JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) s翻訳 - JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) s英語言う方法

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - PT Bank Tabun

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) sepanjang tahun lalu mencatatkan pertumbuhan penyaluran kredit sebesar 13 persen dari Rp 46,1 triliun pada akhir Desember 2013 menjadi Rp 52 triliun pada 31 Desember 2014.

Namun demikian di sisi lain, BTPN mencatatkan penurunan laba bersih sebesar 13 persen menjadi Rp 1,85 triliun pada akhir tahun lalu, dari periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya Rp 2,13 triliun.

“Kami bersyukur dapat tumbuh di tengah situasi perekonomian yang menantang. Yang menggembirakan, penyaluran kredit ke segmen UMKM mampu tumbuh 22% di sepanjang 2014. Ini menunjukkan aktivitas bisnis di segmen UMKM kembali menggeliat, setelah sempat melambat lebih dari setahun terakhir,” kata Jerry Ng, Direktur Utama BTPN dalam keterangan resminya, Selasa (3/3/2015).

Sementara itu terkait dengan penurunan bunga, Jerry menuturkan hal itu disebabkan karena kenaikan suku bunga acuan sejak semester II-2013 lalu telah mengerek bunga deposito dan terus berlanjut di 2014.

"Ini tentu berpengaruh pada cost of fund kami. Namun kami optimistis, dengan modal kinerja yang sehat, dan dengan dukungan SMBC sebagai pemegang saham mayoritas, ke depan BTPN akan mampu bertumbuh bahkan lebih baik lagi,” ujar Jerry.

Sejauh ini, selain membiayai segmen UMKM, perseroan juga menyalurkan kredit ke para pensiunan, dan melalui anak usaha BTPN Syariah juga menyalurkan kredit ke kelompok masyarakat prasejahtera produktif (productive poor).

Penyaluran dana ke segmen productive poor tumbuh 85 persen dari Rp 1,35 triliun pada 31 Desember 2013 menjadi Rp 2,5 triliun pada 31 Desember 2014.

“Data ini menunjukkan betapa tingginya kebutuhan pembiayaan produktif di segmen ini. Kami percaya, dengan pendampingan yang dilakukan secara terus menerus, berkelanjutan dan terukur, Nasabah akan dapat bertumbuh,” lanjut Jerry.

Untuk menyesuaikan laju pertumbuhan kredit, BTPN menyeimbangkan porsi pendanaan dengan memperhatikan kecukupan likuiditas. Per 31 Desember 2014, Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK) mencapai Rp 53,3 triliun, tumbuh 2 persen dari periode yang sama tahun lalu Rp 52,2 triliun.

Sementara itu, pendanaan yang bersumber dari pinjaman bilateral dan obligasi sebesar Rp 8,2 triliun, meningkat 29 persen dari periode tahun sebelumnya sebesar Rp 6,36 triliun. Dengan demikian, pada 2014 total funding BTPN tumbuh 5 persen (yoy).

Diversifikasi sumber pendanaan merupakan salah satu langkah yang diambil BTPN untuk meringankan biaya dana.

Jerry menyebut, BTPN ke depan akan terus melakukan diversifikasi sumber-sumber pendanaannya. Salah satunya pada 27 Februari 2015 lalu BTPN kembali memperoleh komitmen pinjaman dari IFC dalam mata uang rupiah senilai ekuivalen 300 juta dollar AS, di mana 75 juta dollar AS disediakan oleh IFC. Sementara sisanya sebesar 225 juta dollar AS, IFC memobilisasi dana dari Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC).

