Daily Concerts,Green kemang, Jakarta (30/6) menjadi tempat peluncuran album ke -6 Siksa Kubur (SK) “St. Kristo”. SK yang terbentuk sejak tahun 1996 membuktika kecintaanya kepada almarhum Kristoforus Dwinanda Satrio ( Rio ) founder Rottrevore dimana album ini didedikasikan untuk almarhum dengan namanya dijadikan tittle album anyar ini.
“Rio sosok yang berarti untuk kami”,jelas Septian Maulana sang vokalis saat kami temui di venue.
pemutaran video klip “Merah Hitam Hijau” serta video tentang Rio menjadi suguhan awal di acara ini .Sosok Rio benar-benar berhasil dibawa hadir oleh SK malam itu .”Burung Bangkai “ menjadi lagu pembuka yang diambil dari album anyarnya yang beraroma Deicide dan Cannibal Corpse sangat kental .
“Surga Temaran”,”Industri Monster Distorsi”,”Bersama Bermuatan Bencana” pun tak luput dibawakan oleh SK yang juga dari album barunya.
“angka ini adalah kesukaan almarhum (Rio) 4,2,0 ”,jelas andre tiranta sebelum mengaktifkan gitar Ibanez RG 1570 Z LMR nya untuk membawakan 420 .Andre Tiranta atau yang akrab di panggil Bacot merupakan anggota terlama SK formasi saat ini.
“Gw sangat terhormat bisa satu band sama dia”, kesan Septian Maulana saat menceritakan sosok Andre Tiranta
Album “St. Kristo” yang direkam di studio milik drummer EDANE Fajar dengan Produser rekaman Rudi Dian dan artwork dipercayakan kepada Riandy Kurniawan yang sebelumnya juga menggarap artwork album “Tentara Merah darah “ berisikan 7 lagu dengan durasi kurang lebih 45 menit .
“album ini lebih dark dari album-album sebelum nya”,pendapat Japs mantan vokalis SK yang malam itupun turut naik panggung membawakan “Kelelawar Hijau”.
Sukses untuk “ St Kristo” album terbaru Siksa Kubur ,SEGANNN!!!!!! (Putut Wulan Guritno)
Daily Concerts, Green kemang, Jakarta (30/6) became the site of the launch of the 6th album the torment of the grave (SK) "St. Kristo". SK formed since 1996 membuktika kecintaanya to the deceased Saint Christopher Satrio Dwinanda (Rio) co-founder of Rottrevore where the album was dedicated to the deceased by name made this newer album tittle."Rio figure that means for us", explains Septian Maulana the vocalist when we met at the venue. playback of video clip "red black green" as well as a video about the Rio became a wonderful early in the event. The figure of Rio really work taken by the present DECISION that night. " Vulture "became the opening song of the album is taken from the anyarnya-scented Cannibal Corpse and Deicide is highly viscous."Heaven Temaran", "industry", "Distortion Monsters Together Electrically not escape disaster" performed by SK also from her new album. "this figure is deceased (Rio) 4, 2, 1", explains andre tiranta before activating guitar Ibanez RG 1570 Z LMR to bring 420. Andre Tiranta or intimate in call Bacot is the longest-serving member of the current lineup SK."I was very honored to be in the same band he one", the impression Septian Maulana while telling figure of Andre TirantaThe album "St. Kristo" recorded at studio drummer recordings with producer Dawn EDANE Rudi Dian and the artwork was entrusted to Riandy Kurniawan who earlier also manage the artwork of the album "Red Army" blood contains 7 tracks with a duration of approximately 45 minutes."this album is more dark from the album before his" Japs, opinion former vocalist SK night then undertook to go up the stage's "Green Bats".Success for "St Kristo" latest album the torment of the grave, SEGANNN!!!! (Putut Wulan Quarter Guritno)

Daily Concerts, Green Kemang, Jakarta (30/6) to the launch site to -6 Siksa album Grave (SK) "St. Kristo ". SK formed since 1996 membuktika his love to the late Christopher Dwinanda Satrio (Rio) founder Rottrevore where this album is dedicated to the deceased with his name made tittle album this brand-new.
"Rio figure that means for us," explained Septian Maulana vocalist when we met in venue. playback of the video clip "Red Black Green" and video for Rio to treat the beginning of this event .Sosok Rio actually managed to take attendance by decree that night. "Bird Carcass" the opening song taken from the album anyarnya flavored Deicide and Cannibal Corpse is very thick. "Heaven Temaran", "Industrial Monster Distortion", "Together Charged Disaster" did not escape hosted by SK also from his new album. "This figure is a favorite of the deceased (Rio) 4,2,0 ', clear andre tiranta before activating the Ibanez RG 1570 Z LMR her to bring 420 .Andre Tiranta or familiar call Bacot is the oldest member of the formation decree at this time. "Gw very honored to be a band with him", the impression Septian Andre Maulana while telling figure Tiranta The album "St. Kristo "which was recorded in the studio of drummer Edane Dawn with record producer Rudi Dian and artwork entrusted to Riandy Kurniawan who previously worked on the album artwork" Blood Red Army "contains 7 tracks with a duration of approximately 45 minutes." This album is more dark than Album- his prior album, "Japs former vocalist SK opinion that night and even then helped stage the event brought the" Green Bat ". Success for" St. Kristo 'latest album Siksa tomb, SEGANNN !!!!!! (Putu Wulan Guritno)