JAKARTA. Bank J Trust Indonesia kembali mengajukan suntikan modal kepa翻訳 - JAKARTA. Bank J Trust Indonesia kembali mengajukan suntikan modal kepa英語言う方法

JAKARTA. Bank J Trust Indonesia kem

JAKARTA. Bank J Trust Indonesia kembali mengajukan suntikan modal kepada sang induk dengan skema penambahan modal tanpa Hak Memesan Efek Terlebih Dahulu (HMETD). Dalam aksi ini, eks Bank Mutiara melepas 40 triliun saham baru atau 3,69% dari jumlah modal disetor per 30 Juni 2015 dengan harga pelaksanaan Rp 0,01 per saham.

Berdasarkan keterbukaan informasi yang dipublikasikan di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pekan lalu, bank dengan sandi saham BCIC ini mengincar peroleh dana Rp 400 miliar. "Saham baru ini akan dikeluarkan kepada pemegang saham pengendali berupa saham seri A dengan nilai saham Rp 0,01 per lembar yang diambil dari saham dalam portepel perseroan," tulis informasi itu.

Melalui aksi ini, Bank J Trust akan menggunakan dana yang diperoleh untuk memperkuat struktur permodalan dalam rangka pengembangan bisnis. Untuk itu, Bank J Trust juga telah menginformasikan rencana ini kepada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) pada 20 Agustus yang kemudian akan dibahas dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) pada 29 September mendatang.

Sebelum penambahan modal tanpa HMETD ini, susunan pemegang saham Bank J Trust terdiri dari J Trust Co.,Ltd 98,997%, PT J Trust Investments Indonesia 1%, dan publik 0,003%. Sementara, setelah penambahan modal tanpa HMETD nanti, maka kepemilikan pemegang saham lainnya terdilusi 0,044% dan membuat presentase kepemilikan J Trust menjadi 99,041%, J Trust Investments 0,958%, dan publik tetap 0,003%.

Rencana penambahan modal dari J Trust Co.,Ltd melalui tanpa HMETD bukan yang pertama kali bagi Bank J trust. Pada Desember 2014 dan Maret 2015, penambahan modal dengan skema serupa sudah dilakukan. Dari dua kali aksi yang sama itu, Bank J Trust berhasil menghimpun modal Rp 600 miliar.

"Penambahan modal saat itu, telah masuk dalam komponen modal perseroan dan dicatatkan pada daftar pemegang saham perseroan," tambah informasi itu.

Nah, atas penambahan modal tersebut, ekuitas Bank J Trust per Juni 2015 telah mencapai Rp 1,08 triliun dari posisi akhir Desember 2014 Rp 1,02 triliun. Jika mengacu pada data Juni 2015, maka rencana penambahan modal tanpa HMETD yang sedang dalam proses ini akan membuat ekuitas Bank J Trust mencapai Rp 1,48 triliun.

Ahmad Fajar, Direktur Utama Bank J Trust pernah mengatakan, pihaknya telah mendapat komitmen dari J Trust untuk terus memperkuat permodalan Bank J Trust. "Komitmen J Trust senilai Rp 1,3 triliun mulai digelontorkan di 2014 hingga 2018 mendatang," tutur Fajar.

Selain punya komitmen modal, Fajar juga bilang, Bank J Trust bakal menawarkan surat utang dalam bentuk promissory notes atau medium term notes (MTN) kepada J trust. Rencananya, melalui surat utang tersebut, Bank J Trust mengincar dana Rp 1-2 triliun. Fajar beralasan, penerbitan surat utang dilakukan untuk memenuhi target kredit Bank J Trust yang berkisar 17%.

