Total TPG meraup Rp 21,1 triliun atau untung lebih dari 10 kali lipat dalam waktu tujuh tahun. TPG juga masih memiliki 8,38% saham BTPN senilai sekitar Rp 1,98 triliun dengan asumsi harga saham BTPN, Rabu (18/2), senilai Rp 4.060 per saham.
A total of 21.1 trillion to Rp scooped TPG or profit more than 10 times within the next seven years. TPG also still have SHORT BTPN 8,38% stake valued at approximately USD 1.98 trillion, assuming the stock price SHORT BTPN, Wednesday (18/2), worth Rp 4.060 per share.
TPG scooped total Rp 21.1 trillion, or profits more than 10-fold in seven years. TPG also still has a 8.38% stake in the bank at around Rp 1.98 trillion, assuming the Bank's share price on Wednesday (18/2), at Rp 4,060 per share.