Honda City B 61 GIT yang dikemudikan Desryanto Aruan mengalami kecelak翻訳 - Honda City B 61 GIT yang dikemudikan Desryanto Aruan mengalami kecelak英語言う方法

Honda City B 61 GIT yang dikemudika

Honda City B 61 GIT yang dikemudikan Desryanto Aruan mengalami kecelakaan

VIVAnews - Kecelakaan maut yang menimpa Desryanto Aruan di Jalan Tendean, Jakarta Selatan, 29 Oktober 2012 lalu saat mengemudikan Honda City B 61 GIT keluaran 2009, hingga kini masih meninggalkan duka mendalam bagi keluarga.

Menurut Maringan, tewasnya anak ketiga dari empat bersaudara ini tak lain disebabkan luka dalam pada bagian dada. Kata dia, korban terbentur lingkar kemudi, di mana seharusnya kantung udara (airbag) mengembang dan melindungi Desryanto.

"Kalau saja pada saat itu airbag berfungsi dengan baik dan benar, kami yakin anak kami masih bisa diselamatkan," keluh Maringan saat ditemui di kediamannya, kawasan Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, Kamis 14 November 2013.

Maringan Aruan, ayah Desryanto mencoba mencari jawaban ke PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM) selaku distributor resmi Honda di Indonesia. Respon dari HPM pun positif dan mengajak mediasi secara kekeluargaan.

Namun Maringan tetap meminta pertanggungjawaban HPM dengan membayar ganti rugi.
"Sekarang kita masih terus mediasi dengan asas kekeluargaan. Kita sudah ketemu dengan teknisi dari Indonesia dan Jepang. Tapi kami belum memperoleh jawaban yang memuaskan dan terasa mereka plin-plan," sambung Maringan.

Maringan dan keluarga kini menutut dua pertanggung jawaban Honda berupa, menggantikan satu unit Honda City tanpa syarat apapun, serta mengganti biaya hidup sekolah almarhum semasa tinggal dan bersekolah di USA selama delapan tahun.

Desryanto diketahui baru lima bulan berada di Jakarta, setelah delapan tahun lamanya menempuh pendidikan di salah satu perguruan tinggi di Amerika Serikat.

Saat kejadian, dia pergi untuk menonton acara sepakbola di kawasan SCBD. Menurut saksi yang melihat, Desrayanto mengalami kecelakaan sekitar jam 1 dini hari dan keluarga baru mendapat kabar tewas pada pukul 3 dini hari.

"Saya masih ingin secara kekeluargaan. Kami bersedia tidak meneruskan permasalahan ini ke proses hukum jika bisa terselesaikan," tambah Maringan.

Dia berharap kejadian ini tak menimpa orang lain. Sebaiknya para konsumen yang membeli mobil mengecek dan memeriksa secara cermat terutama dari segi keamanan, terutama pada airbag.

Jawaban Honda

Menurut Direktur Marketing dan Purna Jual PT Honda Prospect (HPM) Jonfis Fandy, keluhan yang dilayangkan keluarga Aruan saat ini masih dibicarakan antara customer relation Honda dengan konsumen. Rencananya akan ada pertemuan lagi hari Jumat.

"Airbag bukan tidak mengembang, tetapi tidak dalam kondisi yang harus mengembang," kata Jonfis dalam pesan singkat kepada VIVAnews.

Lebih lanjut, Jonfis menerangkan, data dan suku cadang mobil yang diperlukan untuk pemeriksaan airbag sudah dikirim ke Prinsipal Honda Motor dengan izin pelanggan dan sudah dijelaskan ke mereka hasilnya.

