* Have You Always Attended The Assembly Of Science? *Akhawat are blessed on the guidance of Islam and the Sunnah of the ...The Prophet صلى الله عليه glorious وسلم has stressed wajibnya to study and teach about one way to be able to go to heaven is by demanding the Islamic Science, studying the Qur'an and as-Sunnah upon the understanding of the companions of ...The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said:(1). "the study was OBLIGATORY upon every Muslim" (HR.Ibn maajah, no. 224, the hadeeth of Anas Ibn Malik, see Jaami ' Al-Shahiihul Shaghiir No. 3913)(2). "whoever traveled to study, then God will make for him a path to paradise. It is not a people gathered at one of the temple (Mosque) to read the book and learn it between them, but rather "peace" will come down on them, "grace" covers them, the Angels "around" them and God "flatter" them in the presence of Angels in his side "(HR.Muslim No. 2699, Abu Dawood, no. 3643, Al-tirmidhi, no. 2646, Ibn Maajah, no. 225 and Ahmad II/252, the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah).(3). "He went to the mosque, he doesn't want to teach her kindness or studying unless, he rewarded like people doing the" HAJJ ", where hajinya is the perfect" (HR.ATH-Al-Tabaraani, see Shahiihut Targhiib wat Tarhiib No. 86)(4). "When you walk through the gardens of paradise, perbanyaklah Dhikr". The companions asked: "O Messenger of Allaah, what is the gardens of heaven is that?" He said: "that halaqah-halaqah Dhikr (Science Council)" (HR.at-Tirmidhi No. 3510, Ahmad III/150 and others, the Hadith of Anas Ibn Malik, see genealogy of ash-Shahiihah No. 2562).(5). "it is not a people sitting with Allaah berzikir then they stand, but it is said to them:" get up you guys, truly God has forgiven your sins and vices vices you guys too have been replaced by a variety of goodness "(narrated by Al-Tabaraani in Al-al-Mu'jamul Kabiir, al-Bayhaqi and adh-Dhiyaa ', the ahaadeeth of Sahl bin Hanzhalah, see Shahiihul Shaghiir Al-jaami ', no. 5610 and ash-Shahiihah No. 2210)The Dhikr is the science in question, the Tribunal in which taught about tawheed, ' the correct aqeedah according to Salih, salafush understanding of worship appropriate صلى الله عليه sunnah وسلم, muamalah, and others.Five Hadith above simply becomes a very valuable lesson that shows the greatness of the Islamic sciences in Islam's ...For that, bersungguh-sungguhlah to shew the akhawat can attend the Assembly of the clergy, the Assembly of the asatidzah who preach the true manhaj above and we never left the science of ...Each of our sacrifice and tired tired tired of us in getting this اِ نْ شَآ science ءَ اللّهُ reward given by God for as long as we are sincere in their claim of ...Do you know that it turns out that study was part of a JIHAD?Abud Dardaa ' Radi ' anhu say: "Who contended that go study instead of jihad, it has diminished his mind" (Jami ' Bayanil ' Ilmi is 60).As an afterthought for us all, there are a companion named Jabir Ibn Abdillah Radi ' anhu. He laid his wealth to buy a mule which he can use to travel 1 months just to get 1 piece of Hadith. He was willing for his physical as well as in order to find the Hadith of Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم.Mashallah Allah ... we do!?One day the son Abu Yusuf (disciples of Imam Abu Hanifah) died, and Abu Yusuf represents to its neighbors to bathe and bury the boy so that he "did not miss the lesson" from his teacher of Imam Abu Hanifah.Mashallah Allah ... we do!?O my sister's ...The Tribunal continues to attend the science. Thus we will get "blessing" and "deliciousness" of the Islamic sciences, we've struggled with getting the ... And do not let the events occurred in the minds and hearts of the moment and forever with so many good Dawah means via radio, tv, wa, bbm, internet, fb and such, will make excuses for us most of the Muslims to "leave" the Assembly science, so rarely present or even absent altogether because it felt it was learned and can be felt already "like" with the ustadznya of ...And this disaster is already happening ...Take a look at, to World Affairs and money, willing to spend countless hours in a day, but it's not all taken death ...Lo and behold, for the science Assembly there could trade him, then discovered more excitement to immediately approached him the ...Yes ukhtii the ...What're you looking there!?Science or money!?Afterlife or world!?What are wait until God provides a reprimand and a warning of disaster, new to walking into the Assembly science!?Really, that means leaving the obligation ordered and will also eliminate the blessing of science is ...The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said:"Know, almost reached when the appearance of a man who was in a State of fullness are leaning over sofanya..." (HR.Abu Dawood, no. 4604, Ahmad IV/130-131, Ibn Hibbaan, no. 12, ath-Al-Tabaraani in al-Mu'jamul Kabiir XX/669-670 and al-Bayhaqi IX/332, Hadith from al-Miqdaam Ibn Ma'dii al-Kindi Carib, see ash-Shahiihah No. 2870).Imam al-Baghawi said: Allaah"That is the nature of this (large male his belly resting on the sofa Chair) are the ones that are arrogant and luxurious life style that simply DWELLS in the House and DID NOT WANT to STUDY religion..." (see Syarhus Sunnah I/201).Is a very big favor if you have the ability to study the ...Is a very big favor if you have the ability to practice the science of ...Is a very big favor if you have the ability to convey the science of ...Blessed the science according to the intention in the heart ... The more sincere intention, then the blessing of the ... The more sincere intention, no more and no blessing of the ... Science cannot be achieved just by relaxing ria's ...Imam Ibnul Jawzi Allaah said: "For the sake of God, follow the science with the charity, because he is the subject of the largest. The POOREST of the POOR are the ones who wasted his life in science that he not amalkan, so he missed the pleasures of the world and the kindness of the hereafter, and he came as a person bankrupt accompanied by strong proof to the detriment of himself "(cf. Shaidul Khathir p. 144)Wallahul Muwaffiq (NUB)