Baru tau, produk Revlon mengeluarkan pelurus rambut, harga yang ditawarkan, juga ga terlalu mahal. Langsung aja order di Lazada. 2 hari nunggu, Revlon Pro Ceramic Straightener udah sampai di depok. Hasilnya, lumayan bagus. Ga perlu berkali-kali dicatok , cuma sekali catokan, rambut sudah lurus. Plat keramik, memang jauh lebih bagus, daripada palt besi. Karena keramik dapat memanaskan dengan cepat dan panas didistribukan secara merata di rambut, sehingga hasilnya jauh lebih tampak bagus & alami. Puas!
Just know, Revlon hair straightener, pull out the price offered, the ga also too expensive. Aja directly order the Lazada. 2 day wait, Revlon Pro Ceramic Straightener I've got. As a result, pretty good. Ga need to repeatedly dicatok, just once catokan, the hair is already straight. Ceramic plate, did much better, than iron palt. Because ceramic can heat up quickly and didistribukan heat evenly on the hair, so the result is much more natural & looked good. Satisfied!

New tau, issued Revlon hair straightener products, price offered, also ga too expensive. Immediately wrote an order in Lazada. 2 days waiting, Revlon Pro Ceramic Straightener've got depok. The result, is pretty good. No need dicatok many times, only once catokan, had straight hair. Ceramic plate, it is much nicer, than palt iron. Because ceramics can heat quickly and evenly heat didistribukan hair, so the result looks good & much more naturally. Satisfied!