
Track " Merdeka " langsung menjadi

Track " Merdeka " langsung menjadi Mostly first Track yang dimulai dengan Intro rekaman Pidato Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Rupublik Indonesia oleh Presiden Pertama RI, Soekarno menjadi Epic awal Gempuran Fresh Material yang menggebu-gebu serangan Beat cepatnya ! Still a mix of black, Thrash and death metal extremity, leaning towards the former, what stands out here is with the great Fastbeat. Where the previous work was simply were equipped Tear the ears from their listeners, leaving them wanting even more. Distortif riffing dengan Harmonisasi Kejam yang teraransemen dengan Partitur yang terasa gelap mencekam yang diLengkapi dengan Bombardir AK-47 Snare drum seperti menjadi Tradisi yang masih menggetarkan ! Konsep Lirik lagu yang Lebih Epik masih menjadi karakteristik kebanyakan Band War Metal ketimbang Elemen Penghujatannya, dan Warkvlt Mengadopsi Epik Kepahlawanan Negeri Indonesia sebagai Bentuk Nasionalisme Negeri sendiri, dan inilah Mula awal Warkvlt Mengklaim konsepnya sebagai " Nusantara War Metal ". it's still a brutal, overpowering slab of raw-as-can-be war metal. masih menjadi Konsentrasi Gw adalah Sayatan Riffing Desecrator sejak Sepak terjangnya di Impish masih memainkan Lick Proto Thrash Metal yang sangat Intens mendominasi Karakter speed-nya. " Maju,Serbu,Serang,Hancurkan " sepertinya sudah ga asing karena sudah dikenalkan sebelumnya. Epic War Metal mem-Bombardir masih dengan Beat yang super cepat namun gw sangat begitu menikmati Racikan Riffing yang sangat berani dengan Kerap melepas solo2 Melodiusnya. What impresses me is the presence of some pretty killer guitar solos! Desecrator are just competent enough at playing their instruments to stand above most raw distortion metal Riff acts, but don't get the wrong idea, the music is still fast and devastating with no signs of needless wanking. dan Gempuran drummer Riyan Blasphemy seperti tidak mengenal tempo Melambat dalam Kamusnya telah menjadi Instrumen pengobar Kejamnya Konstruksi Musikal Warkvlt Sendiri. beberapa part kerap diisi Sampling Intro dari Rekaman2 bersejarah Bangsa ini, sehingga seperti sedang mengingat kembali Sejarah Perjuangan Bangsa Indonesia Merebut kemerdekaan dengan Soundtrack Musik yang cepat membabi buta. Cepat dan Cepat Masih terus menjadi Sajian Khas berikutnya di " Kibaran Bendera Segumpal Darah (Palagan Ambarawa) ", Deskripsi Perjuangan Para Pahlawan Dimasa lalu yang gigih terbaca cukup jelas disetiap Pattern Lirik vocalis Sigit Abaddon ! are nevertheless crushing to your ears and effective at piecing this soundtrack together. " Untuk Negeriku (Puputan Margarana) ", Akan semakin Menenggelamkan kita dalam Nuansa Proto Black Metal dari era 80-an Ala Venom dan Sarcofago Hingga Serbuan Cepat yang mengingatkan kita dengan Era Kejayaan Bestial Warlust, Satanic Warmaster, Blasphemy hingga Impiety begitu tercium Anyir menyengat disini. Cuplikan Pidato Populer yang sangat membakar bangsa Indonesia di Awal Kemerdekaan dari Presiden Soekarno seperti menjadi Pengobar bengis-nya Aransemen Warkvlt untuk mempertahankan Cruelty Conception-nya tetap terjaga, seperti Melumuri darah semangat track " Memerah di atas darah perjuangan " seperti memang akan Membawa kita kedimensi perjuangan bangsa ini dengan semangat berdarah-darahnya, dapat dipastikan memang sajian Musikal Warkvlt seperti menggambarkan juga Peperangan Sengit pada Era Penjajahan Republik Indonesia. Terus mengumbar Part2 yang super cepat ? tenang aja kalo Track Intro " Soldiers of Pajajaran " mungkin bisa menjadi Calm Down untuk mendengar Kesenian Tradisional Khas Sunda yang menarik hingga pada hitungan 31 detik suasana Tenang kemudian akan kembali pecah meledak dengan Agresi Serangan War Metal yang cepat. kept in the complexity of old school death metal and worked in even a bit of melody without turning into the over-tuned saccharine that afflicts many metal bands today. " Nusantara Jaya " masih terus menyajikan Cuplikan rekaman sejarah era Perjuangan tetap menjadi Soundtrack pembakar Attitude Warkvlt tetap Epic menjiwai setiap Makna perjuangan Para Patriotisme Pahlawan Bangsa demi berkibarnya Sang Merah Putih. Kemudian Salah satu Track Milik War Black Metal Rajam " Ratakan Dengan Tanah " di Bawakan ulang dalam Versi Warkvlt tentunya. yang paling Momentum di album ini adalah Track Ultimatum " Tanah Airku " sebagai Soundtrack paling mengagumkan untuk mengakhiri Diorama Perjuangan para Pahlawan menuju kemerdekaan Terayakan dengan Instrumental Track " Tanah Airku " yang disuguhkan dengan Aransemen memukau lewat Harmonisasi solo Gitar menggetarkan Hati banget kesannya (tapi Kurang Panjang Durasinya Bah, Gw udah Hampir Meneteskan Airmata pas meresapi-nya Hiks, Ed), sehingga menjadi Epilog yang tepat untuk melengkapi Diorama Nusantara War Metal ini begitu Konklusif ! the blasting War Metal legions that comprised the middle-era of the evening struggling to convey their manifestos with enough clarity to lead any would-be army into battle.