“Mulai dari bagi hasil hingga tambahan masa perpanjangan waktu selama 翻訳 - “Mulai dari bagi hasil hingga tambahan masa perpanjangan waktu selama 英語言う方法

“Mulai dari bagi hasil hingga tamba

“Mulai dari bagi hasil hingga tambahan masa perpanjangan waktu selama 10 tahun itu, semua kami bahas. Nanti malam akan dibahas detail lagi,” kata Luhut.

Pemerintah terus membahas kelanjutan proyek pengembangan Blok Masela. Bahkan, pembahasan ini melibatkan pemerintah Jepang, sebagai negara asal kontraktor Blok Masela, yaitu Inpex Corporation.

Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan membahas insentif pengembangan Proyek Masela dengan Duta Besar Jepang untuk Indonesia, Tanizaki Yasuaki, di Kementerian ESDM, Jakarta, Jumat (23/9). (Baca: Inpex Berpeluang Dapat Tambahan Perpanjangan Kontrak Blok Masela)

Menurut Luhut, ada beberapa insentif yang diminta oleh perusahaan Jepang tersebut. “Mulai dari bagi hasil hingga tambahan masa perpanjangan waktu selama 10 tahun itu, semua kami bahas. Nanti malam akan dibahas detail lagi,” katanya usai pertemuan.

Inpex memang telah mengajukan beberapa insentif kepada pemerintah. Pertama, kepastian perpanjangan kontrak pengelolaan Blok Masela selama 30 tahun, yang semestinya berakhir tahun 2028 menjadi 2058.

Kedua, insentif pajak berupa tax holiday selama 15 tahun. Ketiga, meminta biaya yang telah dikeluarkan selama ini sekitar US$ 1,2 miliar dihitung sebagai biaya operasi migas yang harus dikembalikan pemerintah (cost recovery).

Keempat, meminta penambahan porsi bagi hasil menjadi sekitar 50 - 60 persen. Artinya, bagian yang bakal diterima Inpex dari hasil produksi Blok Masela bakal lebih besar dibandingkan untuk negara. (Baca: Insentif Proyek Masela, Inpex Minta Porsi Bagi Hasil 50-60 Persen)

Selain itu, Inpex meminta penambahan kapasitas produksi kilang gas di Blok Masela. Informasi yang diperoleh Katadata, perusahaan asal Jepang ini meminta penambahan kapasitas hingga 9,5 juta ton per tahun (mtpa).

Di sisi lain, pemerintah tengah menyiapkan konsep baru untuk Blok Masela dengan memisahkan kegiatan hulu dan hilir. Nantinya kegiatan hulu seperti pengeboran akan dipegang oleh Inpex Corporation selaku operator Blok Masela.

Sementara kegiatan hilir seperti pembangunan kilang gas alam cair di darat beserta pemanfaatan gas akan dilakukan oleh perusahaan Indonesia. Perusahaan yang disebut Luhut sebagai Indonesia Incorporate ini nantinya terdiri dari Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) dan dipegang oleh pemerintah. (Baca: Konsep Baru, Kementerian ESDM Klaim Investasi Masela Bisa US$ 7 M)

Dengan cara tersebut bisa menghemat biaya yang akan dikeluarkan Inpex Corporation. Menurut Luhut skema itu membuat investasi di Blok Masela hanya US$ 7 miliar.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
"Starting from the result until additional renewal term time for 10 years, all we have discussed. Later that night the detail will be discussed again, "said Luhut.The Government continued to discuss the continuation of the Masela Block development projects. In fact, this discussion involving the Government of Japan, as a country of origin, i.e. the Masela Block contractor Inpex Corporation.The implementing tasks (Plt) Minister of energy and Mineral resources (DEMR) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan discusses project development incentives Masela with Japan's Ambassador to Indonesia, Yasuaki Tanizaki, at the Ministry of MINERAL RESOURCES, Jakarta, Friday (11/9). (Read: Inpex Likely Can Additionally Masela Block Contract Extension)According to Luhut, there are few incentives demanded by corporate Japan. "Starting from the result until additional renewal term time for 10 years, all we have discussed. Later that night the detail will be discussed again, "he said after the meeting.Inpex has indeed been filed some incentives to the Government. First, certainty of contract extension Masela Block management for 30 years, that should end the year 2028 became 2058.Second, the tax incentives in the form of a tax holiday for 15 years. Third, ask for costs that have been issued so far about US $ 1.2 billion, calculated as operating costs of oil and gas that Government must be returned (cost recovery).Fourth, ask for the addition of a portion for the results to be around 50-60 percent. That is, the part that would be received Inpex Masela Block production results of future larger than for the State. (Read: Inpex Masela Project Incentives, Ask for the results portion of 50-60 per cent)In addition, Inpex requested the addition of the production capacity of the refinery gas in the Masela Block. Information obtained Katadata, original Japan company is asking for the addition of up to 9.5 million tonnes per annum (mtpa).On the other hand, the Central Government set up a new concept to Masela Block by separating the activities upstream and downstream. Upstream activities such as drilling would later be owned by Inpex Masela Block as the operator.While downstream activities such as the construction of a liquefied natural gas refinery on land with gas utilization will be performed by the company in Indonesia. A company called Luhut as Indonesia Incorporate future consists of State-owned enterprises (SOEs) and held by the Government. (Read: the new concept, the Ministry of MINERAL RESOURCES Investment Masela Can Claim US $ 7 M)In a way they can save the costs that will be incurred Inpex Corporation. According to Luhut scheme that made investments in the Masela Block only US $ 7 billion.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
"From the results of up to an additional period of extra-time for 10 years, all we talk about. Tonight will be discussed in detail, "said Luhut.

The government continues to discuss the continuation of development projects Masela. In fact, this discussion involving the Government of Japan, as the country of origin of the contractor Masela, namely Inpex Corporation.

Acting (Acting) Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan discuss development incentives Project Masela with Japanese Ambassador to Indonesia, Tanizaki Yasuaki , in the Ministry of Energy, Jakarta, Friday (23/9). (Read: Can a Chance Inpex Masela Supplementary Contract Extension)

According Luhut, there are few incentives demanded by the Japanese company. "From the results of up to an additional period of extra-time for 10 years, all we talk about. Tonight will be discussed in detail, "he said after the meeting.

Inpex indeed has filed several incentives to the government. First, the certainty of the extension of the management contract Masela for 30 years, which should have ended in 2028 into 2058.

Second, the tax incentives in the form of tax holiday for 15 years. Third, ask for costs incurred during this approximately US $ 1.2 billion is calculated as the cost of oil and gas operations are to be returned the government (cost recovery).

Fourth, ask for additional share of revenue to be about 50-60 percent. That is, part of which would be accepted Inpex Masela production will be greater than for the state. (Read: Incentive Project Masela, Inpex Request Portion Percent Revenue Share 50-60)

Additionally, Inpex asked for additional production capacity gas plant in the Masela block. Information obtained Katadata, this Japanese company requested an increase in capacity to 9.5 million tonnes per annum (mtpa).

On the other hand, the government is preparing a new concept for the Masela block by separating the upstream and downstream activities. Later on upstream activities such as drilling will be held by Inpex Corporation as the operator of the Masela block.

While the downstream activities such as the construction of a liquefied natural gas plant on the ground and the utilization of gas will be carried by the Indonesian company. The company called Luhut as Indonesia Incorporate this will consist of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and held by the government. (Read: New Concept, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Investment Claims Masela Can $ 7 M)

In this way it can save costs to be incurred Inpex Corporation. According to the scheme Luhut make investments in Masela only US $ 7 billion.
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