JAKARTA – PT Bank BRI Syariah (BRI Syariah) and PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Syariah (BTPN Syariah) will perform synergies on bank agent network in term of branchless banking program.Moch. Hadi Santoso, President Director of BRI Syariah, said the synergy of bank agent network with its holding company, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk. will benefit BRI Syariah.“Our holding company have thousands , we could just keep pace with it to get agents,” the President Director told Indonesia Business Daily, recently.According to him, the potential of branchless banking program is quite promising moreover the number of BRI’s agent network is the largest among other branchless banking banks. As a sharia bank, he said, BRI Syariah is allowed to use the agent network of its holding company to boost the penetration of sharia bank.However, BRI
Jakarta – PT Bank BRI Syariah (Sharia BRI) and PT Bank Syariah Retired National Savings (SHORT BTPN's Sharia) will perform synergies on the bank agent network in terms of branchless banking program. MOCH. Hadi Santoso, President Director of BRI Sharia, said the synergy of bank agent network with its holding company, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk. will benefit BRI Sharia. " Our holding company have thousands, we could just keep pace with it to get agents, "the President Director told the Business Daily, Indonesia recently. According to him, the potential of branchless banking program is quite promising moreover the number of BRI's agent network is the largest among other branchless banking banks. As a sharia banks, he said, BRI Syariah is allowed to use the network agent of its holding company to boost the penetration of sharia bank. However, BRI

JAKARTA - PT Bank BRI Syariah (BRI Syariah) and PT National Pension Savings Bank Syariah (Islamic Bank) will perform on bank agent network synergies in terms of branchless banking program.Moch. Hadi Santoso, President Director of BRI Syariah, said the synergy of the network with its agent bank holding company, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk. Syariah BRI will benefit. "Our holding company Thousands have, we could just keep pace with it to get agents," the President Director of Indonesian told Business Daily, recently.According to him, the potential of branchless banking is quite promising programs moreover the number of BRI's agent network is the Reviews largest banks Among other branchless banking. As a sharia bank, he said, BRI Syariah is allowed to use the agent network of its holding company to boost the penetration of sharia bank.However, BRI