Salah satu air mineral yang berisi kotoran
Singkawang-RK. Warga menemukan kotoran berwarna hitam dalam kemasan air mineral ukuran gelas merek Club yang diproduksi PT Tirta Sukses Perkasa Cianjur.
“Saya temukan kotoran di dalam minuman gelas ini. Kotorannya berwarna hitam,” kata A Jung Warga Kaliasin, Kelurahan Sedau, Kecamatan Singkawang Selatan ketika melaporkan hal tersebut ke Kantor Lembaga Perlindungan Konsumen Swadaya Masyarakat (LPKSM) Kota Singkawang, Senin (25/5).
Dia menemukan kotoran dalam air mineral merek Club ini secara tidak sengaja. “Minuman ini saya beli satu kotak. Sebagian sudah dikonsumsi keluarga saya. Saat saya ingin minum, tiba-tiba saya melihat kotoran warna hitam di salah satu gelas,” kata A Jung.
Melihat hal tersebut, A Jung pun mengurungkan niatnya untuk menenggak air mineral tersebut. Dia menyimpannya kembali. “Jika tidak jeli, bisa saja kotoran ini ikut diminum,” ujarnya.
Dia pun mengecek tanggal kedaluarsa air mineral Club tersebut. Tenyata belum expired alias dikatakan masih layak untuk dikonsumsi. Minuman tersebut juga mengantongi izin dari BPOM RI.
Olehkarenanya, dia merasa heran, bagaimana mungkin air mineral yang mengantongi izin BPOM RI dan kemasannya ber-Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) tersebut bisa terdapat kotoran di dalamnya.
A Jung pun merasa kuatir, lantaran keluarganya sudah meminum kemasan lainnya. Tidak menutup kemungkinan di antara keluarga sudah meminum air mineral yang memiliki kotoran itu. “Kalau tiba-tiba keluarga saya sakit, siapa yang bertanggungjawab,” ucapnya.
Untungnya, hingga kemarin, tidak seorang pun anggota keluarganya yang mengeluhkan sakit usai meminuman air mineral merek Club tersebut. “Saya minta pihak terkait dapat mengecek dan memverifikasi ulang izin produksi minuman tersebut, karena ini sangat tidak layak untuk dikonsumsi,” harapnya.
Bukan hanya kotoran warna hitam yang terlihat jelas dalam Club tersebut, airnya juga agak berbau. Kalau dikonsumsi tentu membahayakan kesehatan konsumen. “Saya minta minuman ini ditarik dari peredaran,” tegas A Jung.
One mineral water containing impuritiesSingkawang-RK. Citizens find black droppings in packaging size glasses of mineral water brand Club produced PT Tirta Mighty success of Cianjur."I find grime in this glass of drink. Black colored litter, "said A Village Resident Kaliasin, Jung Sedau, South of Singkawang District when reporting such matters to the Office of consumer protection Agencies Ngos (LPKSM) Singkawang, Monday (25/5).He found dirt in this Club brands of mineral water accidentally. "This drink I buy one box. Most had consumed my family. When I want to drink, all of a sudden I see black dirt on one of the glasses, "said a. Jung.Seeing this, A Jung even undo his intention to Downing the mineral water. He put it back. "If no jelly, this shit could just get drunk," he said.He was checking up on mineral water the Club has expired. Were not yet expired aka is said to be still eligible for consumption. They also pocketed beverage permit from BPOM RI.Olehkarenanya, he felt surprised, how can a mineral water bagging permission BPOM RI and packaging with Standard National Indonesia (SNI) can be found dirt in it.Jung was a worry, because her family was drinking more bottled. Do not cover the possibility of the family has been drinking mineral water which has a dirt. "If all of a sudden my family sick, who's responsible," he said.Fortunately, until yesterday, no one member of his family who complained of pain after meminuman the Club brand mineral water. "I ask the relevant parties can check and verify the beverage production permit repeated, since it is not feasible to be consumed," harapnya.Not just the black color which impurities are clearly visible in the Club, its also kinda smell. If consumed certainly endanger the health of the consumer. "I ask for the drink is withdrawn from circulation," stated A Jung.

One of mineral water containing dirt Singkawang-RK. Residents found the black dirt in the packaging of mineral water brand glass sizes manufactured Club Perkasa PT Tirta Success Cianjur. "I found dirt in the cups this drink. Black droppings, "said A Citizen Jung Kaliasin, Village Sedau, District of South Singkawang when reporting the matter to the Office of Consumer Protection Organization (LPKSM) Singkawang, Monday (25/5). He found dirt in the mineral water brand this Club inadvertently. "This drink I bought one box. Most of my family has been consumed. When I want to drink, suddenly I saw black dirt on one of the glasses, "said A Jung. Seeing this, A Jung also dissuade the mineral water for drinking. He kept it back. "If it is not observant, this dirt may come drunk," he said. He also checked the expiry date of the mineral water Club. Poorer not yet expired alias is said to still suitable for consumption. The beverage is also a permit from BPOM RI. Olehkarenanya, he wondered, how could that have permission mineral water BPOM RI and packaging Indonesian National Standard (SNI) can be found dirt in it. A Jung also feel anxious, because his family had taking other packaging. Does not rule out the possibility of the family has been drinking mineral water which has the dirt. "If suddenly my family sick, who is responsible," he said. Fortunately, until yesterday, none of the family who complained of pain after meminuman the mineral water brand Club. "I ask the parties concerned can check and re-verify the license production of the drink, because this is very unsuitable for consumption," he hoped. Not just black dirt visible in the Club that, water is also a bit smelly. If consumed would endanger the health of consumers. "I ask these drinks withdrawn from circulation," said A Jung.