JAKARTA, KOMPAS.COM — on June 8th, 2013, Roxx, heavy metal group consisting of Trison (vocals), Jaya (guitar), Iwan (guitar), Didi Crow (guitar), Toni (bass), and Raden (drums), released their fifth Studio album, will be far from God. The album was delayed due to the implementation of accident experienced by Toni in Toll in 2012 and make it briefly lost memories.
"The 24th October 2012 we should release the album away from the Lord. But, pas, October 20, early in the morning, we may be hearing from his wife if she had an accident in Jagorawi. That's his car already baseball shaped, his right hand broken, hold his head wound. We thought he had the concussion, but fit the hospital his condition is more serious, "story in a news conference in the Azores M Point, South Jakarta Tuesday (4/6/2013).
Advanced Jaya, with the condition that, when Toni was forced to delay to Roxx released away from God. "The doctor had said, if still alive, baseball knew it was Toni gimana. From there we finally search for a replacement bass player, Iwan Xavier, formerly bass player Edane, "his story again.
but, apparently, filling the position with another bass player Toni is not the solution for the Roxx. "Every me into the ER (emergency unit), I just hold on a minute, I'm staying out due to baseball. From there we would find its replacement baseball, we select the wait for him in a coma for a month in the ER, "said Jaya.
Miracles come, Toni wake from a coma a month. However, he is suffering from amnesia. "After a little better, I love the magazine, you see, ' this is why we got the magazine. ' But, We realize that, it turns out he's so baseball could read write, color blindness, he cannot remember his name, his wife's name he does not remember, he only remembers his son's name, "recalled Jaya.
However, Jaya and other comrades Toni could not keep silent. They help Toni to return to conditions on hand. "The doctor said if she wants to be reminded that once again, yes he should be reminded that once again. Finally, We invite her to exercise in the studio. But, every workout, we like to make new songs. He was told to just plug the jack plug into the baseball should know where, "recalled Jaya again.
Slowly but surely, Toni began to find a touch of the game hasn't been fullest though basnya. "The End of the exercise can be two tracks," said Jaya.
With Toni's condition is getting better, Roxx finally decided to settle for the more active "debt" released the album away from the Lord. There also they initiated the idea to stage a Rock concert Flight After Amnesia on June 8th, 2013.
"after a long sleep, finally we have to rise up, we make this event with record video," explains Jaya.
But back issues hit Roxx. Toni can only recite the two songs.
"We are rehearsals almost three months to 17 songs. But, he's usually two tracks only, baseball-adds adds. Until finally I'm angry, I'm telling you, ' was looking for additional bass player. ' But, he's angry, he wants the baseball there is bass player besides him. Finally, it is true, could he track mainin 17 all. Indeed, Bede's depleted diancem before diancem, "the story of Jaya.
"Ngehadapin awry the whole amnesia she pukulin ngebalas. we, omelin we are also useless. Finally, diancem just got replaced as additional bass player create ngurusin songs rest. I own the baseball had a way of making people ngehadapin amnesia. If the studio she again blank, he asked for a home, ask dicariin bininya.
, "she continued in spite of the dramatic story of Toni, for Roxx, Rock concert Flight After Amnesia that will be a warm-up before the Java Rockin'land mengentak 2013, which will be held at the beach, the garden of Dreams Carnaval Jaya Ancol, 22-23 June 2013.
"yeah right, this warming, because as we know, our bassist, Toni ' Roxx ', recently recovered from an accident that befell him in October 2012," said Trison.