Lillahi wa inna inna divine roji'un Has died .... will disholati in .... Will be buried in ... After praying ... "Later, your name and my name will fill ... on top. Sooner or later . " Then fix charity !! Fill remnants dg age well. Death does not wait keistiqomahan yourself. Istiqomahlah! And wait for death. Dg human Pergaulilah character Highness. Drama 90 mins ... Soap opera 60 minutes ... Movie 130 minutes ... Prayer 5 minutes !! Hell all time ,, ,, Heaven all time akal2 Let us work !! Friends in WA 300 people ,, Friend in phonbook 200 people ,, Neighbors in the complex of 100 people ,, but ,,, When we are hard, (1) ,, The corpse awaits us (family) ,, In the grave (alone) ,, Do not be surprised, this is Real-life ,,, useful Apparently that is just your prayer !! Jila Alquranmu dusty, then weep !! For he left to read the Koran 3 days berturut_turut, he has ignored the Koran ,,, ,, corpse corpse for the sake of death for the sake of death ,, like the sad news flashes lightning ,, Fulan hit by a car ,, Does anyone else due to illness, the others again fall when the morning ,, They leave the world behind their backs ,, We buried it underground ,, Surely, my time and your time will come. Then prepare lunch for the trip back Matchless this ,,, For those who postpone repentance krn reasons still small and young, funeral unwritten there "special parent" ... The world is just 3 days ... Yesterday: we have been through and not the back ,,, Today: we live and not the eternal ,,, Tomorrow: we never know where we are tomorrow ,,, So sorry, Relax dg sincere ,, (I), (you), (they ) Definitely go ........ Ya Allah ,, we beseech Thee khusnal khotimah, survived by entering SorgaMu and free dr hellfire !! My brother, the one who lives on top of something, he will be resurrected like it ... Whoever dies in the state of things, he will be raised like that ... If this treatise useful to you, may God fix your life, if you pass it, and the others take the benefits, then the multiple reward ,,, وذكر فإن الذكرى تنفع المؤمنين And keep alert, because it's actually useful warning to those who believe. I'm sorry if this bothers your day