JAKARTA – PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk dan PT Bank Mandiri (翻訳 - JAKARTA – PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk dan PT Bank Mandiri (英語言う方法

JAKARTA – PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia

JAKARTA – PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk dan PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk masih tetap berminat untuk mengakuisisi bank tahun depan, setelah tahun ini gagal melakukannya. Untuk itu, kedua bank BUMN ini mengaku telah mengalihkan dana yang disiapkan untuk pertumbuhan anorganik tahun ini ke tahun depan.

Direktur Utama PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BRI) Sofyan Basir menyatakan, pihaknya masih memiliki minat untuk melakukan pertumbuhan anorga­nik pada tahun depan.

Untuk itu, BRI telah mengalihkan dana investasi yang telah disiapkan perseroan pada tahun lalu sebesar Rp 3-4 triliun ke tahun depan. “Untuk (akuisisi) bank, kami masih terbuka kalau ada peluang, kalau memang banknya bagus. Waktu kami ikut penawaran Bank Mutiara, ternyataharganya lebihmahal. Kami siapkan tahun depan Rp 3-4 triliun untuk dana investasi,” ujar Sofyan di Jakarta, Kamis (27/11).

Ia menjelaskan, saat ini pihaknya tengah memproses pengambilalih­ an BRIngin Life dari Dana Pensiun BRI. Pihaknya sebelumnya juga sudah mulai melakukan proses uji tuntas (due diligence) dengan salah satu perusahaan asuransi lainnya, tetapi hingga kini pihaknya belum mengetahui hasil dari due diligence itu.

“Tahun depan ada itu yang asu­ ransi, yang belum selesai perizinannya. Mudah-mudahan sebentar lagi selesai, BRIngin Life yang mau kami ambil alih dari Dana Pensiun BRI,” terang dia.

BRI, menurut Sofyan, sebenarnya juga masih tertarik untuk mengakuisisi perusahaan sekuritas. Namun, akuisisi perusahaan sekuritas tersebut belum menjadi prioritas perseroan saat ini.

Sebelumnya, Direktur Keuangan BRI Achmad Baiquni juga me­ nyatakan, pencapaian kinerja pertumbuhan aset tidak selalu harus dilakukanmelalui unorganic growth strategy seperti proses merger dan akuisisi. “Untuk menjadi bank besar ada beberapa cara, unorganic growth strategyseperti merger dan organic growth strategy. Yang ter­akhir ini yang kami lakukan. Melalui organic growth kami juga bisa besar,” tandas dia.

Kendati demikian, sama besar dengan tahun ini, dalam Rencana Bisnis Bank (RBB) 2015, BRI tetap akan menyiapkan belanja modal (capital axpenditure/capex) Rp 3 triliun untuk medukung pertumbuhan anorganik perseroan di antara melalui akuisisi. Terkait perusahaan yang akan diakuisisi tahun depan, ia mengaku belum bisa memastikan. “Tentu tidak hanya bank, tapi semua perushaan jasa keuangan. Biasa bank, bisa nonbank Tergantung mana yang cocok,” kata Baiquni.

Selain itu, menurut dia, capex Rp 3 triliun tersebut disiapkan untuk anak usaha yang membutuhkan penguatan modal karena per tumbuhan kreditnya yang pesat. Ia memberi contoh, BRI akan menyuntikkan modal dalam jumlah tertentu ke PT BRI Syariah jika posisi rasio kecukupan modal (capital adequacy ratio/CAR) bank tersebut turun karena ekspansif menyalurkan pembiayaan.

Masuk dalam RBB
Direktur Utama PT Bank Mandiri Tbk Budi Gunadi Sadikin menuturkan, pihaknya selalumemiliki keter tarikan untuk melakukan pertumbuhan anorganik. Karena itu, menurut dia, pihaknya akan mengalihkan dana untuk pertumbuhan anorganik tahun ini ke tahun depan. “Kami selalu masukkan pertumbuhan anorganik dalam RBB,” kata dia.

Menurut dia, pihaknya tengah memproses pembentukan perusahaan pembiayaan (multifinance) patungan. Perusahaan pembiayaan bermodal Rp 100 miliar tersebut, ditargetkan mulai beroperasi pada awal tahun depan. “Yang multifinance akan mulai awal tahun depan, Bank Sinar Harapan Bali yang dengan PT Taspen dan dan PT Pos Indonesia juga awal tahun depan,” terang dia.

