The arrangement Drafting National Committee membershipFormularium national, hereinafter referredOf the Committee as contained in the AnnexIt is part an integral part of the decisionThis Minister.Secondly, the Committee referred to in the one Dictumconsists of a team of experts, the evaluation team, and Managing Teameach serving:1. the team of experts in charge of:a. scientific/technical input in thedrafting National Formularium; andTHE DECISION OF THE MINISTER OF HEALTH RI179165b. conducting assessment of proposed remedyto be included in FormulariumNationwide.2. the evaluation team is in charge of:a. conducting evaluation in drug listFormularium National; andb. provide technical support in thethe application of the policy of National Formulariumthat has been established.3. The implementing Team in charge:a. compiled a list of drugs that will be includedin National Formularium;b. inventory and compile proposalinput a list of drugs that will be includedin National Formularium;c. prepare a draft National Formularium;andd. carry out documentation, finalizationand reporting activities of the preparationFormularium Nationwide.4. The Review team on duty:a. Drawing up studies and efficacy evaluationdrug safety by askingconsideration of the expert team of Pharmacology andClinical Epidemiology; andb. provide technical/scientific enter inneed the team evaluation.Third: the task of the Committee as intended in the DictumBoth entered into force in January untilby December 2015, unless the Task TeamEvaluation until December 2016.FOURTH: in doing their job the Committee responsibleresponsibility and submit a report no later than 1(one) month after the end time of the task toMinister of health through the Director General of thethe tasks and functions in the field of Kefarmasian and toolsHealth.Fifth: All financing arising upon the exercise ofthe task of the Committee charged to Community Development Directorate DIPAKefarmasian services by 2015.SIXTH: at the time of the decision of the Minister is valid, the decisionThe Minister of health the number 228/Menkes/SK/VI/2013about the National Committee for the preparation of FormulariumNational 2013 revoked, and be declared not applicable.THE DECISION OF THE MINISTER OF HEALTH RI180166SIXTH: this Minister's decision comes into force on the date ofset.Established in Jakartaon April 7, 2015THE MINISTER OF HEALTHTHE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA,T.t. dINDIGO FARID MOELOEK165b. conducting assessment of proposed remedyto be included in FormulariumNationwide.2. the evaluation team is in charge of:a. conducting evaluation in drug listFormularium National; andb. provide technical support in thethe application of the policy of National Formulariumthat has been established.3. The implementing Team in charge:a. compiled a list of drugs that will be includedin National Formularium;b. inventory and compile proposalinput a list of drugs that will be includedin National Formularium;c. prepare a draft National Formularium;andd. carry out documentation, finalizationand reporting activities of the preparationFormularium Nationwide.4. The Review team on duty:a. Drawing up studies and efficacy evaluationdrug safety by askingconsideration of the expert team of Pharmacology andClinical Epidemiology; andb. provide technical/scientific enter inneed the team evaluation.Third: the task of the Committee as intended in the DictumBoth entered into force in January untilby December 2015, unless the Task TeamEvaluation until December 2016.FOURTH: in doing their job the Committee responsibleresponsibility and submit a report no later than 1(one) month after the end time of the task toMinister of health through the Director General of thethe tasks and functions in the field of Kefarmasian and toolsHealth.Fifth: All financing arising upon the exercise ofthe task of the Committee charged to Community Development Directorate DIPAKefarmasian services by 2015.SIXTH: at the time of the decision of the Minister is valid, the decisionThe Minister of health the number 228/Menkes/SK/VI/2013about the National Committee for the preparation of FormulariumNational 2013 revoked, and be declared not applicable.166SIXTH: this Minister's decision comes into force on the date ofset