Bahkan, Pak Widodo mengeluh kepada saya bahwa ia tidak diizinkan menen翻訳 - Bahkan, Pak Widodo mengeluh kepada saya bahwa ia tidak diizinkan menen英語言う方法

Bahkan, Pak Widodo mengeluh kepada

Bahkan, Pak Widodo mengeluh kepada saya bahwa ia tidak diizinkan menengok pasukannya di Dili setelah operasi selesai dan ada anggota-anggota TNI AD jatuh sebagai korban dalam operasi itu. Menurut Pak Widodo, dalih yang diberikan mengapa para kepala staf angkatan tidak diajak bicara dan melarang dia pergi ke Dili adalah bahwa dilakukan operasi intelijen. Dengan alasan
itu, semua kegiatan menjadi monopoli para petinggi intelijen yang dipimpin Asisten Intelijen Dephankam/ABRI.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
In fact, Mr. Widodo complained to me that he was not allowed to meet his troops in Dili after the operation is finished and there are members of the INDONESIAN ARMY crashed through the operation. According to Mr. Widodo, the pretext given for why the Chief of staff of the Navy didn't talk and forbade him to go to Dili was that carried out intelligence operations. By reason ofthat, all activities to be a monopoly of the officers of the intelligence that led the intelligence Assistant Dephankam/ABRI.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
In fact, Mr. Widodo complained to me that he was not allowed to visit his troops in Dili after the surgery is complete and there are members of the Army have fallen a victim in the operation. According to Mr. Widodo, the excuses given as to why the chief of staff was not consulted and forbade him to go to Dili is that conducted intelligence operations. With reason
, all activities of a monopoly of intelligence officials led by Assistant Intelligence Dephankam / ABRI.
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