After disholatkan in mushollah Al-Hidayah, in Kebraon Tegal RT 02 RW 1, Surabaya. Ucok bodies (AKA) Harahap carried towards a common tomb, followed by his wife, children, family, fellow artists and locals. Right after the call to prayer sounded Azhar, Thursday, December 3, 2009 the bodies derived keliang grave to be buried. Precisely in the common grave of Kebraon Tegal, Surabaya. sebelummnya, strung in the speech mentioned Ucok meningkalkan a wife, Sri Hartini and seven children. Then, in turn, the wife Ucok, Sri Hartini gave a speech on behalf of the family. He thanked the board and the villagers who received him very well. Then, speech on behalf of the artist conducted by Syech Abidin (AKA group). With short sentences, penggebug drum in the AKA group asked all present and forgiving sin and make mistakes deceased. And asked for prayer to be accepted deeds with Allah. "He is a great musician, a true artist who delivered many works of art in music. We are all colleagues sincere artist, hopefully accepted his side," said Abidin Syech short. It appears on the right and left Syeh Abidin AKA is the strengthening of personnel. There Arthur Kaunang holders bass, Sunata Cape (guitar), there is also Achmad Albar (which is incorporated by Duo Kribo). They appear to pay their last respects, bowed by mouth to recite the prayer. The rest, Arthur Kaunang, father of artist Tessa Kaunang Ucok Harahap stated that the figure is appropriate given the honor, because as the legendary musicians who participated carve art scene in Indonesia. Arthur admitted in his musical journey Ucok very plays a major role in bringing up the music group that originated in Pharmacies Kaliasin in Surabaya, which is then used abbreviated name of grub (AKA). In, Ucok tomb, looking fellow artist dijamannya it continues to pray observe gravediggers closed the tomb with a hoe. Then, each sequential few people clenched handful of soil attached at the tomb mound. While sowing flower funeral gravestone reads Andalas Datuk Oloan Ucok Harahap.