JAKARTA, Indonesia-Not many know Regent Batang, Central Java, Yoyo Riyo Sudibyo. But the name is quite popular in Central Java province. According to the organizers of Bung Hatta Anti-Corruption Award, mother Yoyo is a trader at market Onions who has a home in front of the market. When elected as regent Trunk in 2012, Yoyo walk from Trunk to Onions a distance approximately 20 kilometers. Throughout the trip he shook hands with all the loyal supporters waiting at the roadside. The journey begins night and he had just arrived in Onion 7am. Several hours later, Yoyo talk to the community stems and supporters on the stage erected in front of his mother's house. In the Regional Head Election 2012, Yoyo landslide with the acquisition of over 90 percent, beating two pairs of candidates. Yoyo who retired early from his military career, become a successful trader clothes and have a lot of distributions in some cities, such as Bandung, Jakarta, Pekalongan, Purwokerto, and Papua. The last city is one of the largest source of income that makes Yoyo success as an entrepreneur selling clothes. Yoyo Riyo Sudibyo. But the name is quite popular in Central Java province. According to the organizers of Bung Hatta Anti-Corruption Award, mother Yoyo is a trader at market Onions who has a home in front of the market. When elected as regent Trunk in 2012, Yoyo walk from Trunk to Onions a distance approximately 20 kilometers. Throughout the trip he shook hands with all the loyal supporters waiting at the roadside. The journey begins night and he had just arrived in Onion 7am. Several hours later, Yoyo talk to the community stems and supporters on the stage erected in front of his mother's house. In the Regional Head Election 2012, Yoyo landslide with the acquisition of over 90 percent, beating two pairs of candidates. Yoyo who retired early from his military career, become a successful trader clothes and have a lot of distributions in some cities, such as Bandung, Jakarta, Pekalongan, Purwokerto, and Papua. The last city is one of the largest source of income that makes Yoyo success as an entrepreneur selling clothes. Yoyo Riyo Sudibyo. But the name is quite popular in Central Java province. According to the organizers of Bung Hatta Anti-Corruption Award, mother Yoyo is a trader at market Onions who has a home in front of the market. When elected as regent Trunk in 2012, Yoyo walk from Trunk to Onions a distance approximately 20 kilometers. Throughout the trip he shook hands with all the loyal supporters waiting at the roadside. The journey begins night and he had just arrived in Onion 7am. Several hours later, Yoyo talk to the community stems and supporters on the stage erected in front of his mother's house. In the Regional Head Election 2012, Yoyo landslide with the acquisition of over 90 percent, beating two pairs of candidates. Yoyo who retired early from his military career, become a successful trader clothes and have a lot of distributions in some cities, such as Bandung, Jakarta, Pekalongan, Purwokerto, and Papua. The last city is one of the largest source of income that makes Yoyo success as an entrepreneur selling clothes. Yoyo's mother is a trader at market Onions who has a home in front of the market. When Rod was elected regent in 2012, Yoyo walk from Onion rod to a distance of about 20 kilometers. Throughout the trip he shook hands with all the loyal supporters waiting at the roadside. The journey begins night and he had just arrived in Onion 7am. Several hours later, Yoyo talk to the community stems and supporters on the stage erected in front of his mother's house. In the Regional Head Election 2012, Yoyo landslide with the acquisition of over 90 percent, beating two pairs of candidates. Yoyo who retired early from his military career, become a successful trader clothes and have a lot of distributions in some cities, such as Bandung, Jakarta, Pekalongan, Purwokerto, and Papua. The last city is one of the largest source of income that makes Yoyo success as an entrepreneur selling clothes. Yoyo's mother is a trader at market Onions who has a home in front of the market. When Rod was elected regent in 2012, Yoyo walk from Onion rod to a distance of about 20 kilometers. Throughout the trip he shook hands with all the loyal supporters waiting at the roadside. The journey begins night and he had just arrived in Onion 7am. Several hours later, Yoyo talk to the community stems and supporters on the stage erected in front of his mother's house. In the Regional Head Election 2012, Yoyo landslide with the acquisition of over 90 percent, beating two pairs of candidates. Yoyo who retired early from his military career, become a successful trader clothes and have a lot of distributions in some cities, such as Bandung, Jakarta, Pekalongan, Purwokerto, and Papua. The last city is one of the largest source of income that makes Yoyo success as an entrepreneur selling clothes. The journey begins night and he had just arrived in Onion 7am. Several hours later, Yoyo talk to the community stems and supporters on the stage erected in front of his mother's house. In the Regional Head Election 2012, Yoyo landslide with the acquisition of over 90 percent, beating two pairs of candidates. Yoyo who retired early from his military career, become a successful trader clothes and have a lot of distributions in some cities, such as Bandung, Jakarta, Pekalongan, Purwokerto, and Papua. The last city is one of the largest source of income that makes Yoyo success as an entrepreneur selling clothes. The journey begins night and he had just arrived in Onion 7am. Several hours later, Yoyo talk to the community stems and supporters on the stage erected in front of his mother's house. In the Regional Head Election 2012, Yoyo landslide with the acquisition of over 90 percent, beating two pairs of candidates. Yoyo who retired early from his military career, become a successful trader clothes and have a lot of distributions in some cities, such as Bandung, Jakarta, Pekalongan, Purwokerto, and Papua. The last city is one of the largest source of income that makes Yoyo success as an entrepreneur selling clothes.