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The track "Independent" directly into a Mostly first Track Intro that started with the recording of the Speech Rupublik Indonesia proclamation of independence by the first President of INDONESIA, Sukarno became Epic early passion Had Fresh Material to attack Beat fast! Still a mix of black, Thrash and death metal band extremity, leaning towards the former, what stands out here is with the great Fastbeat. Where the previous work was simply were equipped to Tear the ears from their listeners, leaving them wanting even more. Distortif dueling riffing with the harmonization of Draconian are teraransemen with Scores that feels darker gripped, equipped with AK-47 Bombard Snare Drums like a tradition that is still thrilling! The concept of a more Epic song lyrics is still a characteristic of most bands War Metal rather than elements of the Penghujatannya, and Warkvlt adopted a Heroic Epic land of Indonesia as a form of nationalism of our own country, and this Began the beginning of Warkvlt Claimed the concept as the "archipelago" War Metal ". It's still a brutal, overpowering slab of raw-as-can-be war metal. still a great concentration of Gw is the incision the dueling Riffing Desecrator since terjangnya Football in Impish still play a Lick of very Proto-Thrash Metal Intense Character dominates his speed. "Go ahead, Assault, attack, Destroy" seems foreign because it is already a ga already introduced before. EPIC War Metal militia Bombard still Beat that super fast but I so enjoyed the savory very very brave with the dueling Riffing Often unleash solo2 Melodiusnya. What impresses me is the presence of some pretty killer guitar solos! Desecrator are just competent enough at playing their instruments to stand above most raw Riffs metal acts of distortion, but don't get the wrong idea, the music is still fast and devastating with no signs of needless wanking. and Fierce drummer Riyan Blasphemy as ignorant of the tempo slowed down in his 1899 dictionary has become an instrument of Musical Construction Warkvlt Cruel pengobar own. some part is often filled Sampling Intro of this Nation's historic Rekaman2, so like I was given back the history of the struggle of the nation of Indonesia independence with fast Music Soundtrack blindly. Quick and Fast Still continues to be the next in the Specialties "Kibaran flag of a plume of blood (theater of Ambarawa)", description of the struggle of The hero of the Future then a persistent read quite clearly every Pattern vocalis Sigit Abaddon Lyrics! are nevertheless crushing to your ears and effective at piecing this soundtrack together. "To mine own country (Of 1946)", would further Sink us in shades of Proto-Black Metal from the era of the 80s a la Venom and Sarcofago Until the invasion Quickly reminds us with Bestial Warlust Glory Era, Satanic Warmaster, Blasphemy to Impiety so Rancid odor was noticeable sting here. Excerpts of the speech a very Popular burn nation Indonesia in the early independence from President Sukarno as being his devilish Pengobar Warkvlt Arrangement to maintain his Conception Cruelty still awake, like Smearing blood spirit track "Blush above blood struggle" as will indeed bring us kedimensi struggle this nation with the spirit of bleed-blood, certain Musical specialties such Warkvlt indeed describe Fierce Battle also on the Colonial Era of the Republic of Indonesia. Keep the super fast Part2 indulgence? calm aja kalo Track Intro "Soldiers of Pajajaran" could probably be Calm Down to hear the Sundanese traditional art attracts up to 31 seconds on that count the quiet atmosphere will then come back with a burst of aggression broke the offensive War Metal. kept in the complexity of old school death metal and worked in the event a bit of melody without turning into the over-saccharine tuned that afflicts many metal bands today. "Nusantara Jaya" still continued to present the Footage recording the history of the era of the struggle remains a Warkvlt Attitude remains burning Soundtrack Epic animates each meaning of the struggle of The hero of the nation's Patriotism for the sake of berkibarnya Sang Merah Putih. Then one of the Tracks belong to War Black Metal Stoning "Align With the land" in Bring in Version Warkvlt of course. the most Momentum at this album is the Track "my fatherland" Ultimatum as the Soundtrack for the most awesome ending Diorama Struggle heroes to independence Terayakan with the Instrumental Track "my fatherland" which is presented with a dazzling Arrangement through harmonization of guitar solo effect really shocking (but Less the length of the duration of the flood, Gw udah Nearly shedding tears to shed his pas permeates Hiks, ed.), thus becoming the epilogue is the right complement to Dioramas Nusantara War Metal is so Conclusive! the blasting War Metal legions that comprised the middle-era of the evening struggling to convey their manifestos with enough clarity to lead any would-be army into battle.