American folk song that was performed with energetic without disabilities. In fact I think they performed it with almost perfect. Although by that time they were not the main headline of the event. To be honest, initially I underestimate with these bands, the wajah-wajahnya "old enough" and lazy look makes me think that they seem they are not a serious band. However, my initial assumption that turned out to be wrong and must also note by you guys so don't consider them folk band is nuts.Nobody feels the introduction I already took place three years produced a curiosity to hear children from the fruit of their thinking. Right on Saturday (29/3) yesterday the band comprising Galih Nugraha (vocals and guitar), Abaad Donny (new rhythm guitar), chart (a drum), Galant Rasus (bass), Ono (tin whistle), Yadi (guitar & mandolin) and Yogi (percussion) this solved my curiosity with gave birth to their first Child named River.The first-born of Deugalih & Folks this is wrapped with collage artwork funny Resatio paper and delivered with love on the cassette shops by Demajors. If you try to listen to it carefully, 10 songs sung by Galih dkk in the Creeks has two main themes, namely nature and children. Perhaps the most appropriate atmosphere for listening to their songs was when sitting in the park or enjoying the morning breeze in the rice field near Grandma's House. The following is a review of the songs Deugalih & Folks:
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The beginning of my introduction to folk-rock band from Bandung, this is when I come to an event at Fisip Unpad in 2012. I still remember their rendition of Time They're changin 'Bob Dylan. American folk song was performed with energetic without disabilities. In fact, I think they sang it with almost perfect. Although at that time they were not the main headline of the event. Honestly, I initially underestimate with this band, the faces are "old enough" and looks lazy makes me think that they seemed like they were not serious band. However, my initial assumption was wrong and must be recorded also by guys that do not consider themselves folk band nuts. Not feel my introduction that has lasted three years have resulted in a curiosity to hear children from the fruit of their thoughts. Right on Saturday (28/3) yesterday band consisting of Galih Nugraha (vocals and guitar), Abah Donny (rhythm guitar), Bagan (drums), Galant (bass), Rasus Ono (tin whistle), Yadi (guitar & mandolin ) and Yogi (percussion) this solves my curiosity by giving birth to their first son named Creeks. The eldest Deugalih & Folks is wrapped with a cute collage artwork Resatio work and delivered with love at record stores by Demajors. If you try to listen carefully, 10 songs sung by Galina et al in Creeks has two main themes of nature and children. Perhaps the most appropriate atmosphere to listen to the songs they were when sitting relaxed in the park or enjoying the morning breeze in a paddy field near grandma's house. Here is a review of the songs Deugalih & Folks:

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