Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi dan situasi lingkungan bisnis di media, bisnis media cetak diarahkan untuk melakukan transformasi menuju era digital. Dengan demikian sosok media selanjutnya ditampilkan melalui multi media, multi channel, dan multiplatform (MMM). Maka pada awal tahun 2009 media televisi mulai dijajagi kembali. Kompas Gramedia Television (KOMPAS GRAMEDIA TV) menjadi kendaraan perusahaan untuk menjalankan bisnis di televisi yang dimulai dengan pembentukan proyek KOMPAS GRAMEDIATV pada awal Oktober 2009. Proyek ini memulai kegiatannya dengan membentuk KOMPAS GRAMEDIA Production yang diberi tugas untuk memproduksi program acara yang memberikan value added kepada pemirsa, sehingga program-program yang akan ditayangkan mengandung nilai-nilai kemanusiaan, nilai sosial dan pendidikan. Proyek KOMPAS GRAMEDIATV sekaligus juga mempersiapkan terbentuknya KOMPAS GRAMEDIA TV Network, Kompas Channel, KOMPAS GRAMEDIA Vision, dan Kompas TV.
Along with the development of technology and the environmental situation in the business media, business media print directed to perform the transformation towards the digital age. Thus the next media figure is shown through multi media, multi channel and multiplatform (MMM). Then in early 2009 television media started dijajagi again. Kompas Gramedia Television (KOMPAS GRAMEDIA TV) into the vehicle companies to run business in television, beginning with the formation of GRAMEDIATV COMPASS project at the beginning of October 2009. The project started its activities by establishing COMPASS GRAMEDIA Productions who are tasked to produce programs that provide value added to the audience, so that the programmes will be screened to contain human values, social and educational value. Project COMPASS GRAMEDIATV while also preparing for the formation of KOMPAS GRAMEDIA TV Network, Kompas, KOMPAS GRAMEDIA Vision Channel, TV and compass.

Along with the development of technology and business environment situation in the media, print media business geared up to transform into the digital age. Thus the figure of the media will be displayed through multi-media, multi-channel, and multi-platform (MMM). Then in early 2009 explored the medium of television began back. Kompas Gramedia Television (Kompas Gramedia TV) into a company vehicle to run in the television business that began with the establishment of GRAMEDIATV COMPASS project in early October 2009. The project started its activities by forming COMPASS Production GRAMEDIA tasked to produce programs that provide value added to the viewers , so the programs that will be shown to contain human values, social values and education. GRAMEDIATV COMPASS project as well as to prepare the formation of COMPASS GRAMEDIA TV Network, Channel Compass, Kompas Gramedia Vision, and Reuters TV.