Setelah mendapat penjelasan dari Benny, saya membantu membuatkan complaint report ke pihak Line Ranger sebagai berikut:
Dear Line Ranger Management and Developer team,
This afternoon, my friend, id line: dizzibenny, received a warning that stated LR notice unusual activities (cheat?) on his game. The impact is, he is not able to play LR any longer since he is banned.
For your information & consideration, he NEVER use cheat or mod. He bought many rubies and spent his time for playing battle FAIRLY.
This ban happened just after he buy special feathers using ruby.
So, if you think this activity (buy special feather using ruby) as unusual activity, I think you banned WRONG PERSON.
However, I agree with you for banned a player who has been suspected using cheat, but for this case, once again, you banned wrong person.
In contrary, couple days ago I reported an OBVIOUS CHEATER (and created the blog article here and NOTHING HAPPENED. You even didn't take action, by banned Frank, but for Benny, your respond was so reactive.
So, please kindly to evaluate the Benny's log file and release the banned.
Many thanks for your concern and respond.
We are looking forward the respond from you,immediately.
Best regards,
M Fahmi Aulia
Complaint segera saya kirim ke sini. Terus terang, saya sendiri tidak yakin pihak LR akan menanggapi complaint ini, mengingat complaint saya tentang Frank tidak ada kelanjutannya (dan follow up yang memuaskan).
Malamnya saya ngobrol dengan Yohanes RI terkait masalah banned yang dia alami. Berikut ini hasil obrolan saya dengannya.
Setelah mendapat penjelasan dari Benny, saya membantu membuatkan complaint report ke pihak Line Ranger sebagai berikut:
Dear Line Ranger Management and Developer team,
This afternoon, my friend, id line: dizzibenny, received a warning that stated LR notice unusual activities (cheat?) on his game. The impact is, he is not able to play LR any longer since he is banned.
For your information & consideration, he NEVER use cheat or mod. He bought many rubies and spent his time for playing battle FAIRLY.
This ban happened just after he buy special feathers using ruby.
So, if you think this activity (buy special feather using ruby) as unusual activity, I think you banned WRONG PERSON.
However, I agree with you for banned a player who has been suspected using cheat, but for this case, once again, you banned wrong person.
In contrary, couple days ago I reported an OBVIOUS CHEATER (and created the blog article here and NOTHING HAPPENED. You even didn't take action, by banned Frank, but for Benny, your respond was so reactive.
So, please kindly to evaluate the Benny's log file and release the banned.
Many thanks for your concern and respond.
We are looking forward the respond from you,immediately.
Best regards,
M Fahmi Aulia
Complaint segera saya kirim ke sini. Terus terang, saya sendiri tidak yakin pihak LR akan menanggapi complaint ini, mengingat complaint saya tentang Frank tidak ada kelanjutannya (dan follow up yang memuaskan).
Malamnya saya ngobrol dengan Yohanes RI terkait masalah banned yang dia alami. Berikut ini hasil obrolan saya dengannya.