Pertumbuhan yang cukup moderat di sisi kredit dan DPK, mendorong peningkatan aset BTPN sebesar 8 persen (yoy) dari Rp 69,7 triliun menjadi Rp 75 triliun pada Desember 2014. Adapun rasio kecukupan modal (capital adequacy ratio/CAR) sebesar 23,3 persen.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Jakarta, KOMPAS.com — Retired National Savings Bank PT Tbk (SHORT BTPN) during last year's record growth of channeling credit amounting to 13 percent of the $ 46.1 trillion at the end of December 2013 to Rp 52 billion on December 31, 2014. However on the other hand, a decrease in net profit recorded a SHORT BTPN amounted to 13 per cent to $ 1.85 trillion at the end of last year, from the same period of the previous year's $ 2.13 trillion."We are grateful to be able to grow in the midst of a challenging economic situation. A joyous, channeling credit to SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISES segment was able to grow 22% in 2014. It showed business activity in the segment of SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISES back squirm, after briefly slowed down over the last year, "said Jerry Ng, Director of SHORT BTPN in its official description, Tuesday (3/3/2015).While it is related to the drop in interest, Jerry said it was due to a rise in interest rates of reference since the semester II-2013 then has been deposits and interest mengerek continue in 2014."It would certainly affect the cost of our fund. But we are optimistic, with a healthy performance of capital, and with the support of SMBC as majority shareholder, the forward SHORT BTPN would be able to grow even better again, "said Jerry. So far, in addition to finance SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISES segment, the company is also supplying credit to the retirees, and through the efforts of SHORT BTPN's Sharia also funneling loans to community groups pre-welfare prolific (productive poor).Channeling funds into productive segment of the poor grow 85 percent from Rp 1.35 trillion as of 31 December 2013 to Rp 2.5 trillion at December 31, 2014. "This Data shows just how high the productive financing needs in this segment. We believe, with mentoring is done continuously, sustainable and scalable, Clients will be able to grow, "continued Debbie. To adjust the pace of credit growth, SHORT BTPN balancing funding portion with attention to the adequacy of liquidity. As of December 31, 2014, a third-party Funds (DPK) reached Rp 53,3 trillion, growing 2 percent from the same period last year to Rp 52.2 billion. Meanwhile, the funding deriving from bilateral loans and bonds amounting to Rp 8.2 trillion, an increase of 29 percent from the period a year earlier at Rp 6,36 trillion. Thus, in 2014 total let SHORT BTPN grew 5 per cent (yoy). Diversification of funding sources is one of the steps taken to alleviate SHORT BTPN cost of funds.Jerry mentions, SHORT BTPN ahead will continue to diversify the sources of their funding. One of them was on 27 February 2015 and SHORT BTPN back gain commitment from IFC loan in rupiah equivalent worth 300 million US dollars, of which 75 million US dollars provided by the IFC. While the rest of 225 million US dollars, the IFC mobilizes funds from Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC).A fairly moderate growth in credit and asset enhancement, propel DPK SHORT BTPN by 8 percent (yoy) from Rp 69,7 trillion to Rp 75 trillion in December 2014. As for the ratio of capital adequacy (capital adequacy ratio/CAR) amounted to 23.3 percent.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - PT National Pension Savings Bank Tbk (Bank) during the last year recorded a growth of lending by 13 percent from Rp 46.1 trillion at the end of December 2013 to Rp 52 trillion at December 31, 2014. However, on the other hand, The Bank recorded a net profit decline by 13 percent to Rp 1.85 trillion at the end of last year, from the same period the previous year to Rp 2.13 trillion. "We are grateful to be able to grow in the midst of a challenging economic situation. Happily, lending to the SME segment was able to grow 22% in the whole of 2014. It showed business activity in the SME segment back stretch, after slowing over the last year, "said Jerry Ng, Managing Director of the Bank in its official statement on Tuesday (3 / 3/2015). While it is associated with a decrease in interest, Jerry said that it was due to the increase in benchmark interest rates since the second half of 2013 and have hoisted the deposit and continue in 2014. "It certainly affect our cost of funds. However, we optimistic, with a healthy capital performance, and with the support of SMBC as the majority shareholder, next to the Bank will be able to grow even better, "said Jerry.

So far, in addition to finance the SME segment, the company is also lending to the retirees, and through its subsidiary Bank Syariah also extend credit to a group of underprivileged people productive (productive poor). The distribution of funds to poor productive segment grew 85 percent from Rp 1.35 trillion on December 31, 2013 to $ 2.5 trillion at December 31, 2014. "These data show how high the productive financing needs in this segment. We believe, with the assistance carried out continuously, sustainable and scalable, the Customer will be able to grow, "said Jerry. To adjust the pace of credit growth, the Bank's share of funding with regard to balance adequate liquidity. As of December 31, 2014, Third Party Fund (TPF) to Rp 53.3 trillion, up 2 percent from the same period last year to Rp 52.2 trillion. Meanwhile, funding sourced from bilateral loans and bonds worth Rp 8.2 trillion , an increase of 29 percent from the previous year amounting to Rp 6.36 trillion. Thus, in 2014 the Bank's total funding grew 5 percent (yoy). Diversification of funding sources is one of the steps taken by the Bank to offset the cost of funds.

Jerry said, the Bank's future will continue to diversify its funding sources. One was on February 27, 2015 and the Bank's re-obtain a loan commitment from IFC denominated in rupiah worth the equivalent of 300 million dollars, of which 75 million dollars provided by the IFC. While the balance of 225 million dollars, IFC mobilizes funds from Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC). Growth is quite moderate in the credit side and DPK, encouraging an increase in the Bank's assets amounted to 8 percent (yoy) from Rp 69.7 trillion to Rp 75 trillion in December 2014. The capital adequacy ratio (capital adequacy ratio / CAR) of 23.3 percent.

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