The NPL in the top 5 percent, one Bank In Intensive Supervision OJK Illustration of the banking Illustration of the banking (Special) Bhima-the financial services authority (OJK) reveals today there is one bank that is in intensive surveillance due to the ratio of bad debt (non performing loan/NPL) of the bank in the top 5 percent. The bank's owners have also inject capital amounting to a ratio of capital adequacy (capital to adequacy ratio/CAR) above 11 percent fit the risk profile of the bank must be satisfied.Deputy Commissioner of Banking Supervisory Field OJK Irwan Lubis said currently there is one bank that is in a special supervision. According to him, the Bank in the public bank group's business activities (book) I or bank with core capital below Rp 1 trillion."There is one bank that is in intensive supervision, bank BOOK I," said Irwan on the sidelines of the launch of the program Conduct Clever in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara, Monday (8/6).Irwan explained the bank entered into intensive scrutiny because it has a non performing loan (NPL) nett above 5 percent impact on the ratio of capital adequacy (capital to adequacy ratio/CAR) down to slightly below the minimum CAR appropriate risk profile. "Yesterday the CAR his exposed due to the NPL, but they've been injecting capital of about Rp 100 billion demand OJK," bright he is.After the capital was injected, according to him, the CAR was already in the top of the capital adequacy ratio is appropriate risk profile after roughly 11 percent.Meanwhile, according to Irwan, PT Bank Mutiara, Tbk (formerly Bank Century) who had previously been in intensive supervision are now no longer in the intensive supervision.Irwan explained, it also lowered the rating of bank health due to spiralling NPL. But this time, the majority of banks are in the ranking of health or composite 2.