Tinggalkan Jejak Panjang
Duo KriboDuo KriboDuo Kribo, boleh dibilang, menjadi ujung dari kesuluruhan puncak karir Ucok Harahap. Usai itu, memasuki era 1980-an ke atas, pamornya terus meredup. Memang, sempat juga ia membentuk Warrock Power Band hingga Coksvanska (yang mencampurkan unsur rock dan jazz), namun kandas meraih popularitas.
Keinginan para personil AKA untuk sekadar bernostalgia dalam dunia rekaman dengan melahirkan album Puber Kedua (1997) – yang menyelipkan beberapa nomor hits mereka semasa di AKA – pun gagal meraih simpati publik.
Alhasil, Ucok harus menghadapi berbagai kenyataan hidup yang tak selamanya manis. Kawin-cerai dengan isteri-isterinya (tercatat Ucok menikah sembilan kali, memiliki 8 anak dan 14 cucu), serta berpindah-pindah pekerjaan; mulai dari penata ilustrasi musik untuk berbagai film, pengurus PARFI, membuka usaha batako, bahkan menjadi paranormal!
Profesi terakhir itu boleh dibilang sebagai ”satir” untuk mengimbangi rekan-rekannya di AKA yang juga telah alih profesi: Arthur Kaunang bermain musik untuk Tuhan, Sonata Tandjung jadi pendeta, dan Sjech Abidin menjadi ustadz. Jika kemudian Ucok memilih jadi paranormal, alasannya sederhana: untuk menjadi ustadz atau pendeta perlu sekolah, tapi paranormal tidak; padahal semuanya sama-sama memiliki niat untuk menolong orang.
Leave A Long TrailDuo KriboDuo KriboDuo Frizzy, arguably, be the end of a career peak whilst Ucok Harahap. After that, it entered the era of the 1980s to the top, pamornya is constantly dimming. Indeed, he also briefly formed a Band to Power Coksvanska Warrock (which mixes elements of rock and jazz), but ran aground to popularity.The desire of the personnel AKA to simply reminisce in the world of recording a second album with Puber (1997) – slip a couple of their hits during number AKA – pun failed to grab the public sympathy.As a result, Ucok must face various fact of life that is not forever. Mating with his wives divorcees-(recorded Ucok married nine times, had eight children and 14 grandchildren), and sedentary work; starting from stylist illustration music for various films, caretaker PARFI, opened the brick making, even into the paranormal!It was arguably the last profession as "satire" to compensate for his colleagues in the AKA who also has control of the profession: Arthur Kaunang playing music for God, Sonata Tandjung so Reverend, and Sjech Abidin became ije. If then Ucok chose so paranormal, the reason is simple: to be a preacher or school need tags, but not the paranormal; but they all share the desire to help people.

Leave Traces Long Duo KriboDuo KriboDuo Kribo, arguably, be the tip of the peak of his career kesuluruhan Ucok Harahap. After that, enter the era of the 1980s to the above, the prestige continues to fade. Indeed, he had also formed Warrock Power Band to Coksvanska (which mixes elements of rock and jazz), but fail to gain popularity. Desire AKA personnel to simply reminisce in the world recording the album spawned Puber Second (1997) - which slipped a few number of their hits during at AKA - also failed to win public sympathy. As a result, Ucok must deal with the reality of life is not always sweet. Divorce with his wives (recorded Ucok married nine times, had eight children and 14 grandchildren), and sedentary work; ranging from stylist illustration music for various films, board PARFI, open businesses adobe, even be psychic! Last Profession was arguably as "satire" to compensate for his colleagues at AKA who also had over the profession: Arthur Kaunang playing music for the Lord, Sonata Tandjung become a minister, and Sjech Abidin became chaplain. If then Ucok choose to be paranormal, the reason is simple: to be a chaplain or pastor needs to school, but not psychic; whereas all equally have the intention to help people.