Ramadhan is Around the Corner: Hasil Rapat Persiapan Ramadhan HICCRAMA翻訳 - Ramadhan is Around the Corner: Hasil Rapat Persiapan Ramadhan HICCRAMA英語言う方法

Ramadhan is Around the Corner: Hasi

Ramadhan is Around the Corner: Hasil Rapat Persiapan Ramadhan HICC

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Ramadhan is around the corner. Berikut adalah hasil rapat panitia Ramadhan HICC, semoga bisa menjadi bahan persiapan bagi rekan-rekan tercinta yang ingin ikut serta berpartisipasi dalam even yang luar biasa ini: Kegiatan Ramadhan 1435H.

1. Di Ramadhan kali ini, insya Allah masjid Al Salam akan kedatangan seorang mualaf Jepang, Ustadz Abdullah Sakata. Beliau akan tinggal di masjid selama bulan Ramadhan dan menjadi imam serta mengisi dengan kegiatan keislaman.

2. Terkait buka puasa bersama, insentif bagi relawan yang akan menyediakan makanan berbuka:

- HICC akan menyediakan beberapa peralatan masak seperti panci besar, rice cooker, dan alat-alat masak jika diperlukan.

- Transportasi akan disediakan oleh masjid untuk penjemputan makanan sebelum berbuka dan pengantaran pulang setelah tarawih.

- Terkait pendanaan, relawan dapat memilih apakah menggunakan uang sendiri (Plan A) atau menggunakan donasi HICC (Plan B).

- Akan ada jadwal penyediaan buka puasa yang akan diumumkan dua pekan sebelum Ramadhan.

3. Terkait snacks dan peralatan makan:

- HICC akan menyediakan snacks dan minuman setiap hari.

- Peralatan makan seperti sendok dan piring sekali pakai, dan sebagainya akan disediakan HICC. Jika diperlukan, peralatan makan di lantai 1 masjid akan digunakan.

4. Terkait kebersihan

- Sampah akan dipisahkan, dikumpulkan di tempat sementara, dan akan dipindahkan ke tempat pembuangan setiap Ahad dan Rabu malam.

5. Terkait Transportasi

- HICC akan mengusahakan menyediakan transportasi untuk mengantar jemput berbuka, tarawih, dan shalat subuh. Setiap warga komunitas agar menentukan titik-titik keberangkatan yang mudah dicapai. Jika tidak memungkinkan dimohon agar mendekati titik penjemputan terdekat.

- Brothers yang ingin menjadi relawan driver, baik dengan mobil sendiri maupun mobil masjid, dimohon agar merancang dan memberitahu jadwal yang nyaman dan mudah bagi mereka (Hari dan waktu: iftar, tarawih, sholat subuh")

6. Person in Charge

- IFTHAR: Wan Alif (Malaysia), Ghulan Dashgir (Afghanistan) dan Ayman Sabagh (Mesir)
- KEBERSIHAN: M. Iqbal Akhirudin (Indonesia) dan MD Amdad Hossen (Bangladesh)
- TRANSPORTASI: Bahaa Al Ghazawi (Syiria)

Demikian informasi ini agar dapat menjadi perhatian bagi rekan-rekan tercinta yang ingin berpartisipasi dalam even setahun sekali: RAMADHAN yang di depan mata.

Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Ramadan is Around the Corner: results of the meeting of Ramadan preparation HICC
RAMADAN EVENTS HICC Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


Ramadan is around the corner. Following are the results of the meeting of the Committee of Ramadan HICC, hopefully can be a material preparation for beloved colleagues who want to participate to participate in this wonderful event: Ramadan Activities 1435H.

1. In this time of Ramadan, inshallah masjid Al Salam will be the arrival of a converted Ustadz Abdullah Sakata, Japan. He will stay in the mosque during the month of Ramadan and a priest as well as filling up with Islamic activities.

2. Related iftaar, incentives for volunteers who will provide food to break the fast:

-HICC will provide some Cookware like pot, rice cooker, and tools of the cooking if necessary.

-transportation will be provided by the mosque to pick up food before Iftar and delivery home after tarawih.

-Related funding, volunteers can choose whether to use the money yourself (Plan A) or use the donation HICC (Plan B).

-There will be a schedule providing the Iftar will be announced two weeks before Ramadan.

3. Related snacks and cutlery:

-HICC will provide snacks and beverages each day.

-tableware such as disposable plates and spoons, etc. will be provided the HICC. If required, the cutlery on the 1st floor the Mosque would be used.

4. Related janitorial

-Waste will be separated, collected in place temporarily, and will be transported to landfills every Sunday and Wednesday evening.

5. Transportation related

-HICC will endeavour to provide transportation services to deliver fast, prayers and tarawih. Every citizen of the community in order to determine the points of departure are within easy reach. If it does not allow the requested to approach the nearest pick-up point

.-Brothers who would like to become a volunteer driver, either with your own car or a car that, please design the mosque and tell schedule that is convenient and easy for them (day and time: iftar, tarawih prayers, Dawn ")

6. Person in Charge

-IFTHAR: Wan Alif (Malaysia), Ghulan Dashgir (Afghanistan) and Ayman Sabagh (Egypt)
-HYGIENE: M. Iqbal Akhirudin (Indonesia) and MD Amdad Hossen (Bangladesh)
-transport: That Al-Ghazawi (Syria)

So this information so that it can be a concern for beloved colleagues who want to participate in the event once a year: Ramadan in sight. Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Ramadan is Around the Corner: Results of Meeting Preparation Ramadan HICC
RAMADHAN EVENTS HICC Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Ramadan is around the corner. Here are the results of the committee meeting HICC Ramadan, may be a material preparation for his beloved colleagues who want to join and participate in this extraordinary event: Event Ramadan 1435H. 1. In Ramadan, insha Allah the Al Salam mosque will be the arrival of a Japanese convert to Islam, Ustadz Abdullah Sakata. He will stay in the mosque during Ramadan and became a priest and fill with Islamic activities. 2. Related iftar, incentives for volunteers who will provide Iftar meals: - HICC will provide some great cookware such as pots, rice cookers, and cooking utensils if necessary. - Transportation will be provided by the mosque to pick up food before Iftar and home delivery after tarawih. - Related funding, volunteers can choose whether to use their own money (Plan A) or use the donation HICC (Plan B). - There will be providing iftar schedule that will be announced two weeks before Ramadan. 3. Related snacks and tableware: - HICC will provide snacks and drinks every day. - Cutlery such as spoons and disposable plates, etc. will be provided HICC. If necessary, the cutlery on the 1st floor of the mosque will be used. 4. Related cleanliness - Trash will be separated, collected in a temporary place, and will be transferred to landfills every Sunday and Wednesday night. 5. Related Transport - HICC will endeavor to provide shuttle transportation to deliver breaking, tarawih, and dawn prayers. Every member of the community in order to determine the points of departure are easily achieved. If it does not allow requested to approach the nearest pick-up point. - Brothers who want to volunteer drivers, both with their own cars or cars mosque, requested that the design and tell schedule convenient and easy for them (Day and time: iftar, tarawih, morning prayers " ) 6. Person in Charge - IFTHAR: Wan Alif (Malaysia), Ghulan Dashgir (Afghanistan) and Ayman Sabagh (Egypt) - HYGIENE: M. Iqbal Akhirudin (Indonesia) and MD Amdad Hossen (Bangladesh) - TRANSPORTATION: Bahaa Al Ghazawi ( Syrians) So this information in order to be a concern for his beloved colleagues who want to participate in a once a year event: RAMADHAN is in sight. Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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