DEVADATA berdiri pada 10 maret 1998 di Surabaya dengan formasi awal Bodas (gitar/voc), Joe (bass/voc) dan Rendy (drum) dengan genre musik lebih condong ke Hardcore style old school - new school dan unsur thrash metal. Devadata sendiri berarti sifat buruk manusia, Tanpa sifat buruk manusia tidak akan sempurna.
Dalam segi musik Devadata banyak dipengaruhi Band-band seperti Sepultura, Pantera, Hatebreed, Rykers, dll. pada tahun 1998 mengeluarkan album yang pertama dengan judul “Shutdown”. Seiring berjalannya waktu Devadata mengalami pergantian personil, dan tahun 2006 merilis kembali album ke-2 "Emotional Breakdown". Dan inilah lineup solid sekarang Bodas (gitar/voc), xDandux (drum), Ryan (gitar) dan Roy (bass). DEVADATA cukup berpengaruh di scene Underground Indonesia khususnya kota Surabaya.
DEVADATA stand on 10 March 1998 in Surabaya with formation beginning Bodas (guitar/voc), Joe (bass/voc) Rendy (drums) and with a more music genre leaning to the Hardcore style old school-new school and elements of thrash metal. Devadata means bad human nature, without bad human nature will not be perfect.In terms of music Devadata heavily influenced bands such as Sepultura, Hatebreed, Pantera, Rykers, etc. in 1998 the first album with the title "Shutdown". As time goes by Devadata experienced a turnover of personnel, and in 2006 released their 2nd album again "Emotional Breakdown". And this solid lineup now Bodas (guitar/voc), xDandux (drums), Ryan (guitar) and Roy (bass). DEVADATA is quite influential in the Underground scene Indonesia especially the city of Surabaya.

DEVADATA stood on 10 March 1998 in Surabaya with initial formation Bodas (guitar / voc), Joe (bass / voc) and Rendy (drums) with music genres are more inclined to Hardcore style old school - new school and the elements of thrash metal. Devadata itself means bad human nature, without human vices will not be perfect.
In terms of music Devadata much influenced bands like Sepultura, Pantera, Hatebreed, Rykers, etc. in 1998 issued the first album with the title "Shutdown". Over time Devadata undergo personnel changes, and the 2006 re-release of the 2nd album "Emotional Breakdown". And this is a solid lineup now Bodas (guitar / voc), xDandux (drums), Ryan (guitar) and Roy (bass). DEVADATA quite influential in the scene Underground Indonesia especially Surabaya.