"Untuk tuntutan memang sedang dibicarakan. Itu yang saya tahu dan masih tetap diproses oleh pihak customer relation," katanya.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Honda City B 61 GIT driven Desryanto Aruan accidentVivanews-accident death that befell Desryanto Aruan on Jalan Tendean, South Jakarta, 29 October 2012 and then while driving the Honda City B 61 GIT output 2009, still leaving a deep grief for the family.According to the death of the third child, Maringan from four brothers could not else caused internal injuries in the chest. He said the victims were stuck to the steering wheel rim, where the supposed airbags (airbags) inflate and protect Desryanto."If at that point the airbags work properly and correctly, we believe our son could still be saved," lamented Maringan when found at his home, the area of Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Thursday 14 November 2013.Maringan Aruan, father Desryanto tried to find answers to the PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM) as the official distributor of Honda in Indonesia. Any positive response from the HPM and mediation in family. But still hold accountable Maringan HPM by paying compensation."Right now we still continue the mediation with the principle of family. We've met with technicians from Indonesia and Japan. But we have not obtained satisfactory answers and feels they are fickle, "dial Maringan.Maringan and family now menutut two Honda liability form, replace one unit of Honda City without reservation of any kind, as well as replacing the deceased during the school's cost of living is lived and went to school in the USA for eight years.Desryanto a new note five months in Jakarta, after eight years at one of the colleges in the United States.The time of the incident, he went to watch a football event in the area of SCBD. According to witnesses who saw, Desrayanto had an accident around 1 in the morning and the family recently received news died at 3 in the morning."I still want to be a family. We are willing to do not forward this issue to be resolved if legal processes, "added Maringan.He hopes this incident does not override the others. Should the consumer who buys the car checked and checked carefully especially in terms of security, especially on airbags.Honda's AnswerAccording to Director of Marketing and Sales at PT Honda Prospect (HPM) Jonfis Fandy, complaints that the family was still discussed Aruan between customer relation Honda with consumers. The plan there will be meeting again Friday."Airbags not fluffy, but not in conditions that should expand," said Jonfis in a short message to the Jakarta Post.Further, Jonfis explained, data and car parts which are necessary for the inspection of airbag has been sent to principal of Honda Motor with the permission of the customer and already explained to them the results."For the demands of indeed being discussed. That's what I know and still be processed by the customer relation, "he said.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Honda City B 61 GIT driven Desryanto Aruan crashed headline - deadly accidents that befall Desryanto Aruan Tendean Street, South Jakarta, October 29, 2012 and while driving a Honda City B 61 GIT output in 2009, up to now still left a deep sorrow for the family. According to Maringan, the death of the third child of four siblings was not caused injury to the chest. He said, the victim hit the steering wheel, where should the air bag (airbag) expand and protect Desryanto. "If at that time the airbag to function properly, we believe our children can still be saved," complained Maringan when met at his residence, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Thursday, November 14, 2013. Maringan Aruan, Desryanto father tried to find answers to PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM) as the official distributor of Honda in Indonesia. The response of HPM was positive and encourage mediation amicably. However Maringan still hold the HPM to pay compensation. "Now we still continue mediation with family principles. We have met with engineers from Indonesia and Japan. But we have not received a satisfactory answer and they seem wishy-washy, "said Maringan. Maringan and family now menutut two accountability Honda form, replacing one unit of Honda City without any conditions, as well as the cost of replacing the school life of the deceased during the live and go to school in the USA for eight years. Desryanto new note five months in Jakarta, after eight years studying in one of the colleges in the United States. When the incident, she went to watch football in SCBD area. According to witnesses who saw, Desrayanto crashed about 1am and new family got word died at 3 o'clock in the morning. "I still want to be a family. We are willing to not pass on the matter to be resolved if the legal process," added Maringan. He hope this incident does not happen to other people. We recommend that consumers who buy the car to check and inspect carefully, especially in terms of security, especially on the airbag. Answer Honda According to Director of Marketing and Sales PT Honda Prospect (HPM) Jonfis Fandy, the family filed a complaint Aruan is currently still being discussed between the customer relation Honda with consumers. The plan will be meeting again on Friday. "Airbag is not inflated, but not in a condition to be expanding," said Jonfis in a short message to the headline. Furthermore, Jonfis explained, auto parts and data required for checking airbag has been sent to Principal Honda Motor with the customer's permission and had explained to them the results. "To claim is being talked about. That's what I know and still be processed by the customer relations," he said.

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