Sebagai informmasi, Bank Mandiri sebelumnya berencana untuk melakukan akuisisi terhadap PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. Namun, rencana tersebut pupus seiring dengan permintaan penundaan akuisisi oleh Presi­ den Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Untuk menopang pertumbuhan anorganik, BankMandiri pun telah mengalokasikan dana sebesar Rp 11 triliun pada tahun ini.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Jakarta – PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk and PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk is still interested in acquiring the bank next year, after this year's failed to do so. To that end, the two STATE-OWNED banks it diverts funds claimed to have prepared for inorganic growth this year to next year.President Director of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BRI) Sofyan Basir said, it still has an interest in conducting inorganic growth in the year ahead.To that end, BRI has turned his investment funds that have been prepared by the company in the past year amounted to Usd 3-4 trillion into next year. "For the (acquisition) of banks, we are still open if there is an opportunity, if it's a good Bank. The time we were bidding the Bank Mutiara, ternyataharganya lebihmahal. We prepare next year 3-4 trillion Rupiah for investment funds, "said Sofyan in Jakarta, Wednesday (27/11).He explains, the current central processing pengambilalih it's BRIngin Life from pension funds BRI. It was previously also has begun conducting due diligence process (due diligence) and one of the other insurance companies, but until now it has not been aware of the results of the due diligence."Next year there's the asu ransi, who hasn't finished its permissions. Hopefully soon done, BRIngin Life wants us to take over the Pension Fund of BRI, "bright he is.BRI, according to Sofyan, actually also still interested in acquiring securities firms. However, the acquisition of the securities firm has yet to become a priority of the company at this time.Previously, Finance Director Achmad Baiquni BRI also me stated, the achievement of the performance of the asset growth doesn't always have to dilakukanmelalui growth strategy unorganic as merger and acquisition process. "To be the big banks there are a number of ways, the unorganic growth strategyseperti merger and organic growth strategy. The latter is what we do. Through organic growth, we also can be great, "demolished him.However, as great as this year, the Bank's business plan (RBB) 2015, BRI remains will prepare a capital expenditures (capex/axpenditure capital) of Rp 3 trillion to support CNRT's inorganic growth through the acquisition of the company. Associated companies will be acquired next year, he could not be sure. "Of course not only banks, but all of these financial services. Ordinary banks, nonbank Depending which one can fit, "said Baiquni.Besides, according to him, the capex of Rp 3 trillion to prepare for business that requires the strengthening of capital due to the credit of rapid plant per. He gave an example, BRI will inject a certain amount of capital into PT BRI Syariah capital adequacy ratio if position (capital adequacy ratio/CAR) down the bank due to expansive finance.In the RBB President Director of PT Bank Mandiri Tbk Budi Gunadi Sadikin said, his side pull to do selalumemiliki keter inorganic growth. Therefore, according to him, it will divert funds to inorganic growth this year to next year. "We always enter RBB in the inorganic growth," he said.According to him, the central processing Department of finance companies (multifinance) ventures. The company financing the capitalization of Rp 100 billion, targeted started operating at the beginning of next year. "The multifinance will begin early next year, the Bank Sinar Harapan Bali with PT Taspen Office and PT Pos Indonesia and also early next year," light him up.As informmasi, Bank Mandiri's previous plan to make its acquisition of PT Savings Bank Negara (Persero) Tbk. However, these plans were extinct along with the request for postponement of the acquisition by Presi den Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. To sustain the growth of inorganic, BankMandiri also has allocated funds of Rp 11 trillion this year.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
JAKARTA - PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk and PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk is still interested in acquiring the bank next year, after this year failed to do so. To that end, the two state-owned banks have claimed to have shifted funds are prepared for inorganic growth this year to next year. President Director of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BRI) Sofyan Basir said they still have interest to inorganic growth next year . To that end, the bank has transferred the investment fund has been set up the company in the last year of Rp 3-4 trillion into next year. "For the (acquisition) of banks, we are still open if there is an opportunity, if it's a nice bank. When we join The bank offers, ternyataharganya lebihmahal. We prepare Rp 3-4 trillion next year for investment funds, "said Sofyan in Jakarta, Thursday (27/11). He explained that it is processing an BRIngin pengambilalih Life of BRI Pension Fund. Previously it had also started the process of due diligence (due diligence) with one another insurance company, but until now it did not know the results of the due diligence. "Next year there was the asu warranty, unfinished permissions. Hopefully soon finished, BRIngin Life wants us to take control of BRI Pension Fund, "said he. BRI, according to Sofyan, was also still keen to acquire securities. However, the acquisition of the securities firm company not a priority at this time. Earlier, Finance Director Achmad Baiquni BRI also me stated, the achievement of the performance of asset growth does not always have to dilakukanmelalui unorganic growth strategy such as mergers and acquisitions. "To be a big bank there are several ways, unorganic growth strategyseperti mergers and organic growth strategy. The latter is what we do. Through organic growth we also can be big, "he said. However, as great as this year, the Bank's Business Plan (RBB) in 2015, the bank will continue to prepare a capital expenditure (axpenditure / capex) of Rp 3 trillion to endorse the company inorganic growth in between through acquisitions. Related company to be acquired next year, he claimed not to insure. "Of course not only banks, but all financial services Integration. Ordinary bank, could nonbank Depending where appropriate, "said Baiquni. Moreover, according to him, capex of Rp 3 trillion were prepared for subsidiaries that require strengthening of capital as per the rapid credit growth. He gave the example, the bank will inject a certain amount of capital to PT BRI Syariah if the position of the capital adequacy ratio (capital adequacy ratio / CAR) of the bank fell as expansive channel financing. Sign in RBB Director of PT Bank Mandiri Tbk Budi Gunadi Sadikin said, it Keter selalumemiliki pull to inorganic growth. Therefore, according to him, it would divert funds for inorganic growth this year to next year. "We always enter the RBB inorganic growth," he said. According to him, it was in the process of formation of the finance company (multi-) joint. Finance companies have capital to Rp 100 billion, is targeted to operate at the beginning of next year. "The finance companies will begin early next year, Bank Sinar Harapan Bali PT TASPEN and PT Pos Indonesia and also the beginning of next year," he explained. As informmasi, the bank had planned to carry out the acquisition of the State Savings Bank (Persero) Tbk . However, those plans were dashed line with demand delay the acquisition by Presi den Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. To sustain the growth of inorganic, BankMandiri also has allocated Rp 11 trillion this year.

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