2. Kegiatan kerja di Suriah
Semenjak revolusi pecah lalu hingga sekarang, berbagai faksi perlawanan telah berdiri, dengan berbagai perbedaan ideologi mereka. Ada FSA sebagai faksi tertua, dengan berbagai bagian-bagiannya (+coraknya). Ada Jabhah Islamiyah yang disebut sangat dekat dengan paham 'Salafi', atau secara spesifik ada nama besar Ahrar Syam, Jaisyul Islam, Asharusy Syam dll. Hingga Jabhah Nushrah yang merupakan anak ideologis Al-Qaeda di Suriah, yang mendapat label kelompok "teroris" oleh berbagai negara.
Mereka semua memiliki wilayah dikontrol secara de facto. Utamanya di 3 tiga provinsi, yaitu Idlib, Lattakia dan Aleppo. 3 Provinsi inilah kami banyak beroperasi.
MMS tidak berafiliasi dengan satupun kelompok tersebut, kami bersahabat dan bekerja sama dengan siapa saja, yaitu orang-orang baik yang sangat cinta pada agama Allah.
2. work Activities in SyriaSince the Revolution broke out and then up to now, the various factions of resistance have stood, with differences in their ideologies. There is the FSA as the oldest faction, with many parts (+ coraknya). There are Jabhah Islamiyah called very close to understand ' Salafi ', or specifically there are big name Ahrar sham, Sham Asharusy Jaisyul Islam, etc. Until Jabhah Nushrah ideological who were sons of Al-Qaeda in Syria, who got the label "terrorist" group by many countries.They all have the territory controlled de facto. Primarily in three provinces, namely 3 Idlib, Lattakia and Aleppo. 3 it is this Province we are operating.MMS is not affiliated with any of these groups, we are friends and work together with anyone, that the good people who are very in love with the religion of God.

2. Activities working in Syria
Since the revolution broke out and until now, various factions of the resistance has been established, with a variety of their ideological differences. There FSA as the oldest factions, with various parts (+ coraknya). There jabhah Islamiyah called very close to understanding 'Salafi', or the specifics of big-name Ahrar Sham, Jaisyul Islam, Asharusy Syam etc. Until jabhah ideological Nushrah which is a subsidiary of Al-Qaeda in Syria, which is labeled "terrorist" group by many countries.
They all have a territory controlled de facto. Mainly in three three provinces of Idlib, Lattakia and Aleppo. 3 This is our province a lot of operations.
MMS is not affiliated with any group, our friends and cooperate with anyone, the nice people who really love the religion of Allah.