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Track "Freedom" became Mostly first track that begins with a recording Intro Speech Rupublik Indonesian Proclamation of Independence by the First President of the Republic of Indonesia, Sukarno became Epic early incursions Fresh Material passionate attacks quickly Beat! Still a mix of black, thrash and death metal extremity, leaning towards the former, what stands out here is with the great Fastbeat. Where the previous work was simply were equipped Tear the listeners from their ears, leaving them wanting even more. Harmonization distorted riffing with Cruel teraransemen with Scores are noticeably darker gripping equipped with AK-47 bombardment Snare drum like being a tradition that is still thrilling! Song lyrics concept More Epic is still a characteristic of many Metal Band War than Penghujatannya elements and Heroic Epic Warkvlt Adopt Indonesia as a Form of Foreign Affairs Nationalism itself, and this is At the beginning Warkvlt Claiming concept as "Nusantara War Metal". it's still a brutal, overpowering slab of raw-as-can-be war metal. Gw is still a concentration of incision riffing Desecrator since ITVEST at Lick Proto impish still plays a very intense Thrash Metal dominating character of his speed. "Forward, Attack, Attack, Destroy" seems to have foreign ga since been introduced previously. Epic War Metal backing Beat Bombard still with super fast but i really so enjoy Racikan riffing very brave to remove solo2 Often Melodiusnya. What impresses me is the presence of some pretty killer guitar solos! Desecrator are just competent enough at playing Reviews their instruments to stand above most raw distortion riff metal acts, but do not get the wrong idea, the music is still fast and devastating with no signs of Needless wanking. and drummer strikes Riyan Blasphemy like not knowing the tempo slows in the dictionary has become Cruel Construction Musical Instrument pengobar Warkvlt Alone. some parts are often filled Intro Sampling of historic Rekaman2 this nation, so it's like being given back History of National Struggle Indonesia Seize independence with fast music soundtrack blindly. Still quick and fast Typical dish continues to be the next in "Blood blob flags flutter (Ambarawa)," Description of Struggle Heroes In the past persistent clearly legible enough in each Pattern Sigit vocalist Lyrics Abaddon! are nevertheless crushing to your ears and effective at piecing together this soundtrack. "For My Country (Puputan Margarana)", will be increasingly Drown us in Nuance Proto Black Metal of the 80s Ala Venom and Sarcófago Until the incursion Quick reminding us by Era Glory Bestial Warlust, Satanic Warmaster, Blasphemy until Impiety so wafted Anyir sting here , Footage Speech Popular very burning of Indonesia at the beginning of the Independence of the President such as being pengobar cruel his Arrangement Warkvlt to maintain Cruelty Conception her stay awake, such as smearing the blood of the spirit track "Flushed on the blood struggle" as it will Bring us kedimensi struggle The nation with the spirit of bloody-blood, you can bet it Warkvlt musical offerings as well as describe the fierce warfare in the era of colonization of the Republic of Indonesia. Continued indulgence Part2 super fast? just calm if Track Intro "Soldiers of Padjadjaran" might be Calm Down to hear Sundanese traditional art that attracts up in a matter of 31 seconds and then will come back Quiet atmosphere burst explode with attack Aggression War Metal fast. kept in the complexity of old school death metal and worked in even a bit of melody without turning into the over-tuned saccharine that afflicts many metal bands today. "Nusantara Jaya" is still present era of struggle Footage historical record remains a burner Soundtrack Attitude Warkvlt remains Epic animates every meaning of the struggle for the sake of the Nation Heroes Patriotism waving the Red and White. Then One Track Owned War Black Metal Stoning "Roll With the Land" in Bring repeated in Version Warkvlt course. The most momentum in this album are Track Ultimatum "My Fatherland" as the soundtrack of the most marvelous to end Diorama struggle of the hero towards independence Terayakan with Instrumental Track "My Fatherland" presented by Arrangement riveting through harmonization solo guitar vibrate the Heart really the impression (but less Length Bah duration, Gw already almost sheds tears fitting permeates her Sob, Ed), so that a proper Epilogue to complete this Metal War Diorama archipelago so Conclusive! the blasting War Metal legions that comprised the middle-era of the evening struggling to Convey Reviews their manifestos with enough clarity to lead any would-be army into battle.
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