Sementara itu, dukungan masyarakat melalui tanda tangan dilakukan untuk menetapkan situs masa kecil Bung Karno sebagai bangunan cagar budaya. Penetapan makam ini sebagai bangunan cagar budaya diharapkan bisa menjadikan ndalem Pojok sebagai petilasan masa kecil BK tetap lestari.
""Penandatanganan dukungan masyarakat ini agar ndalem Pojok ditetapkan sebagai bangunan Cagar Budaya serta melestarikan situs peninggalan Bung Karno yang ada di Kediri,"" ungkap Ivan Syahroni, Ketua Panitia Peringatan Sumpah Pemuda.
Rencananya, pekan depan tanda tangan dukungan dan penyerahan berbagai dokumen pendukung penetapan situs masa kecil Bung Karno sebagai bangunan Cagar Budaya bakal diserahkan ke Kantor Balai Peninggalan Cagar Budaya (BPCB) Trowulan.
Bangunan ndalem Pojok, tempat masa kecil Bung Karno, dibangun pada 1850 oleh RMP Soemohatmodjo patih Sinuhun ke IX Mangkunegaran.
Meanwhile, community support through a signature are performed to establish the site's childhood Bung Karno as a heritage building. The setting of this tomb as a heritage building is expected to be made as a Corner of the House remains a childhood BK remain sustainable."" The signing community support so that the corner of the House is designated as Heritage buildings as well as preserving heritage sites existing Bung Karno Stadium in Kediri, "" says Ivan Syahroni, Chairman of the Committee for the commemoration of the youth Oath.The plan, next week's signature support and delivery of various supporting documents site assignment childhood Bung Karno as buildings of cultural heritage would be handed over to the Office of cultural heritage Relic Hall (BPCB) Trowulan.The building of the House Corner, where childhood Bung Karno Stadium, built in 1850 by Grand Vizier Sinuhun Soemohatmodjo RMP to IX Mangkunegaran.

Meanwhile, public support through signatures carried out to establish the site's childhood Bung Karno as a heritage building. Determination of this tomb as a heritage building is expected to make ndalem Corner as petilasan childhood BK remain stable. "" The signing of community support is so ndalem Corner designated as building heritage and preserving heritage sites Bung Karno in Kediri, '"said Ivan Syahroni , Chairman of the organizing committee of the Youth Pledge. The plan, next week signatures and submission of various documents supporting the determination of the future site of a small Bung Karno as building heritage will be submitted to the Central Office of Heritage of Cultural Property (BPCB) Trowulan. Building ndalem Corner, where childhood Bung Karno, built in 1850 by the RMP Soemohatmodjo patih Sinuhun to Mangkunegaran IX.