Jakarta, GATRAnews - PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) me翻訳 - Jakarta, GATRAnews - PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) me英語言う方法

Jakarta, GATRAnews - PT Bank Tabung

Jakarta, GATRAnews - PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) menyatakan optimis bisa meraih pertumbuhan kinerja bisnis yang prima dan berkelanjutan, dengan fokus serta konsisten melayani segmen masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah dan UMKM. "Untuk mewujudkan hal itu, BTPN mengimplementasikan sebuah model bisnis yang mengintegrasikan misi sosial dan misi bisnis dalam produk, layanan, serta kegiatan sehari-hari," ujar Area Business Leader Semarang Aris Pandan, dalam keterangan tertulis di Jakarta, Jumat (13/3).

Menurutnya, sinergi antara kedua misi tersebut tercermin melalui daya. Daya adalah sebuah program pemberdayaan yang dilaksanakan BTPN secara berkelanjutan dan terukur. Daya diperuntukkan bagi seluruh nasabah BTPN, yang terdiri dari para pensiunan, pelaku UMKM, serta komunitas prasejahtera produktif.

Daya memiliki tiga pilar program, yaitu daya sehat sejahtera, daya tumbuh usaha, dan daya tumbuh komunitas. Daya melekat pada seluruh unit bisnis BTPN, yakni BTPN Purna Bakti, BTPN Mitra Usaha Rakyat, BTPN Mitra Bisnis, serta BTPN Sinaya.

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Jakarta – PT Bank GATRAnews the savings of retirees Nationwide Tbk (SHORT BTPN) States optimistic growth could grab a prime business performance and sustainability, with a focus and consistent serve low-income communities segment and SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISES. "To realize it, SHORT BTPN implementing a business model that integrates the social mission and business mission in the products, services, and activities on a daily basis," said Area Business Leader Semarang Aris Pandan, in affidavits in Jakarta, Friday (13/3).According to him, the Mission of the synergy between the two reflected through power. Power is a program of empowerment that implemented sustainable and measurable SHORT BTPN. Power reserved for the entire customer SHORT BTPN, consisting of the retirees, SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISES, as well as community actors pre-welfare productive.The program has three pillars of power, that power is the power to grow prosperous, healthy business, and grow the community. The power inherent in all business units, i.e. SHORT BTPN SHORT BTPN Purna Bakti, SHORT BTPN's business partners, Business Partners, as well as SHORT BTPN SHORT BTPN Sinaya.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Jakarta, GATRAnews - PT National Pension Savings Bank Tbk (Bank) expressed optimism can achieve excellent growth performance and sustainable business, with focus and consistent serve low-income segments of society and SMEs. "To achieve this, the Bank implemented a business model that integrates social mission and business mission in products, services, as well as day-to-day activities," said Aris Area Business Leader Semarang Pandan, in a written statement on Friday (13/3) . According to him, the synergies between the two missions are reflected through the power. Power is an empowerment program that is implemented in a sustainable and scalable Bank. Power is for all customers of the Bank, which consists of retirees, SMEs, as well as productive underprivileged communities. Power has three pillars of the program, which is a healthy and prosperous power, ability to grow the business, and the growing power of the community. Power inherent in all business units of the Bank, the Bank Full Bakti, the People's Bank Business Partners, Business Partners Bank, and the Bank Sinaya. "To achieve this, the Bank implemented a business model that integrates social mission and business mission in products, services, as well as day-to-day activities," said Aris Area Business Leader Semarang Pandan, in a written statement on Friday (13/3) . According to him, the synergies between the two missions are reflected through the power. Power is an empowerment program that is implemented in a sustainable and scalable Bank. Power is for all customers of the Bank, which consists of retirees, SMEs, as well as productive underprivileged communities. Power has three pillars of the program, which is a healthy and prosperous power, ability to grow the business, and the growing power of the community. Power inherent in all business units of the Bank, the Bank Full Bakti, the People's Bank Business Partners, Business Partners Bank, and the Bank Sinaya. "To achieve this, the Bank implemented a business model that integrates social mission and business mission in products, services, as well as day-to-day activities," said Aris Area Business Leader Semarang Pandan, in a written statement on Friday (13/3) . According to him, the synergies between the two missions are reflected through the power. Power is an empowerment program that is implemented in a sustainable and scalable Bank. Power is for all customers of the Bank, which consists of retirees, SMEs, as well as productive underprivileged communities. Power has three pillars of the program, which is a healthy and prosperous power, ability to grow the business, and the growing power of the community. Power inherent in all business units of the Bank, the Bank Full Bakti, the People's Bank Business Partners, Business Partners Bank, and the Bank Sinaya. Power is for all customers of the Bank, which consists of retirees, SMEs, as well as productive underprivileged communities. Power has three pillars of the program, which is a healthy and prosperous power, ability to grow the business, and the growing power of the community. Power inherent in all business units of the Bank, the Bank Full Bakti, the People's Bank Business Partners, Business Partners Bank, and the Bank Sinaya. Power is for all customers of the Bank, which consists of retirees, SMEs, as well as productive underprivileged communities. Power has three pillars of the program, which is a healthy and prosperous power, ability to grow the business, and the growing power of the community. Power inherent in all business units of the Bank, the Bank Full Bakti, the People's Bank Business Partners, Business Partners Bank, and the Bank Sinaya.

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