He is rumored, before serving as regent, already has a home in Jakarta, the result of his efforts. Achievement bureaucracy Yoyo At the beginning of his leadership Yoyo doing some breakthroughs, namely: Creating Letters Question Regent Trunk not ask the project on behalf of personal, family, or group Creating Integrity Pact Implementation of regional work units in the prevention and eradication of Collusion, Corruption and Nepotism (KKN) as well as the transparency and accountability of the use of the local budget. Doing cooperation with Transparency International Indonesia Reforming the bureaucracy along masyarat and community Organization Conducting the Festival budget. The entire budget planning in a transparent manner on display during the three day exhibition, including asking the rest of the budget on account of each tribal agencies. The system of the doors in the manufacture licensing without extortion procurement auctions and tenders without charges
Yoyo experimental style elections. Yoyo conduct experiments in three villages, namely: Pecan Village, District Subah; Surjo village, District Onion; Kalasari village; Subdistrict Blado. Facilitate rural districts to conduct the election of regional heads are free of money politics. In general, this experiment is successful, but only one village that did the election with two candidates for village chief. Two other villages have only one candidate.
Yoyo also formed a team of Improving the Quality of Public Services in the Government of Batang. This team serves as UKP4 (Presidential Working Unit for Supervision and Control of Development) formed of former President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. The team under the direct supervision of regents is composed of the provincial secretary, chief of which is the local work unit, assistant III regent and vice regent.
Dealing directly with the public. Under UKP4 team ala Yoyo contained units that work directly in the field. Public complaints against the implementation of the district administration can be delivered and acted upon directly by this team. Either via text message, phone, and website. It is normal became their problems are about health, community assistance berkasus, education.
Refused to buy official cars. Yoyo savings made among others by not want to buy an official car and using a private car, do not use the patrol guards, each event given government consumption always cassava and boiled peanuts. In the first year of the budget savings would reach US $ 5-6 billion. Each morning, the regents jog around the home office or ride the bike along with his aides and around the rod.
Known for hardware and discipline According to the findings of Bung Hatta Award, Yoyo is often criticized because of the attitude and words are rough, the remaining characters of the official army. The apparatus of government at the district and village levels also often receive Yoyo rap over the policies that according Yoyo ineffective and inefficient, not in accordance with the needs of the community. The door is open to the public Yoyo In his tenure, the official residence of the Regent into open spaces that can be visited by anyone. Gazebo located in the courtyard is often used by people to relax and have a meeting.
People are also free to play on the home page regent because the fence is always open. If you want to meet directly with Yoyo, people can also directly do so without permission convoluted. Tim Bung Hatta Award also managed to get into the home page of regents and photographed cars in the yard without much asked by rangers. The car is available there only Toyota Avanza. Efficiency budgets In 2012, there was a surge increase in local revenue to $ 14.4 billion over the previous year. Meanwhile, the efficiency of personnel expenditure was reduced to $ 42.4 billion, and the efficiency of the procurement of goods and services to $ 21.3 billion. In fact, during the years of his reign, an increase in local government asset value to $ 347.2 billion. These funds are returned again to the development of the society. "We have also succeeded in increasing the number of packages of electronic auctions significant. Of the 87 packs in 2011 to 240 in 2012. Or occur efficiency to USD 9.66 billion (9.14 per cent) and the into the local treasury, "he said on the team Bung Hatta Anti-Corruption Award.
Because of his achievements, Yoyo managed to deliver Batang County Government awarded the ISO 27001: 2013 from ACS Registrars Indonesian institutions for Electronic Procurement Service (LPSE) auction of goods and services. -Report Of the team Bung Hatta Award / Rappler.com READ ALSO