Can not doubt that Siksakubur is a name of maestro Death Metal Indonesia which has successfully penetrated struggle loud music, not just nationally, but also internationally. Released six albums in the 12 years since the release of The Carnage in 2000. Now, Siksakubur back shows through the release of evidence discography 7th in mid-2014. The album, entitled VII / Seventh launched right on the mat Hammersonic 2014 event in Jakarta on April 29, 2014 last. Large-scale events such as Hammersonic be appropriate venue also for Siksakubur to introduce their umpteenth masterpiece it. After the huge success in 2012 and then along St. Kristo, with its booming single carrion bird, this time followed by formation changes in the position of vocalist and additional personnel in the bass position, Siksakubur presenting 10 tracks concoction Andre, et al and one cover track of Necrodeath entitled Choose Your Death. Another thing that is different to the album VII / Seventh is Siksakubur try to perform independently by accentuating the independent side of yourself, seen from the release of the album was handled by Siksakubur along with management, with calling themselves the Podium Music. Unlike the previous album released by Rottrevore Records label. VII / Seventh is one of Death Metal album very awaited by metalhead in the 2014's, including my own. Far-distant days before the contents of listening directly VII / Seventh, I had to guess what happens next album this Siksakubur 7. But in fact, all that is played beyond my expectations. What I have heard is works with a value that is almost close to perfect. Each groove the music has been arranged in neat, and the instruments to flow quickly. The new vocalist sound character, Rudy, sounding loud and very fit with the type of music being offered. Rudy's presence changed the character of the previous vocalist on the album St. Kristo. The noise was opened by a track titled Cruel. Siksakubur immediately alert ... (Read more via: