all human life is destined to feel the happiness or sadness how, every翻訳 - all human life is destined to feel the happiness or sadness how, every日本語言う方法

all human life is destined to feel

all human life is destined to feel the happiness or sadness how, every human being living in the world must have merakancobaan, both trials were mild or very severe,,
God is always testing us, that we can be more and more grateful for the blessings given to us that he cation,,
maybe everyone could think to give up when faced with a huge problem, but that problem will never be solved if we are not trying to solve,,
just as well as I, the problem always comes when the time is not very precise,
but I believe, all the problems that there must be a way out, and I'm sure god i cation of this problem, nothing else because he wanted to warn me to always be grateful for the blessings of life which he ed to me and my family, ..
thank god, I'm always grateful for all the blessings that you give to me and my family, ..
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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
すべての人間の人生どのように幸福または悲しさを感じるする運命にある、すべての人間の世界に住んでいる merakancobaan を持つ必要があります、両方の試験は軽度または重度の非常に
多分誰もが可能性が巨大な問題に直面したときにあきらめると思う陽イオン,我々 は、解決しようとしていない場合、その問題が解かれないでしょうが
しかしと思う方法をする必要がありますすべての問題として神を午前私はこの問題は、何も他の陽イオンを常に私に警告したかったからされる生命の祝福に感謝して彼は ed と私の家族を, ..
、神に感謝常に、あなたは私と私の家族に与える... すべての祝福を感謝.
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
all human life is destined to feel the happiness or sadness how, every human being living in the world must have merakancobaan, both trials were mild or very severe,,
God is always testing us, that we can be more and more grateful for the blessings given to us that he cation,,
maybe everyone could think to give up when faced with a huge problem, but that problem will never be solved if we are not trying to solve,,
just as well as I, the problem always comes when the time is not very precise,
but I believe, all the problems that there must be a way out, and I'm sure god i cation of this problem, nothing else because he wanted to warn me to always be grateful for the blessings of life which he ed to me and my family, ..
thank god, I'm always grateful for all the blessings that you give to me and my family, ..
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