"Tapi, dengan adanya surat utang, kami harap realisasi penyaluran kredit bisa melebihi target," katanya. Mulai tahun ini, Bank J Trust mulai mengaduk ulang sasaran bisnisnya. Fajar mengungkapkan, pihaknya mulai mengurangi porsi kredit bernilai besar dan fokus pada sektor usaha kecil dan menengah (UKM) serta kredit konsumer.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Jakarta. Bank Indonesia again Trust J ask the injection of capital to the parent with the capital increase without the right Ordering Effects in advance (HMETD). In this action, unleash the Pearl Banks ex 40 trillion new shares or 3,69% of the total paid-in capital as of 30 June 2015 with an exercise price of Rp 0.01 per share.Based on the openness of the information published on the Indonesia stock exchange (idx) last week, with bank shares this coveted the BCIC password obtained funds of Rp 400 billion. "These new Shares will be issued to the controlling shareholder in the form of shares of series A shares with a value of Usd 0.01 per sheet taken from portepel shares in the company," wrote that information.Through this action, the Bank will use the funds of the Trust J acquired to strengthen capital structure in order to business development. For that, the Bank also has informed Trust J these plans to the financial services authority (OJK) on August 20, which will then be discussed in the general meeting of shareholders (EGM) Outstanding on September 29.Before the capital increase without this HMETD, composition of shareholders of Bank Trust consists of J J Trust Co., Ltd 98,997% J Trust Investments, PT Indonesia 1% public, and 0.003%. Meanwhile, after the capital increase without HMETD later, then the ownership of the other shareholders 0,044 terdilusi% and makes his percentage ownership of the Trust being 99,041% J, J Trust Investments 0,958%, and the public remains of 0.003%.Rencana penambahan modal dari J Trust Co.,Ltd melalui tanpa HMETD bukan yang pertama kali bagi Bank J trust. Pada Desember 2014 dan Maret 2015, penambahan modal dengan skema serupa sudah dilakukan. Dari dua kali aksi yang sama itu, Bank J Trust berhasil menghimpun modal Rp 600 miliar."Penambahan modal saat itu, telah masuk dalam komponen modal perseroan dan dicatatkan pada daftar pemegang saham perseroan," tambah informasi itu.Nah, atas penambahan modal tersebut, ekuitas Bank J Trust per Juni 2015 telah mencapai Rp 1,08 triliun dari posisi akhir Desember 2014 Rp 1,02 triliun. Jika mengacu pada data Juni 2015, maka rencana penambahan modal tanpa HMETD yang sedang dalam proses ini akan membuat ekuitas Bank J Trust mencapai Rp 1,48 triliun.Ahmad Fajar, Direktur Utama Bank J Trust pernah mengatakan, pihaknya telah mendapat komitmen dari J Trust untuk terus memperkuat permodalan Bank J Trust. "Komitmen J Trust senilai Rp 1,3 triliun mulai digelontorkan di 2014 hingga 2018 mendatang," tutur Fajar.Selain punya komitmen modal, Fajar juga bilang, Bank J Trust bakal menawarkan surat utang dalam bentuk promissory notes atau medium term notes (MTN) kepada J trust. Rencananya, melalui surat utang tersebut, Bank J Trust mengincar dana Rp 1-2 triliun. Fajar beralasan, penerbitan surat utang dilakukan untuk memenuhi target kredit Bank J Trust yang berkisar 17%. "But, with the bonds, we hope the realization of channeling credit could exceed the target," he said. Starting this year, the Bank began to Trust J stirred repeated targets of its business. Dawn revealed, it began reducing the credit portion of large-value and focus on the sector of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as well as consumer credit.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
JAKARTA. Bank Indonesia J Trust filed a capital injection to the mother with a capital injection scheme without Preemptive Rights (ER). In this action, the former Bank Mutiara to sell 40 billion new shares, or 3.69% of total paid-up capital as at June 30, 2015 at an exercise price of USD 0.01 per share. Based on the disclosure of information published on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) last week, BCIC stock bank with a password is eyeing earn Rp 400 billion. "The new shares will be issued to the controlling shareholders in the form of shares of series A shares with a value of USD 0.01 per share taken from the company's stock in the portfolio," wrote the information. Through this action, Bank J Trust will use the proceeds to strengthen in order to develop the capital structure of the business. To that end, the Bank J Trust has also been informed of this plan to the Financial Services Authority (FSA) on August 20, which will then be discussed in the General Meeting Extraordinary Shareholders (EGM) on 29 September. Before the capital increase without pre-emptive rights, the shareholding structure Bank A Trust consists of J Trust Co., Ltd. 98.997%, PT J Trust Investments Indonesia 1%, and 0.003% public. While, after the capital increase without pre-emptive rights later, the holdings of other shareholders diluted to 0.044% and make the percentage ownership of J Trust be 99.041%, J Trust Investments 0.958%, and 0.003% fixed public. The plan to increase the capital of J Trust Co., Ltd. through without pre-emptive rights is not the first time the Bank J trust. In December 2014 and March 2015, the capital increase with a similar scheme already done. Of twice the same action, the Bank J Trust managed to raise a capital of Rp 600 billion. "The additional capital at the time, had been entered in the components of the company's capital and are listed in the register of shareholders of the company," added the information. Now, on the additional capital, J Trust Bank's equity per June 2015 has reached Rp 1.08 trillion from the end of December 2014 to Rp 1.02 trillion. If referring to the data in June 2015, it plans capital increase without pre-emptive rights that are in this process will make J Trust Bank's equity reached Rp 1.48 trillion. Ahmad Fajar, Director of Bank J Trust has said it has received a commitment of J Trust to continue to strengthen the Bank's capital J Trust. "The commitment of J Trust Rp 1.3 trillion started disbursed in 2014 until 2018," said Dawn. In addition to a capital commitment, Dawn also said Bank J Trust will offer debt securities in the form of promissory notes or medium term notes (MTN) to A trust. The plan, through debentures, J Trust Bank eyeing Rp 1-2 trillion. Dawn reasoned, issuance undertaken to meet the target of J Trust Bank loans are around 17%. "But, with the debt, we expect the realization of credit could exceed the target," he said. Starting this year, Bank A Trust began stirring again its business objectives. Dawn revealed, it began to reduce credit portion of great value and a focus on small and medium enterprises sector (SME) and consumer loans.

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