BackgroundPT. Mitra Boga memiliki printer ID Card (Fargo DTC515) dan i翻訳 - BackgroundPT. Mitra Boga memiliki printer ID Card (Fargo DTC515) dan i英語言う方法

BackgroundPT. Mitra Boga memiliki p

PT. Mitra Boga memiliki printer ID Card (Fargo DTC515) dan ingin menggunakan lagi untuk print ID Card
Tidak bisa memberi diskon makan kepada member resto secara otomatis
Tidak bisa proteksi kualifikasi atlet pada saat ada kejuaraan

Ingin print ID Card untuk Member Resto dan atlet
Ingin memberikan diskon saat atlet atau member resto tersebut makan dan membawa ID Card untuk di scan di resto cabang manapun.
Ingin mengontrol kualifikasi atlet pada saat mengikuti kejuaraan
Melihat dan update data atlet hanya dengan scan ID Card
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
BackgroundPT. Mitra Boga has an ID Card printer (Fargo DTC515) and want to use it again to print ID Card Can't give discounts to members dining resto automaticallyCan not get the qualification atlet protection at a time when there is a ChampionshipPurposeWant to print ID Cards for Member Resto and athletesWant to give a discount when the athlete or member of such restaurants to eat and carry ID Cards to scan in any branch of the resto.Want to control the athlete qualification at the time following the ChampionshipView and update data athletes only with ID Card scan
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
PT. Mitra Boga has a printer ID Card (Fargo DTC515) and want to use it again to print the ID card
not able to discount meal to members resto automatically
Cant protection qualification of athletes during the last championships Purpose Want to print ID Card for Members Resto and athlete Want to give a discount when an athlete or a member of the restaurant meal and bring ID card to be scanned at any branch resto. Want to control the qualification of athletes during championship View and update data only athlete to scan ID Card

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